Oniga István

Teljes publikációs lista

Xie, Y., Oniga, I. L.: A Comprehensive Review of Hardware Acceleration Techniques and Convolutional Neural Networks for EEG Signals.
Sensors. 24 (17), 1-28, (cikkazonosító: 5813), 2024.
Q1 Analytical Chemistry (2023)
Q1 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (2023)
Q2 Biochemistry (2023)
Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2023)
Q2 Information Systems (2023)
Q1 Instrumentation (2023)
Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous) (2023)
Pap, I. A., Oniga, I. L.: eHealth Assistant AI Chatbot Using a Large Language Model to Provide Personalized Answers through Secure Decentralized Communication.
Sensors. 24 (18), 1-16, (cikkazonosító: 6140), 2024.
Q1 Analytical Chemistry (2023)
Q1 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (2023)
Q2 Biochemistry (2023)
Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2023)
Q2 Information Systems (2023)
Q1 Instrumentation (2023)
Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous) (2023)
Xie, Y., Oniga, I. L.: Enhancing Motor Imagery Classification in Brain-Computer Interfaces Using Deep Learning and Continuous Wavelet Transform.
Appl. Sci.-Basel. 14 (19), 1-16, (cikkazonosító: 8828), 2024.
Q3 Computer Science Applications (2023)
Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous) (2023)
Q2 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (2023)
Q2 Instrumentation (2023)
Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (2023)
Q3 Process Chemistry and Technology (2023)
Baranyai, D., Oniga, I. L., Gyöngyösi, B., Ujvári, B., Mohamed, A.: Module Tester for Positron Emission Tomography and Particle Physics.
Electronics (Switzerland). 13 (15), 1-15, (cikkazonosító: 3066), 2024.
Q2 Computer Networks and Communications (2023)
Q2 Control and Systems Engineering (2023)
Q2 Hardware and Architecture (2023)
Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2023)
Q2 Signal Processing (2023)
Alexan, A. I., Alexan, A., Oniga, I. L.: Real-Time Machine Learning for Human Activities Recognition Based on Wrist-Worn Wearable Devices.
Appl. Sci.-Basel. 14 (1), 1-20, (cikkazonosító: 329), 2024.
Q3 Computer Science Applications (2023)
Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous) (2023)
Q2 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (2023)
Q2 Instrumentation (2023)
Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (2023)
Q3 Process Chemistry and Technology (2023)
Xie, Y., Oniga, I. L.: Classification of Motor Imagery EEG Signals Based on Data Augmentation and Convolutional Neural Networks.
Sensors. 23 (4), 1-16, (cikkazonosító: 1932), 2023.
Q1 Analytical Chemistry
Q1 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
Q2 Biochemistry
Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Q2 Information Systems
Q1 Instrumentation
Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Oniga, I. L., Pap, I. A., Majoros, T.: Implementation considerations for an intelligent embedded e-Health system and experimental results for EEG-based activity recognition.
In: Smart Embedded Systems: Advances and Applications / Arun Sinha, Abhishek Sharma, Luiz Alberto Pasini Melek, Daniele Caviglia, Crc Press-Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, 33-55, 2023. ISBN: 9781032404172
Alexan, A., Alexan, A. I., Oniga, I. L.: Activity recognition using unsupervised learning.
In: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR) / Szilard Enyedi, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, Piscataway, 1-6, 2022. ISBN: 9781665479332
Pap, I. A., Oniga, I. L.: A Review of Converging Technologies in eHealth Pertaining to Artificial Intelligence.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 19 (18), 1-15, 2022.
Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis
Q2 Pollution
Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
Majoros, T., Oniga, I. L.: Elképzelt motoros tevékenységek EEG-alapú osztályozása neurális hálózatok használatával.
In: XXIII. Energetika-Elektrotechnika - ENELKO és XXXII. Számítástechnika és Oktatás : SzámOkt Multi-konferencia. Szerk.: Sebestyén-Pál György, Szabó Loránd, Erdélyi Magyar Műszaki Tudományos Társaság, Kolozsvár, 162-167, 2022, (ISSN 2734-6757)
Xie, Y., Majoros, T., Oniga, I. L.: FPGA-Based Hardware Accelerator on Portable Equipment for EEG Signal Patterns Recognition.
Electronics (Switzerland). 11 (15), 1-15, 2022.
