Tudóstér has been updated, the site is accessible at https://tudoster.unideb.hu
My research profile is to develop and tests biostimulant substances that are significant from the point of view of sustainable plant protection applied in economically important plants. My research group primarily focus on the transcriptomic analysis of plant metabolic pathways, with particular attention to defense mechanisms and investigation of plant-pathogen interactions. My activity focuses on the examination of the biological samples from the treated plants using different sequencing techniques. During the bioinformatics processing, and whole genomic gene expression profiling, also metabolic pathway analyzes in various databases (e.g. KEGG, Reactome, Plant reactome) are in focus.
My work is covered the field testing of certain materials and determination of vitality and photosynthetic activity of the investigated plants using drone technology and remote sensing. The images created during remote imaging are processed and evaluated using IT methods of image processing. The plant metabolic processes behind the vegetation indices calculated in this way are also supported by omics methods.