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A Tudóstér funkcióinak nagy része bejelentkezés nélkül is elérhető. Bejelentkezésre az alábbi műveletekhez van szükség:
Debreceni Egyetem. Általános Orvostudományi Kar. Biokémiai és Molekuláris Biológiai Intézet. Genomi Medicina és Bioinformatikai Szolgáltató Laboratórium / University of Debrecen. Faculty of Medicine. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Genomic Medicine and Bioinformatic Core Facility
Hartmann, B.,
Hartmann, B.,
Bálint, B. L.,
Bálint, E.,
Kovács, E.,
Kovács, K. E.,
Lipták, K. E.,
Lipták, K.,
Máté, K.,
Máté, Á.,
Wilhelm, Á.,
Wilhelm, I.,
Zsidó, N. I.,
Zsidó, N. A.:
Az ösztöndíjak és támogatások szerepe a fiatal kutatói életpálya során = The Role of Scholarships and Grants in the Career of Young Researchers.
Ma.Tud. 184 (12), 1566-1574, 2023.
Hsu, V. M.,
Kozák, E.,
Li, Q.,
Bocskai, M.,
Schlesinger, N.,
Rosenthal, A.,
McClure, S. T.,
Kovács, L.,
Bálint, B. L.,
Szamosi, S.,
Szűcs, G.,
Carns, M.,
Aren, K.,
Goldberg, I.,
Váradi, A.,
Varga, J.:
Inorganic pyrophosphate is reduced in patients with systemic sclerosis.
Rheumatol. 61 (3), 1158-1165, 2022.
Mahdi, M.,
Hermán, L.,
Réthelyi, J.,
Bálint, B. L.:
Potential Role of the Antidepressants Fluoxetine and Fluvoxamine in the Treatment of COVID-19.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23 (7), 1-21, 2022.
Gargya, P.,
Bálint, B. L.:
Histological Grade of Endometrioid Endometrial Cancer and Relapse Risk Can Be Predicted with Machine Learning from Gene Expression Data.
Cancers (Basel). 13 (17), 1-16, 2021.
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
Gurwitz, K. T.,
Singh Gaur, P.,
Bellis, L. J.,
Larcombe, L.,
Alloza, E.,
Bálint, B. L.,
Botzki, A.,
Dimec, J.,
Dominguez del Angel, V.,
Fernandes, P. L.,
Korpelainen, E.,
Krause, R.,
Kuzak, M.,
Le Pera, L.,
Leskošek, B.,
Lindvall, J. M.,
Marek, D.,
Martinez, P. A.,
Muyldermans, T.,
Nygård, S.,
Palagi, P. M.,
Peterson, H.,
Psomopoulos, F.,
Spiwok, V.,
van Gelder, C. W. G.,
Via, A.,
Vidak, M.,
Wibberg, D.,
Morgan, S. L.,
Rustici, G.:
A framework to assess the quality and impact of bioinformatics training across ELIXIR.
PLoS Comput Biol. 16 (7), 1-12, 2020.
Mokánszki, A.,
Molnár, Z.,
Tóthné Varga, E.,
Bodnár, B.,
Jakab, A.,
Bálint, B. L.,
Balogh, I.:
Altered microRNAs expression levels of sperm and seminal plasma in patients with infertile ejaculates compared with normozoospermic males.
Hum. Fertil. (Camb). 23 (4), 246-255, 2020.
Bojcsuk, D.,
Nagy, G.,
Bálint, B. L.:
Alternatively Constructed Estrogen Receptor Alpha-Driven Super-Enhancers Result in Similar Gene Expression in Breast and Endometrial Cell Lines.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21, 1-18, 2020.
Bálint, B. L.,
Scholtz, B.:
Bioinformatika-oktatás élettudományi hallgatók részére a Galaxy-platform segítségével = Teaching Bioinformatics for Students of Life Science on the Galaxy Platform.
Magy. tud. 181 (1), 116-120, 2020.
Gál, Z.,
Gézsi, A.,
Molnár, V.,
Nagy, A.,
Kiss, A.,
Sultész, M.,
Csoma, Z.,
Tamási, L.,
Gálffy, G.,
Bálint, B. L.,
Póliska, S.,
Szalai, C.:
Corrigendum: Investigation of the Possible Role of Tie2 Pathway and TEK Gene in Asthma and Allergic Conjunctivitis.
Front Genet. 11, 702, 2020.
Divoux, A.,
Sándor, K.,
Bojcsuk, D.,
Yi, F.,
Hopf, M. E.,
Smith, J. S.,
Bálint, B. L.,
Osborne, T. F.,
Smith, S. R.:
Fat Distribution in Women Is Associated With Depot-Specific Transcriptomic Signatures and Chromatin Structure.
J. Endocr. Soc. 4 (6), 1-23, 2020.
Gál, Z.,
Gézsi, A.,
Molnár, V.,
Nagy, A.,
Kiss, A.,
Sultész, M.,
Csoma, Z.,
Tamási, L.,
Gálffy, G.,
Bálint, B. L.,
Póliska, S.,
Szalai, C.:
Investigation of the Possible Role of Tie2 Pathway and TEK Gene in Asthma and Allergic Conjunctivitis.
Front Genet. 11, 1-10, 2020.
Erdős, E.,
Bálint, B. L.:
NR2F2 Orphan Nuclear Receptor is Involved in Estrogen Receptor Alpha-Mediated Transcriptional Regulation in Luminal-A Breast Cancer Cells.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21 (6), 1-15, 2020.
Bojcsuk, D.,
Bálint, B. L.:
Classification of different types of estrogen receptor alpha binding sites in MCF-7 cells.
J. Biotechnol. 299, 13-20, 2019.
Erdős, E.,
Bálint, B. L.:
COUP-TFII is a modulator of cell-type-specific genetic programs based on genomic localization maps.
J. Biotechnol. 301, 11-17, 2019.
Ozgyin, L.,
Horváth, A.,
Hevessy, Z.,
Bálint, B. L.:
Extensive epigenetic and transcriptomic variability between genetically identical human B-lymphoblastoid cells with implications in pharmacogenomics research.
Sci Rep. 9, 1-16, 2019.
Divoux, A.,
Sándor, K.,
Bojcsuk, D.,
Talukder, A.,
Li, X.,
Bálint, B. L.,
Osborne, T. F.,
Smith, S. R.:
Differential open chromatin profile and transcriptomic signature define depot-specific human subcutaneous preadipocytes: primary outcomes.
Clin Epigenet. 10 (1), 1-15, 2018.
Ozgyin, L.,
Horváth, A.,
Bálint, B. L.:
Lyophilized human cells stored at room temperature preserve multiple RNA species at excellent quality for RNA sequencing.
Oncotarget. 9 (59), 31312-31329, 2018.