Nagy Adrián Szilárd

Nagy Adrián Szilárd

Publication list

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Publications in DEA:
Date range:
Nagy, A. S., Tumiwa, J. R., Arie, F. V., Erdey, L., Alsoud, A. R., Al-Dalahmeh, M.: A Meta-Analysis of the Impact of TOE Adoption on Smart Agriculture SMEs Performance.
PLoS One. 20 (2), 1-23, (article identifier: 0310105), 2025.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Multidisciplinary (2023)
Nagy, A. S., Tumiwa, J. R., Arie, F. V., Erdey, L.: An exploratory study of artificial intelligence adoption in higher education.
Cogent Educ. 11 (1), 1-15, (article identifier: 2386892), 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Education (2023)
Harsányi, E., Mirzaei, M., Arshad, S., Alsilibe, F., Vad, A., Nagy, A. S., Rátonyi, T., Gorkom, G. V., Al-Dalahmeh, M., Mohammed, S.: Assessment of Advanced Machine and Deep Learning Approaches for Predicting CO2 Emissions from Agricultural Lands: Insights Across Diverse Agroclimatic Zones.
Earth Syst. Environ. [Epub ahead of print], 1-17, 2024.
Journal metrics:
D1 Computers in Earth Sciences (2023)
Q1 Global and Planetary Change (2023)
D1 Geology (2023)
Q1 Economic Geology (2023)
D1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (2023)
Troitsky, M., Gabnai, Z., Nagy, A. S.: Az egyetemi hallgatók vállalkozási hajlandósága és motivációi.
Economica. 15 (3-4), 90-102, 2024.
Igbeghe, C. B., Nagy, A. S., Gabnai, Z., Bai, A.: Exploring Biomass Linkages in the Food and Energy Market: A Systematic Review.
Energies. 17 (3), 1-19, (article identifier: 563), 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Control and Optimization (2023)
Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2023)
Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (2023)
Q2 Energy (miscellaneous) (2023)
Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous) (2023)
Q2 Fuel Technology (2023)
Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (2023)
Nagy, P., Nagy, A. S.: SLR about the costs of private blockchain technology for businesses.
Economica. 15 (3-4), 22-34, 2024.
Erdey, L., Laisha, L., Nagy, A. S.: The Nonlinear Relationship between Digital Affordances and Firm-level Export Performance: The Moderating Role of Organizational Ambidexterity.
MDE Manage Decis Econ. [accepted for publication], 1-21, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Business and International Management (2023)
Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation (2023)
Q2 Management Science and Operations Research (2023)
Q2 Strategy and Management (2023)
Nagy, P., Vezendi, L., Tóth, B., Nagy, A. S.: Work-related perspectives of freshman students at University of Debrecen Hungary.
REV CUBA EDUC SUPER. 43, 205-220, 2024.
Marczin, T., Kovács, K., Nagy, A. S., Vida, V.: A sertéságazat helyzetének bemutatása (jövedelmezőség, hatékonyság).
Gazdálkodás. 67 (3), 226-246, 2023.
Bai, A., Balogh, P., Nagy, A. S., Csedő, Z., Sinóros-Szabó, B., Pintér, G., Prajapati, S. K., Singh, A., Gabnai, Z.: Economic Evaluation of a 1 MWel capacity Power-to-Biomethane system.
Energies. 16 (24), 1-27, (article identifier: 8009), 2023.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Control and Optimization
Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology
Q2 Energy (miscellaneous)
Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous)
Q2 Fuel Technology
Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
Arie, F. V., Nagy, A. S.: Emerging Automotive Sector in Hungary: A Comparative Study.
Glob Acad J Econ Buss. 5 (4), 60-66, 2023.
Arie, F. V., Nagy, A. S.: Impact of Six Sigma on tourism industries performance in Indonesia: evidence from structural equation model.
Anal. Univ. Oradea. Stiint. Econ. 32 (1), 33-42, 2023.
Nagy, A. S., Arie, F. V.: Panel estimating exports and imports of the automotive industry on economic growth: evidence of Austria, Hungary, and Romania.
Netw. Intell. Stud. 11 (22), 137-146, 2023.
Arie, F. V., Nagy, A. S.: Sustainability of independent campus policy in Indonesia: is higher education more efficient and effective?.
In: EDULEARN23 : 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies : Conference Proceedings. Szerk.: Luis Gómez Chova, Chelo González Martínez, Joanna Lees, International Academy of Technology, Education and Development, Valencia, 293-300, 2023.
Kovács, T. Z., Nábrádi, A., Tóth, S., Huzsvai, L., Nagy, A. S., Bittner, B.: Sustainable public transportation in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (VUCA) age.
Sustainability. 15 (21), 1-15, (article identifier: 15310), 2023.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Computer Networks and Communications
Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology
Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
Q1 Geography, Planning and Development
Q2 Hardware and Architecture
Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law
Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
Bittner, B., Hajdu, C. A., Kovács, T. Z., Nagy, A. S.: Személyszállítás fogyasztói megítélése - esettanulmány Debrecen városában.
Logiszt. trendek legjobb gyak. 9 (1), 35-40, 2023.
Bittner, B., Madai, H., Nagy, A. S., Nábrádi, A.: A stratégiai tervezés XXI. századi gyakorlata.
Partiumi Keresztény Egyetem, Nagyvárad, 174 p., 2022.
Nagy, A. S., Bittner, B., Tuegeh, O. D. M., Tumiwa, J. R.: Augmented reality improving consumer choice confidence during COVID-19.
Issues in Information Systems. 23 (2), 294-309, 2022.
Kovács, T. Z., Bittner, B., Nagy, A. S., Nábrádi, A.: Digital Transformation of Human Capital in the EU According to the DESI Index.
Issues in Information Systems. 23 (4), 293-311, 2022.
Tóth, S., Bittner, B., Kovács, T. Z., Nagy, A. S.: Digital Transformation Possibilities in Public Transportation in Debrecen.
Issues in Information Systems. 22 (3), 305-319, 2022.
Vida, V., Kovács, T. Z., Nagy, A. S., Madai, H., Bittner, B.: Food waste in EU countries.
Apstract. 16 (2), 1-10, 2022.
Nagy, A. S., Tóth, S., Bognár, I., David, F. R.: Industry 4.0 and Innovation.
Int. Sci. J. Innov. 10 (1), 3-5, 2022.
Molnár, D., Molnár, D., Nagy, A. S.: Tavaszi Szél 2022 / Spring Wind 2022 Tanulmánykötet I..
Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége (DOSZ), Budapest, 532 p., 2022. ISBN: 9786156457134
Molnár, D., Molnár, D., Nagy, A. S.: Tavaszi Szél 2022 / Spring Wind 2022 Tanulmánykötet II..
Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége (DOSZ), Budapest, 584 p., 2022. ISBN: 9786156457134
Tumiwa, J. R., Tuegeh, O. D. M., Bittner, B., Nagy, A. S.: The challenges to developing smart agricultural village in the industrial revolution 4.0..
Torun International Studies. 1 (15), 25-45, 2022.
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