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A Tudóstér funkcióinak nagy része bejelentkezés nélkül is elérhető. Bejelentkezésre az alábbi műveletekhez van szükség:
Gandhi, H. K.,
Ispány, M.:
Analyzing Uncontrollable Factors that Cause Defective Products by Poisson and Negative Binomial INAR(1) for Fitting Model.
Proceedings on Engineering Sciences [Epub ahead of print] 7 (1), 10, 2025.
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Materials Science (miscellaneous)
Engineering (miscellaneous)
Ispány, M.,
Bondon, P.,
Reisen, V. A.,
Prezotti Filho, P. R.:
Existence of a periodic and seasonal INAR process.
J. Time Ser. Anal. 45 (6), 980-1005, 2024.
Gandhi, H. K.,
Ispány, M.:
Multi-step Natural Gas Price Forecasting using Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Long Short-Term Memory Hybrid Model.
IJEEP. 14 (4), 590-598, 2024.
Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous)
Energy (miscellaneous)
Jeszenszky, P.,
Besenczi, R.,
Szabó, M.,
Ispány, M.:
Estimating road traffic flows in macroscopic Markov model.
In: 2022 IEEE 2nd Conference on Information Technology and Data Science (CITDS), IEEE, Piscataway, 136-141, 2022. ISBN: 9781665496537
Prezotti Filho, P. R.,
Reisen, V. A.,
Bondon, P.,
Ispány, M.,
Melo, M. M.,
Serpa, F. S.:
A periodic and seasonal statistical model for non-negative integer-valued time series with an application to dispensed medications in respiratory diseases.
Appl. Math. Model. 96, 545-558, 2021.
Dubey, S.,
Ispány, M.:
Association Rules Based Opinion Mining for E-Learning and Electronic Literature Reading.
Asian Journal of Science and Applied Technology. 10 (1), 41-45, 2021.
Machado, M.,
Santos, J. M.,
Frère, S.,
Chagnon, P.,
Reisen, V. A.,
Bondon, P.,
Ispány, M.,
Mavroidis, I.,
Reis, N. C.:
Deconstruction of annoyance due to air pollution by multiple correspondence analyses.
Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 28 (35), 47904-47920, 2021.
Reisen, V. A.,
Lévy-Leduc, C.,
Cotta, H. H. A.,
Bondon, P.,
Ispány, M.,
Filho, P. R. P.:
An Overview of Robust Spectral Estimators.
In: Cyclostationarity : Theory and Methods : IV. Eds.: Fakher Chaari, Jacek Leskow, Radoslaw Zimroz, Agnieszka Wyłomańska, Anna Dudek, Springer, Cham, 204-224, 2020, (Applied Condition Monitoring, ISSN 2363-698X ; 16) ISBN: 9783030225285
Machado, M.,
Reisen, V. A.,
Santos, J. M.,
Reis, N. C.,
Frère, S.,
Bondon, P.,
Ispány, M.,
Cotta, H. H. A.:
Use of multivariate time series techniques to estimate the impact of particulate matter on the perceived annoyance.
Atmos. Environ. 222, 1-24, 2020.
Bátfai, N.,
Szabó, J.,
Besenczi, R.,
Jeszenszky, P.,
Szabella, O.,
Abai, A.,
Kocsis, D.,
Bozsányi, A.,
Szabó, Á.,
Ispány, M.:
Az oktatás és az esport szinergiája.
In: Új kutatások a neveléstudományokban 2017 : pedagógusképzés és az inklúzió. Szerk.: Kerülő Judit, Jenei Teréz, Kreatív Help Bt., Debrecen, 136-151, 2018. ISBN: 9786150036953
Reiczigel, J.,
Ispány, M.,
Tusnády, G.,
Michaletzky, G.,
Marozzi, M.:
Bias-corrected estimation of the Rudas-Clogg-Lindsay mixture index of fit.
Br. J. Math. Stat. Psychol. 71 (3), 459-471, 2018.
Souza, J. B. d.,
Reisen, V. A.,
Franco, G. C.,
Ispány, M.,
Bondon, P.,
Santos, J. M.:
Generalized additive models with principal component analysis: an application to time series of respiratory disease and air pollution data.
J. R. Stat. Soc. Ser. C-Appl. Stat. 67 (2), 453-480, 2018.
Bátfai, N.,
Besenczi, R.,
Ispány, M.,
Jeszenszky, P.,
Major, S. R.,
Monori, F.:
Markov modeling and simulation of traffic flow.
In: Book of Abstracts. Data Science, Statistics & Visualisation DSSV 2018 / P. Filzmoser; P.J.F. Groenen, Springer-Verlag, Vienna, 61, 2018.
Ispány, M.,
Reisen, V. A.,
Franco, G. C.,
Bondon, P.,
Cotta, H. H. A.,
Filho, P. R. P.,
Serpa, F. S.:
On Generalized Additive Models with Dependent Time Series Covariates.
In: Time Series Analysis and Forecasting. Hrsg.: Ignacio Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Olga Valenzuela, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, Switzerland, 289-308, 2018, (Contributions to Statistics, ISSN 1431-1968) ISBN: 9783319969435
Ispány, M.,
Souza, J. B. d.,
Reisen, V. A.,
Franco, G. C.,
Bondon, P.,
Santos, J. M.:
An application of the GAM-PCA-VAR model to respiratory disease and air pollution data.
In: Proceedings ITISE 2017. International work-conference on Time Series. Eds.: Olga Valenzuela, Fernando Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Godel Impresiones Digitales S.L., Granada, 319-320, 2017. ISBN: 9788417293017
Ispány, M.,
Jeszenszky, P.,
Major, S. R.:
A PTI BSc szak reformja a DE Informatikai Karán.
In: Informatika a felsőoktatásban 2017 konferencia kiadványa. Szerk.: Aradi Bernadett, Bujdosó Gyöngyi, Horváth Géza, Szokol Patrícia, Debreceni Egyetem Informatikai Kar, Debrecen, 123-128, 2017. ISBN: 9789634732136
Bourguignon, M.,
Vasconcellos, K. L.,
Reisen, V. A.,
Ispány, M.:
A Poisson INAR(1) process with a seasonal structure.
J. Stat. Comput. Simul. 86 (2), 373-387, 2016.
Bátfai, N.,
Jeszenszky, P.,
Mamenyák, A.,
Halász, B.,
Besenczi, R.,
Komzsik, J.,
Kóti, B.,
Kövér, G.,
Smajda, M.,
Székelyhídi, C.,
Takács, T.,
Róka, G.,
Ispány, M.:
Competitive programming: A case study for developing a simulation-based decision support system.
Infocommun. J. 8 (1), 24-38, 2016.
Ispány, M.:
Some asymptotic results for strongly critical branching processes with immigration in varying environment.
In: Branching Processes and Their Applications. Eds.: Inés M del Puerto, Miguel González, Cristina Gutiérrez, Rodrigo Martínez, Carmen Minuesa, Manuel Molina, Manuel Mota, Alfonso Ramos, Springer International Publishing, New York ; Berlin, 77-95, 2016. ISBN: 9783319316390
Bátfai, N.,
Besenczi, R.,
Mamenyák, A.,
Ispány, M.:
OOCWC: The robocar world championship initiative.
In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Telecommunications ConTEL 2015. Ed.: Thomas Planck, Graz University of Technology, IEEE, Graz, 1-6, 2015. ISBN: 9781479989720