Department of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science
Department of Computer Science
Uploaded publications:
Publications in DEA:
Date range:
Herendi, T., Padányi, V.: Automata and Arithmetics in Canonical Number Systems.
Algorithms. 18 (3), 1-22, (article identifier: 122), 2025.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Computational Mathematics (2023)
Q3 Computational Theory and Mathematics (2023)
Q2 Numerical Analysis (2023)
Q3 Theoretical Computer Science (2023)
Pethő, A., Tengely, S.: Common values of linear recurrences related to Shank's simplest cubics.
J. Number Theory. 267, 34-79, 2025.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Algebra and Number Theory (2023)
Csernoch, M., Szűcs, E., Máté, D.: Kanban method in digital data processing.
Int. rev. appl. sci. eng. Online first, 1-17, 2025.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Architecture (2023)
Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous) (2023)
Q3 Environmental Engineering (2023)
Q3 Information Systems (2023)
Q4 Management Science and Operations Research (2023)
Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (2023)
Bagossy, A., Battyányi, P.: An encoding of the [lambda]-calculus in the String MultiSet Rewriting calculus.
Acta Inform. 61 (2), 161-181, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q3 Computer Networks and Communications (2023)
Q3 Information Systems (2023)
Q3 Software (2023)
Revákné Markóczi, I., Csernoch, M., Czimre, K., Dávid, Á., Tóthné Kosztin, B., Malmos, E., Sütő, É., Kurucz, D.: A systematic review of STEM teaching-learning methods and activities in early childhood.
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed. 20 (8), 1-22, (article identifier: 2481), 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Applied Mathematics (2023)
Q2 Education (2023)
Vécsi, Á., Pethő, A.: Auditable Anonymous Electronic Examination.
Cryptography. 8 (2), 1-22, (article identifier: 19), 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Computational Theory and Mathematics (2023)
Q2 Computer Networks and Communications (2023)
Q2 Applied Mathematics (2023)
Q2 Computer Science Applications (2023)
Q3 Software (2023)
Lenner, Á., Papp, Z. L., Szabó, C., Komlósi, I.: Calming Hungarian Grey Cattle in Headlocks Using Processed Nasal Vocalization of a Mother Cow.
Animals (Basel). 14 (1), 1-15, (article identifier: 135), 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Animal Science and Zoology (2023)
Q1 Veterinary (miscellaneous) (2023)
Biró, P., Kádek, T.: Comparing Student Results on a Programming Task During a Contest and a Practice Situation with the Help of the ProgCont System.
In: 2024 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) Proceedings, IEEE, Kos, 1-6, 2024, (ISSN 2165-9567) ISBN: 9798350394023
Csernoch, M.: Digitális környezetismeret.
In: Új tantárgypedagógiai kutatások, innovációk és elemzések. Szerk.: Kaposi, József; Kerekesné, Horvát Ilona, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Pedagógiai Tudományos Albizottság, Budapest, [Közlésre elfogadva], 1-36, 2024. ISBN: 9789635751310
Mihálydeák, T. S., Kádek, T., Nagy, D., Chakraborty, M. K.: Intensions and extensions of granules: A two-component treatment.
Int. J. Approx. Reasoning. 169, 1-15, (article identifier: 109182), 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Applied Mathematics (2023)
Q2 Artificial Intelligence (2023)
Q2 Software (2023)
Q2 Theoretical Computer Science (2023)
Kovács, G., Fazekas, A.: mlscorecheck: Testing the consistency of reported performance scores and experiments in machine learning.
Neurocomputing. 583, 1-4, (article identifier: 127556), 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Artificial Intelligence (2023)
D1 Cognitive Neuroscience (2023)
D1 Computer Science Applications (2023)
Csuhaj-Varjú, E., Vaszil, G.: Networks of Watson-Crick D0L systems with communication by substrings.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 995, 1-10, (article identifier: 114493), 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (2023)
Q2 Theoretical Computer Science (2023)
Czimre, K., Teperics, K., Molnár, E., Kapusi, J., Saidi, I., Gusman, D., Bujdosó, G.: Potentials in Using VR for Facilitating Geography Teaching in Classrooms: A Systematic Review.