Q2 Control and Systems Engineering
Q2 Computer Networks and Communications
Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Q2 Hardware and Architecture
Q2 Signal Processing
Majoros, T., Oniga, I. L.: Overview of the EEG-Based Classification of Motor Imagery Activities Using Machine Learning Methods and Inference Acceleration with FPGA-Based Cards.
Electronics (Switzerland). 11 (15), 1-14, 2022.
Q2 Control and Systems Engineering
Q2 Computer Networks and Communications
Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Q2 Hardware and Architecture
Q2 Signal Processing
Alexan, A., Alexan, A. I., Oniga, I. L.: Single user activity recognition with Density Activity Abstraction Graphics Algorithm.
In: Proceedings of 2022 IEEE 2nd Conference on Information Technology and Data Science (CITDS) / Fazekas Istvan, IEEE, Piscataway, 7-12, 2022. ISBN: 9781665496537
Alexan, A. I., Alexan, A., Oniga, I. L.: Smartwatch activity recognition feature comparison using ML.net.
In: 2022 23rd IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (THETA, AQTR) / Szilard Enyedi, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, Piscataway, 1-6, 2022. ISBN: 9781665479332
Alexan, A. I., Alexan, A., Oniga, I. L.: Smart watch activity recognition using plot image analysis.
In: Proceedings of 2022 IEEE 2nd Conference on Information Technology and Data Science (CITDS) / István Fazekas, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 1-6, 2022. ISBN: 9781665496537
Majoros, T., Oniga, I. L.: Activity recognition using consumer-grade EEG device.
In: 13th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), IEEE, Pitesti, 1-6, 2021. ISBN: 9781665425346
Xie, Y., Oniga, I. L., Majoros, T.: Comparison of EEG Data Processing Using Feedforward and Convolutional Neural Network.
In: Proceedings of 1st Conference on Information Technology and Data Science (CITDS 2020) / editors István Fazekas, András Hajdu, Tibor Tómács, CEUR, Debrecen, 279-289, 2021, (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073 ; 2874.)
Majoros, T., Oniga, I. L.: Comparison of Motor Imagery EEG Classification using Feedforward and Convolutional Neural Network.
In: IEEE EUROCON 2021 - 19th International Conference on Smart Technologies. Ed.: Mariya Antyufeyeva, IEEE, Lviv, 25-29, 2021. ISBN: 9781665432993
Mándi, Á., Jeney, M., Rózsa, D., Oniga, I. L.: Hardware accelerated image processing on FPGA based PYNQ-Z2 board.
Carpath. J. Electron. Comput. Eng. 14 (1), 20-23, 2021.
Yu, X., Majoros, T., Oniga, I. L.: Hardware Implementation of CNN Based on FPGA for EEG Signal Patterns Recognition.
In: International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering (EHB). Ed.: Grigore T. Popa, IEEE, Iasi, 1-4, 2021. ISBN: 9781665440004
Majoros, T., Oniga, I. L., Xie, Y.: Motor imagery EEG classification using feedforward neural network.
Ann. Math. Inform. 53, 235-244, 2021.
Q3 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Alexan, A., Alexan, A. I., Oniga, I. L.: Multi-resident location detecting in smart home.
In: Proceedings of 1st Conference on Information Technology and Data Science (CITDS 2020) / editors István Fazekas, András Hajdu, Tibor Tómács, CEUR, Debrecen, 32-38, 2021, (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073 ; 2874.)
Alexan, A. I., Alexan, A., Oniga, I. L.: Smartwatch Activity Recognition Using Ml.net Framework.
In: Proceedings of 1st Conference on Information Technology and Data Science (CITDS 2020) / editors István Fazekas, András Hajdu, Tibor Tómács, CEUR, Debrecen, 39-45, 2021, (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073 ; 2874.)
Xie, Y., Oniga, I. L.: A Review of Processing Methods and Classification Algorithm for EEG Signal.
Carpath. J. Electron. Comput. Eng. 13 (1), 23-29, 2020.
Sütő, J., Oniga, I. L., Lung, C., Orha, I.: Comparison of offline and real-time human activity recognition results using machine learning techniques.
Neural Comput. Appl. 32 (20), 15673-15686, 2020.
Q2 Artificial Intelligence
Q1 Software
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