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A Tudóstér funkcióinak nagy része bejelentkezés nélkül is elérhető. Bejelentkezésre az alábbi műveletekhez van szükség:
Mótyán, J. A.,
Veres, Á.,
Tőzsér, J.:
Characterization of the E26H Mutant Schistosoma japonicum Glutathione S-Transferase.
Proteins. [Epub ahead of print], 2025.
Hoffka, G.,
Mhana, S.,
Vas, M.,
Toldi, V.,
Mótyán, J. A.,
Tőzsér, J.,
Szabó, A.:
Modeling protease-sensitive human pancreatic lipase mutations in the mouse ortholog.
J. Biol. Chem. 300 (10), 1-13, (cikkazonosító: 107763), 2024.
Golda, M.,
Hoffka, G.,
Cherry, S.,
Tropea, J. E.,
Lountos, G. T.,
Waugh, D. S.,
Wlodawer, A.,
Tőzsér, J.,
Mótyán, J. A.:
P1' specificity of the S219V/R203G mutant tobacco etch virus protease.
Proteins. 92 (9), 1085-1096, 2024.
Ghani, M.,
Szabó, B.,
Alkhatibe, M.,
Amsalu, H.,
Zohar, P.,
Janka, E. A.,
Mótyán, J. A.,
Tar, K.:
Serine 39 in the GTP-binding domain of Drp1 is involved in shaping mitochondrial morphology.
FEBS Open Bio. 14 (7), 1147-1165, 2024.
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
Fehér, E.,
Kaszab, E.,
Mótyán, J. A.,
Máté, D.,
Bali, K.,
Hoitsy, M.,
Sós, E.,
Jakab, F.,
Bányai, K.:
Structural similarity of human papillomavirus E4 and polyomaviral VP4 exhibited by genomic analysis of the common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) polyomavirus.
Vet. Res. Commun. 48 (1), 309-315, 2024.
Bodnár, M.,
Fazekas, E.,
Nagy, T.,
Miltner, N.,
Kalló, G.,
Kerekes, K.,
Prépost, E.,
Mótyán, J. A.:
Synthesis of Galacto-oligosaccharides in Milk by Using Bifidobacterium bifidum β-galactosidases (Saphera 2600L and Nola Fit 5500) Immobilized on Chitosan Beads.
Food Bioprocess Technol. 17 (7), 1-20, 2024.
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Process Chemistry and Technology
Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
Mótyán, J. A.,
Tőzsér, J.:
The human retroviral-like aspartic protease 1 (ASPRV1): from in vitro studies to clinical correlations.
J. Biol. Chem. 300 (9), 1-16, (cikkazonosító: 107634), 2024.
Hoffka, G.,
Lountos, G. T.,
Needle, D.,
Wlodawer, A.,
Waugh, D. S.,
Tőzsér, J.,
Mótyán, J. A.:
Self-inhibited state of Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) nsP2 cysteine protease: a crystallographic and molecular dynamics analysis.
J. Mol. Biol. 435 (6), 1-20, 2023.
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
Mótyán, J. A.,
Kassay, N.,
Matúz, K.,
Tőzsér, J.:
Different Mutation Tolerance of Lentiviral (HIV-1) and Deltaretroviral (BLV and HTLV) Protease Precursors.
Viruses-Basel. 14 (9), 1-17, 2022.
Mótyán, J. A.,
Mahdi, M.,
Hoffka, G.,
Tőzsér, J.:
Potential Resistance of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease (Mpro) against Protease Inhibitors: lessons Learned from HIV-1 Protease.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23 (7), 1-20, 2022.
Mótyán, J. A.,
Miczi, M.,
Oroszlan, S.,
Tőzsér, J.:
Specificity of the HIV-1 Protease on Substrates Representing the Cleavage Site in the Proximal Zinc-Finger of HIV-1 Nucleocapsid Protein.
Viruses-Basel. 13 (6), 1-14, 2021.
Mótyán, J. A.,
Miczi, M.,
Tőzsér, J.:
Dimer Interface Organization is a Main Determinant of Intermonomeric Interactions and Correlates with Evolutionary Relationships of Retroviral and Retroviral-Like Ddi1 and Ddi2 Proteases.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21 (4), 1-24, 2020.