ISPRS Int. Geo-Inf. 13 (9), 332-376, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Computers in Earth Sciences (2023)
Q1 Geography, Planning and Development (2023)
Q1 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (2023)
Kuczik, A., Vaszil, G.: Simple variants of non-cooperative polymorphic P systems.
J. Membr. Comput. 6, 179-192, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Computational Theory and Mathematics (2023)
Q2 Applied Mathematics (2023)
Battyányi, P.: Solving the SAT problem with the string multiset rewriting calculus.
Computing. 106, 1321-1334, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Computational Mathematics (2023)
Q1 Computational Theory and Mathematics (2023)
Q1 Computer Science Applications (2023)
Q1 Numerical Analysis (2023)
Q2 Software (2023)
Q2 Theoretical Computer Science (2023)
Bertók, C., Hajdu, L.: The resolution of three exponential Diophantine equations in several variables.
J. Number Theory. 260, 29-40, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Algebra and Number Theory (2023)
Csuhaj-Varjú, E., Vaszil, G.: Variants of distributed reaction systems.
Nat. Comput. 23, 269-284, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Computer Science Applications (2023)
Szeghalmy, S., Fazekas, A.: A Comparative Study of the Use of Stratified Cross-Validation and Distribution-Balanced Stratified Cross-Validation in Imbalanced Learning.
Sensors. 23 (4), 1-27, (article identifier: 2333), 2023.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Analytical Chemistry
Q1 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
Q2 Biochemistry
Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Q2 Information Systems
Q1 Instrumentation
Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
László, V. C., Nagy, K., Csernoch, M.: Alapvető számolási készségek tesztelése papíron és táblázatkezelőben.
In: INFODIDACT`2022. 15. Informatika Szakmódszertani Konferencia Előadáskötet / Szlávi Péter, Zsakó László (szerk), Webdidaktika Alapítvány, Budapest, , 2023. ISBN: 9786158060868
Hussain, A., Hannusch, C.: A New Keyed Hash Function Based on Latin Squares and Error-Correcting Codes to Authenticate Users in Smart Home Environments.
In: Codes, Cryptology and Information Security: 4th International Conference, C2SI 2023, Rabat, Morocco, May 29-31, 2023, Proceedings. (Chapter 8) /Souidi El Mamoun (eds.), Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, Svájc, 129-135, 2023. ISBN: 9783031330162
Padányi, V., Herendi, T.: A study on comparison of pseudorandom number generator.
Int. J. Math. Comp. Eng. 1 (1), 25-44, 2023.
Bordihn, H., Nicholas, T., Vaszil, G.: Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems: 25th IFIP WG 1.02 International Conference, DCFS 2023 Potsdam, Germany, July 4-6, 2023 : Proceedings.
Springer Cham, Cham, 197 p., 2023. ISBN: 9783031343254
Bujdosó, G., Teperics, K., Roskó, T., Jász, E., Czimre, K., Molnár, E., Kapusi, J., Novac, M., Novac, O.: Disruptive technologies in STEM education - A method for broadening the spectrum of IT teacher education.
In: EDULEARN23 Proceedings / Luis Gómez Chova; Chelo González Martínez; Joanna Lees, IATED Academy, 2023, 5684-5692, 2023, (ISSN 2340-1117) ISBN: 9788409521517
Csernoch, M., Csernoch, J.: How Beaufort, Neumann and Gates met?: Subject integration with spreadsheeting.
1-17. 2023.
Hannusch, C., Major, S. R.: Neighborhoods of Binary Self-Dual Codes.
Contemp. Math. 4 (4), 1174-1179, 2023.
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