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A Tudóstér funkcióinak nagy része bejelentkezés nélkül is elérhető. Bejelentkezésre az alábbi műveletekhez van szükség:
Mészár, Z. M.,
Erdei, V.,
Szűcs, P.,
Varga, A.:
Epigenetic Regulation and Molecular Mechanisms of Burn Injury-Induced Nociception in the Spinal Cord of Mice.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25 (15), 1-24, (cikkazonosító: 8510), 2024.
Luz, L. L.,
Lima, S.,
Fernandes, E. C.,
Kókai, É.,
Gömöri, L.,
Szűcs, P.,
Safronov, B. V.:
Contralateral Afferent Input to Lumbar Lamina I Neurons as a Neural Substrate for Mirror-Image Pain.
J. Neurosci. 43 (18), 3245-3258, 2023.
Fernandes, E. C.,
Carlos, F. J.,
Luz, L. L.,
Kókai, É.,
Mészár, Z. M.,
Szűcs, P.,
Safronov, B. V.:
Processing of trigeminocervical nociceptive afferent input by neuronal circuity in the upper cervical lamina I.
Pain. 163 (2), 362-375, 2022.
Kókai, É.,
Luz, L. L.,
Fernandes, E. C.,
Safronov, B. V.,
Poisbeau, P.,
Szűcs, P.:
Quantitative spatial analysis reveals that the local axons of lamina I projection neurons and interneurons exhibit distributions that predict distinct roles in spinal sensory processing.
J. Comp. Neurol. 530 (18), 3270-3287, 2022.
Ducza, L.,
Szűcs, P.,
Hegedűs, K.,
Bakk, E.,
Gajtkó, A.,
Wéber, I.,
Holló, K.:
NLRP2 Is Overexpressed in Spinal Astrocytes at the Peak of Mechanical Pain Sensitivity during Complete Freund Adjuvant-Induced Persistent Pain.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22 (21), 11408, 2021.
Varga, A.,
Mészár, Z. M.,
Sivadó, M.,
Bácskai, T.,
Végh, B.,
Kókai, É.,
Nagy, I.,
Szűcs, P.:
Spinal Excitatory Dynorphinergic Interneurons Contribute to Burn Injury-Induced Nociception Mediated by Phosphorylated Histone 3 at Serine 10 in Rodents.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22 (5), 1-28, 2021.
Papp, R.,
Nagaraj, C.,
Zabini, D.,
Nagy, B. M.,
Lengyel, M.,
Skofic Maurer, D.,
Sharma, N.,
Egemnazarov, B.,
Kovács, G.,
Kwapiszewska, G.,
Marsh, L. M.,
Hrzenjak, A.,
Höfler, G.,
Didiasova, M.,
Wygrecka, M.,
Sievers, L. K.,
Szűcs, P.,
Enyedi, P.,
Ghanim, B.,
Klepetko, W.,
Olschewski, H.,
Olschewski, A.:
Targeting TMEM16A to reverse vasoconstriction and remodelling in idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Eur. Resp. J. 53 (6), 1-13, 2019.
Luz, L. L.,
Fernandes, E. C.,
Dora, F.,
Lukoyanov, N. V.,
Szűcs, P.,
Safronov, B. V.:
Trigeminal A[delta]- and C-afferent supply of lamina I neurons in the trigeminocervical complex.
Pain. 160 (11), 2612-2623, 2019.
Fernandes, E. C.,
Santos, I. C.,
Kókai, É.,
Luz, L. L.,
Szűcs, P.,
Safronov, B. V.:
Low- and high-threshold primary afferent inputs to spinal lamina III antenna-type neurons.
Pain. 159 (11), 2214-2222, 2018.
Conde-Sousa, E.,
Szűcs, P.,
Peng, H.,
Aguiar, P.:
N3DFix: an Algorithm for Automatic Removal of Swelling Artifacts in Neuronal Reconstructions.
Neuroinformatics. 15 (1), 5-12, 2017.
Torres-Pérez, J. V.,
Sántha, P.,
Varga, A.,
Szűcs, P.,
Suosa-Valente, J.,
Gaál, B. Á.,
Sivadó, M.,
Andreou, A. P.,
Beattie, S.,
Nagy, B.,
Matesz, K.,
C. Arthur, J. S.,
Jancsó, G.,
Nagy, I.:
Phosphorylated Histone 3 at Serine 10 Identifies Activated Spinal Neurons and Contributes to the Development of Tissue Injury-Associated Pain.
Sci Rep. 7 (41221), 1-17, 2017.
Fernandes, E. C.,
Luz, L. L.,
Mytakhir, O.,
Lukoyanov, N. V.,
Szűcs, P.,
Safronov, B. V.:
Diverse firing properties and A beta-, A delta-, and C-afferent inputs of small local circuit neurons in spinal lamina I.
Pain. 157 (2), 475-487, 2016.
Antal, Z.,
Luz, L. L.,
Safronov, B. V.,
Antal, M.,
Szűcs, P.:
Neurons in the lateral part of the lumbar spinal cord show distinct novel axon trajectories and are excited by short propriospinal ascending inputs.
Brain Struct. Funct. 221 (4), 2343-2360, 2016.