David, Forest Redwan

David, Forest Redwan

Publication list

Nagy, A. S., Tóth, S., Bognár, I., David, F. R.: Industry 4.0 and Innovation.
Int. Sci. J. Innov. 10 (1), 3-5, 2022.
Kovács, T. Z., David, F. R., Nagy, A. S., Nábrádi, A.: An analysis of the demand-side, platform-based collaborative economy: Creation of a clear classification taxonomy.
Sustainability. 13 (5), 1-20, 2021.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology
Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
Q1 Geography, Planning and Development
Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law
Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
David, F. R., David, M. E., David, F. R.: A New and Improved Organizational Structure Decision-Making Model.
SAM Advanced Management Journal. "Accepted by Publisher" (86), 1-22, 2021.
David, M. E., David, F. R., David, F. R.: Closing the Gap between Graduates' Skills and Employers' Requirements: A Focus on the Strategic Management Capstone Business Course.
Administrative Sciences. 11 (1), 10-26, 2021.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous)
Kovács, T. Z., Bittner, B., David, F. R., Nábrádi, A.: Examination of digitalization in Hungarian and Romanian companies.
Ann. Univ. Oradea. Econ. Scien. 30 (1), 114-120, 2021.
David, F. R., Bittner, B., Kovács, T. Z., Madai, H., Nagy, A. S., Nábrádi, A.: Latest Trends and New Tools Being Used in Strategic Management.
Int. J. Eng. Manag. Sci. 6 (1), 73-85, 2021.
Madai, H., Bittner, B., David, F. R., Kovács, T. Z., Nagy, A. S., Nábrádi, A.: Stratégiát megalapozó elemzésék gyakorlati alkalmazása.
Int. J. Eng. Manag. Sci. 6 (1), 59-72, 2021.
David, F. R.: Analysis of vision and mission statements characteristics and their association with organizational performance: a guide to writing effective vision and mission statements.
Apstract. 14 (1-2), 87-95, 2020.
David, F. R.: Analyzing Croatian and Hungarian vision and mission statements in the agribusiness sector.
In: Conference proceedings of the International Conference on the Economics of the Decoupling (ICED). Ed.: Gordan Družić, Tomislav Gelo, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb, 487-500, 2020. ISBN: 9789533473376
David, F. R., Kovács, T. Z.: An Improved Approach for Strategic Planning for Small European Agribusinesses: Perform EFE, IFE, and SWOT Analyses Using AQCD Factors.
In: Sustainable agriculture and ruraldevelopment in terms of the Republic of Serbia strategic goals realization within the Danube region : Science and practice in the service of agriculture : Thematic proceedings. Ed.: Jonel Subić, Marko Jeločnik, Jean Vasile Andrei, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, 209-226, 2020. ISBN: 9788662690821
David, F. R., David, M. E., David, F. R.: Business Curricula: Coverage of Employability Skills in a Strategic Management Course.
SAM Advanced Management Journal. 85 (1), 54-65, 2020.
Kovács, T. Z., David, F. R., Kovács, K., Popovics, P. A., Nábrádi, A.: Collaborative economy and its awareness in Visegrad Group Countries and within the European Union.
Issues in Information Systems. 21 (1), 153-166, 2020.
David, F. R., David, F. R., Kovács, T. Z., Nábrádi, A.: Emerging trends in strategic planning.
Apstract. 14 (1-2), 23-31, 2020.
David, F. R., Kovács, T. Z.: Introducing QSPM Analysis to Agribusiness Firms.
In: 55th Croatian & 15th International Symposium on Agricultur : Proceedings. Ed.: Boro Mioč, Ivan Širić, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb, 158-161, 2020, (ISSN 2459-5543)
David, F. R., Creek, S. A., David, F. R.: What is the Key to Effective SWOT Analysis, Including A Q C D Factors.
SAM Advanced Management Journal. 84 (1), 25-35, 2019.
David, F. R., David, F. R.: Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases.
Pearson Education Limited, Essex, 688 p., 2017. ISBN: 9781292148496
David, F. R., David, M. E., David, F. R.: The Integration of Marketing Concepts in Strategic-Management Courses: An Empirical Analysis.
SAM Advanced Management Journal. 82 (1), 26-47, 2017.
David, M. E., David, F. R., David, F. R.: The quantitative strategic planning matrix: a new marketing tool.
J. Strat. Mark. 25 (4), 342-352, 2016.
Journal metrics:
Q3 Marketing
Q2 Strategy and Management
David, F. R., David, F. R.: Comparing Management Curricula With Management Practice.
SAM Advanced Management Journal. 76 (3), 48-55, 2011.
David, F. R., David, M. E., David, F. R.: What are business schools doing for business today?.
Business Horizons. 54 (1), 51-62, 2011.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Marketing
Q1 Business and International Management
David, M. E., David, F. R., David, F. R.: The quantitative strategic planning matrix (QSPM) applied to a retail computer store.
The Coastal Business Journal. 8 (1), 42-52, 2009.
David, F. R., David, F. R.: It's time to redraft your mission statement.
J Bus Strategy. 24 (1), 11-14, 2003.
Journal metrics:
Q3 Management Information Systems
Q3 Strategy and Management
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© 2012 University of Debrecen