Basal Oqba

Teljes publikációs lista

Zargar, T. B., Sobh, M., Basal, O., Veres, S.: Genotype-dependent resilience mediated by melatonin in sweet corn.
BMC Plant Biol. 25 (1), 1-14, (cikkazonosító: 29), 2025.
Q1 Plant Science (2023)
Zargar, T. B., Sobh, M., Basal, O., Janda, T., Pál, M., Veres, S.: Spermine driven water deficit tolerance in early growth phases of sweet corn genotypes under hydroponic cultivation.
Sci. Rep. 15 (1), 1-13, (cikkazonosító: 1796), 2025.
D1 Multidisciplinary (2023)
Haneklaus, N., Balláné Kovács, A., Guzsvinecz, T., Horváth, L., Komlósi, I., Basal, O., Sik-Lányi, C., Lee, T. R.: The phosphorus negotiation game (P-Game): first evaluation of a serious game to support science-policy decision making played in more than 20 countries worldwide.
Discov. Sustain. 6 (1), 1-16, 2025.
Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (2023)
Q2 Geography, Planning and Development (2023)
Q2 Energy (miscellaneous) (2023)
Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (2023)
Basal, O., Sobh, M., Veres, S.: A csicseriborsó élettani válasza a késői vetési időre: jobb felhasználás lehetősége vetésforgóban. Physiological response of chickpea to late sowing date: possibility of better exploitation in crop rotations.
In: XX. Tiszántúli Agrártudományi Napok : Absztraktkötet / (szerk.) Veres Szilvia, Stündl László, Debreceni Egyetem Mezőgazdaság-, Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar, Debrecen, 16, 2024. ISBN: 9789634906568
Basal, O., Veres, S.: Alternative crops in Central Europe: can quinoa be a solution under less-favorable agroecological conditions?.
In: Book of Abstracts : XV International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2024". Ed.: Dusan Kovacevic, University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Sarajevo, 146, 2024. ISBN: 9789997681652
Sobh, M., Basal, O., Ayman, S. O., Veres, S.: Assessing the impact of salinity stress on some morpho-physiological traits of two chickpea genotypes under hydroponic conditions.
Acta agrar. Debr. 2, 47-53, 2024.
Basal, O., Zargar, T. B., Veres, S.: Elevated tolerance of both short-term and continuous drought stress during reproductive stages by exogenous application of hydrogen peroxide on soybean.
Sci. Rep. 14 (1), 1-19, (cikkazonosító: 2200), 2024.
D1 Multidisciplinary (2023)
Basal, O., Munkhbat, U., Veres, S.: Enhancing Drought Tolerance in Two Soybean Genotypes with Varied Susceptibilities Through Foliar Application of Acetic Acid.
J. Plant Growth Regul. 43 (4), 1304-1315, 2024.
Q1 Agronomy and Crop Science (2023)
Q1 Plant Science (2023)
Basal, O., Sobh, M., Zargar, T. B., Serafin-Andrzejewska, M., Lejman, A., Kozak, M., Sowiński, J., Veres, S.: Evaluating some morphological traits of 3 chickpea varieties under rainfed conditions in Debrecen, Hungary.
In: 59th Croatian & 19th International Symposium on Agriculture : Book of Abstracts / Klaudija Carović-Stanko, Kristina Kljak, University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb, Croatia, Dubrovnik, 134-134, 2024, (ISSN 2459-5551)
Sobh, M., Basal, O., Zargar, T. B., AL-Ouda, A. S., Veres, S.: Evaluating the Behaviour of Two Chickpea Genotypes under Salinity Stress Based on Some Photosynthetic Traits.
Zargar, T. B., Basal, O., Veres, S.: Exogenous application of plant metabolites to enhance abiotic stress tolerance in plants.
In: Plant Secondary Metabolites and Abiotic Stress. Ed.: Ganesh C. Nikalje, Mohd. Shahnawaz , Jyoti Parihar , Hilal Ahmad Qazi , Vishal N. Patil , Daochen Zhu ISBN: 9781394185801
Veres, S., Simkó, A., Basal, O.: Nitrogen and zinc supplements can enhance morphology and physiology traits of maize at early growth stages.
J. Plant Nutr. accepted for publication (-), 1-13, 2024.
Q2 Agronomy and Crop Science (2023)
Q3 Physiology (2023)
Sobh, M., Zargar, T. B., Dilo, A. M., Basal, O., Ayman, S. O., Veres, S.: Physiological and biochemical mechanisms of salt tolerance in chickpea genotypes.
