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A Tudóstér funkcióinak nagy része bejelentkezés nélkül is elérhető. Bejelentkezésre az alábbi műveletekhez van szükség:
Szabó, C.,
Ortega, A. D. S. V.,
Lugata, J. K.,
Kasza, R.,
Czakó, G.,
Gaál, B. Á.,
Ducza, L.,
Czeglédi, L.,
Csernus, B.:
Effects of different supplements in diets for primiparous sows on piglets` intestinal morphology.
In: 32nd International Symposium Animal Science Days : Book of Abstracts. Szerk.: Birgit Fürst-Waltl, Sarah-Joe Burn, Johann Sölkner, Werner Zollitsch, Unversität für Bodenkultur Wien, Wien, 30, 2024. ISBN: 9783900397159
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
Chemistry (miscellaneous)
Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
Ritok, A.,
Kiss, P.,
Zaher, A.,
Wolf, E.,
Ducza, L.,
Bácskai, T.,
Matesz, K.,
Gaál, B. Á.:
Distribution and postnatal development of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in the perineuronal nets of cholinergic motoneurons innervating extraocular muscles.
Sci. Rep. 12 (1), 1-14, 2022.
Magyar, Á.,
Rácz, É.,
Matesz, K.,
Wolf, E.,
Kiss, P.,
Gaál, B. Á.:
Lesion-induced changes of brevican expression in the perineuronal net of the superior vestibular nucleus.
Neural Regen. Res. 17 (3), 649-654, 2022.
Hunyadi, A.,
Gaál, B. Á.,
Matesz, K.,
Mészár, Z. M.,
Morawski, M.,
Reimann, K.,
Lendvai, D.,
Alpár, A.,
Wéber, I.,
Rácz, É.:
Distribution and classification of the extracellular matrix in the olfactory bulb.
Brain Struct. Funct. 225 (1), 321-344, 2019.
Szarvas, D.,
Gaál, B. Á.,
Matesz, K.,
Rácz, É.:
Distribution of the Extracellular Matrix in the Pararubral Area of the Rat.
Neuroscience. 394, 177-188, 2018.
Torres-Pérez, J. V.,
Sántha, P.,
Varga, A.,
Szűcs, P.,
Suosa-Valente, J.,
Gaál, B. Á.,
Sivadó, M.,
Andreou, A. P.,
Beattie, S.,
Nagy, B.,
Matesz, K.,
C. Arthur, J. S.,
Jancsó, G.,
Nagy, I.:
Phosphorylated Histone 3 at Serine 10 Identifies Activated Spinal Neurons and Contributes to the Development of Tissue Injury-Associated Pain.
Sci Rep. 7 (41221), 1-17, 2017.
Rácz, É.,
Gaál, B. Á.,
Matesz, K.:
Heterogeneous expression of extracellular matrix molecules in the red nucleus of the rat.
Neuroscience. 322, 1-17, 2016.
Kecskés, S.,
Matesz, K.,
Gaál, B. Á.,
Birinyi, A.:
Neural circuits underlying tongue movements for the prey-catching behavior in frog: distribution of primary afferent terminals on motoneurons supplying the tongue.
Brain Struct. Funct. 221 (3), 1533-1553, 2016.
Gaál, B. Á.,
Jóhannesson, E. Ö.,
Dattani, A.,
Magyar, Á.,
Wéber, I.,
Matesz, K.:
Modification of tenascin-R expression following unilateral labyrinthectomy in rats indicates its possible role in neural plasticity of the vestibular neural circuit.
Neural Regen Res. 10 (9), 1463-1470, 2015.
Gaál, B. Á.,
Kecskés, S.,
Matesz, K.,
Birinyi, A.,
Hunyadi, A.,
Rácz, É.:
Molecular composition and expression pattern of the extracellular matrix in a mossy fiber-generating precerebellar nucleus of rat, the prepositus hypoglossi.
Neurosci. Lett. 594, 122-126, 2015.
Gaál, B. Á.,
Rácz, É.,
Juhász, T.,
Holló, K.,
Matesz, K.:
Distribution of extracellular matrix macromolecules in the vestibular nuclei and cerebellum of the frog, Rana esculenta.
Neuroscience. 258, 162-173, 2014.
Rácz, É.,
Gaál, B. Á.,
Kecskés, S.,
Matesz, K.:
Molecular composition of extracellular matrix in the vestibular nuclei of the rat.
Brain Struct. Funct. 219 (4), 1385-1403, 2014.
Deák, Á.,
Bácskai, T.,
Gaál, B. Á.,
Rácz, É.,
Matesz, K.:
Effect of unilateral labyrinthectomy on the molecular composition of perineuronal nets in the lateral vestibular nucleus of the rat.
Neurosci. Lett. 513 (1), 1-5, 2012.