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A Tudóstér funkcióinak nagy része bejelentkezés nélkül is elérhető. Bejelentkezésre az alábbi műveletekhez van szükség:
Debreceni Egyetem. Általános Orvostudományi Kar. Orvosi Vegytani Intézet / University of Debrecen. Faculty of Medicine. Department of Medical Chemistry
Tóth, E.,
Erdődi, F.,
Kiss, A.:
Myosin Phosphatase Is Implicated in the Control of THP-1 Monocyte to Macrophage Differentiation.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22 (5), 1-13, 2021.
Lontay, B.,
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Virág, L.,
Tar, K.:
How Do Post-Translational Modifications Influence the Pathomechanistic Landscape of Huntington's Disease? A Comprehensive Review.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21 (12), 1-34, 2020.
Dedinszki, D.,
Kiss, A.,
Márkász, L.,
Márton, A.,
Tóth, E.,
Székely, L.,
Erdődi, F.:
Inhibition of protein phosphatase-1 and -2A decreases the chemosensitivity of leukemic cells to chemotherapeutic drugs.
Cell. Signal. 27, 363-372, 2015.
Bécsi, B.,
Kiss, A.,
Erdődi, F.:
Interaction of protein phosphatase inhibitors with membrane lipids assessed by surface plasmon resonance based binding technique.
Chem. Phys. Lipids. 183C, 68-76, 2014.
Kenessey, I.,
Simon, E.,
Futosi, K.,
Bereczky, B.,
Kiss, A.,
Erdődi, F.,
Gallagher, J. T.,
Timár, J.,
Tóvári, J.:
Antimigratory and antimetastatic effect of heparin-derived 4-18 unit oligosaccharides in a preclinical human melanoma metastasis model.
Thromb. Haemost. 102 (6), 1265-1273, 2009.
Kiss, A.,
Lontay, B.,
Bécsi, B.,
Márkász, L.,
Oláh, É.,
Gergely, P.,
Erdődi, F.:
Myosin phosphatase interacts with and dephosphorylates the retinoblastoma protein in THP-1 leukemic cells: its inhibition is involved in the attenuation of daunorubicin-induced cell death by calyculin-A.
Cell. Signal. 20 (11), 2059-2070, 2008.
Murányi, A.,
Derkach, D.,
Erdődi, F.,
Kiss, A.,
Ito, M.,
Hartshorne, D. J.:
Phosphorylation of Thr695 and Thr850 on the myosin phosphatase target subunit: inhibitory effects and occurrence in A7r5 cells.
FEBS Lett. 579 (29), 6611-6615, 2005.