In: 1st International e-Conference on Agro-Environmental Sustainability : Abstract Volume, University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture, Zagrab, 53, 2024. ISBN: 9788198115133
Basal, O., Sobh, M., Zargar, T. B., Veres, S.: Preliminary report on possible sustainable utilization of chickpea as a second crop in Hungary: Influence of sowing date and supplemental irrigation.
In: 1st International e-Conference on Agro-Environmental Sustainability : Abstract Volume, University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture, Zagrab, 49, 2024. ISBN: 9788198115133
Basal, O., Veres, S.: Quinoa as a possible alternative crop : supplemental irrigation necessity under climatic conditions of Hungary.
In: Conference VIVUS : Healthy environment - Our future : Collection of Papers /szerk. Andrej Pogorelec, Tina Zorman, Andreja Zupancic, Manca Grcar, Biotechnical Centre Naklo, Slovenija, , 2024. p. 12. ISBN: 9789619574171
Sobh, M., Basal, O., Veres, S.: Quinoa termesztése öntözött körülmények között Magyarországon: előzetes kutatás élettani alapokon.
In: XX. Tiszántúli Agrártudományi Napok : Absztraktkötet / (szerk.) Veres Szilvia, Stündl László, Debreceni Egyetem Mezőgazdaság-, Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar, Debrecen, 84, 2024. ISBN: 9789634906568
Basal, O., Serafin-Andrzejewska, M., Lejman, A., Kozak, M., Sowiński, J., Veres, S.: Sustainable engagement of chickpea in the agricultural systems in Central Europe: Efficiency and Challenges.
Serafin-Andrzejewska, M., Lejman, A., Veres, S., Kozak, M., Basal, O., Sowiński, J.: The effect of different soil types on chickpea yield under conditions in south-western Poland - a preliminary research.
In: 59th Croatian & 19th International Symposium on Agriculture : Book of Abstracts / Klaudija Carović-Stanko, Kristina Kljak, University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb, Croatia, Dubrovnik, 142-142, 2024, (ISSN 2459-5551)
Zargar, T. B., Basal, O., Veres, S.: Acetic acid as drought alleviator in different genotypes of sweet corn.
In: 58th Croatian & 18th International Symposium on Agriculture : Book of Abstracts. Ed.: Klaudija Carović, Stanko Ivan Širić, University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb, 141, 2023, (ISSN 2459-5551)
Basal, O., Munkhbat, U., Veres, S.: Acetic acid foliar spray enhanced drought stress tolerance in soybean.
In: 5. International Food, Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences Congress : Proceedings book (volume-2). Eds.: Tarkan Şahin, Mükremin Ölmez, IKSAD Publications, Ankara, 423, 2023. ISBN: 9786253670030
Sowiński, J., Serafin-Andrzejewska, M., Lejman, A., Kozak, M., Veres, S., Basal, O.: Comparison of chickpea varieties at early maturity stage (R5) under the conditions of Lower Silesia - Poland. Preliminary study.
In: Sustainable and Innovative Solutions in Agriculture and Food Industry (SISAF'23) One Health approach. Szerk.: Veress Szilvia, Kocsisné Papp Mariett, Stündl László, Debrecen, 59, 2023.
Zargar, T. B., Sobh, M., Basal, O., Veres, S.: Drought Stress and Hydrogen Peroxide Mediated Responses in Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.).
In: Sustainable and Innovative Solutions in Agriculture and Food Industry (SISAF'23) One Health approach. Eds.: Veres Szilvia, Kocsisné Papp Mariett, University of Debrecen Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management, Debrecen, 69, 2023. ISBN: 9789634905356
Sobh, M., Zargar, T. B., Basal, O., Veres, S.: Effect of NaCl-induced Salinity Stress on Some Morpho-Physiological and Biochemical Traits of Two Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Genotypes under Hydroponic Conditions.
In: Sustainable and Innovative Solutions in Agriculture and Food Industry (SISAF'23) One Health approach. Szerk.: Veress Szilvia, Kocsisné Papp Mariett, University of Debrecen Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management, Debrecen, 58, 2023. ISBN: 9789634905356
Sobh, M., Zargar, T. B., Basal, O., Veres, S.: Evaluation of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in response to salinity stress.
Agrártud. közl. 2023 (1), 105-110, 2023.
Basal, O., Zargar, T. B., Veres, S.: Exogenous application of hydrogen peroxide on soybean elevated tolerance of short-term drought stress during flowering stage.
In: Biotechnology for a circular bioeconomy: carbon capture, waste recycling and mitigation of global warming: Programme and abstract book
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