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A Tudóstér funkcióinak nagy része bejelentkezés nélkül is elérhető. Bejelentkezésre az alábbi műveletekhez van szükség:
Gyulai, I.,
Hajredini, A.,
Varga, K.,
Jakab, J.,
Vallejo-Cuzco, G.,
Somlyai, I.,
Grigorszky, I.,
Berta, C.:
Comparative analysis of contemporary and subfossil Cladocera assemblages with respect to lake utilisation and environmental factors.
Aquat. Sci. 87 (1), 1-14, (cikkazonosító: 18), 2025.
Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
Modeling and Simulation
Ács, É.,
Korponai, J.,
Kiss, K. T.,
Bíró, T.,
Duleba, M.,
Grigorszky, I.,
Szekeres, J.,
Vadkerti, E.,
Somlyai, I.:
Integration of Morphology-Based and MolecularTechniques to Study the Most Significant Diatom Order(Thalassiosirales) of Phytoplankton in the River Danube.
Freshw. Biol. -, 1-15, (cikkazonosító: 14360), 2024.
Ács, É.,
Bíró, T.,
Boros, E.,
Dobosy, P.,
Duleba, M.,
Földi, A.,
Kiss, K. T.,
Levkov, Z.,
Orgoványi, P.,
Pálné, S. O.,
Trábert, Z.,
Vadkerti, E.,
Grigorszky, I.:
Halamphora taxa in Hungarian soda pans and shallow soda lakes detected via metabarcoding and microscopic analyses.
MBMG. 7, 413-418, 2023.
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
Animal Science and Zoology
Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
Insect Science
Plant Science
Hajredini, A.,
Demelezi, F.,
Somlyai, I.,
Grigorszky, I.,
Berta, C.:
Possible mediation of Cladocera species by a researcher's chest wader.
Heliyon. 9 (6), 1-10, (cikkazonosító: 16725), 2023.
Rusanov, A. G.,
Gololobova, M. A.,
Kolobov, M. Y.,
Duleba, M.,
Georgiev, A. A.,
Grigorszky, I.,
Kiss, K. T.,
Ács, É.,
Somlyai, I.:
Quantitative Morphometric Analysis of Morphologically Similar Species of Fragilaria (Fragilariaceae, Bacillariophyta) Allows Detection of Non-Indigenous Taxa: A Case Study from Lake Ladoga (North of European Russia).
Water. 15 (22), 1-23, (cikkazonosító: 3994), 2023.
Yaqoob, M. M.,
Somlyai, I.,
Berta, C.,
Bácsi, I.,
Al-Tayawi, A. N.,
Al-Ahmady, K. K.,
Mohammed, R. H.,
Alalami, O.,
Grigorszky, I.:
The Impacts of Land Use and Seasonal Effects on Phytoplankton Taxa and Physical-Chemical Variables in the Tigris River within the City of Mosul.
Water. 15 (6), 1-17, (cikkazonosító: 1062), 2023.
Rusanov, A. G.,
Bíró, T.,
Kiss, K. T.,
Buczkó, K.,
Grigorszky, I.,
Hidas, A.,
Duleba, M.,
Trábert, Z.,
Földi, A.,
Ács, É.:
Relative importance of climate and spatial processes in shaping species composition, functional structure and beta diversity of phytoplankton in a large river.
Sci. Total Environ. 807, 1-15, (cikkazonosító: 150891), 2022.
Dévai, G.,
Gyöngy, M.,
Berta, C.,
Bogár, F.,
Bogár, I.,
Varga, G.,
Zoltán, L.,
Szabó, L. J.,
Somlyai, I.,
Nagy, S. A.,
Grigorszky, I.:
Long-term analysis of River Tisza water level data with regard to the ecological water demand of floodplain water bodies.
Acta geogr. Debr., Landsc. environ. ser. 15 (1), 16-32, 2021.
Ács, É.,
Bíró, T.,
Berta, C.,
Duleba, M.,
Földi, A.,
Grigorszky, I.,
Hidas, A.,
Knisz, J.,
Korponai, J.,
Trábert, Z.,
Vadkerti, E.,
Buczkó, K.:
Long-Term Changes of Species Composition and Functional Traits of Epiphytic Diatoms in the Szigetköz Region (Hungary) of the Danube River.
Water. 12 (3), 776-799, 2020.
Ács, É.,
Földi, A.,
Vad, C. F.,
Trábert, Z.,
Kiss, K. T.,
Duleba, M.,
Borics, G.,
Grigorszky, I.,
Botta-Dukát, Z.:
Trait-based community assembly of epiphytic diatoms in saline astatic ponds: a test of the stress-dominance hypothesis.
Sci. Rep. 9 (1), 1-11, 2019.
Abonyi, A.,
Ács, É.,
Hidas, A.,
Grigorszky, I.,
Várbíró, G.,
Borics, G.,
Kiss, K. T.:
Functional diversity of phytoplankton highlights long-term gradual regime shift in the middle section of the Danube River due to global warming, human impacts and oligotrophication.
Freshw. Biol. 63 (5), 456-472, 2018.
Földi, A.,
Ács, É.,
Grigorszky, I.,
Ector, L.,
Wetzel, C. E.,
Várbíró, G.,
Kiss, K. T.,
Dobó-Tarai, É.,
Trábert, Z.,
Borsodi, A.,
Duleba, M.:
Unexpected consequences of bombing. Community level response of epiphytic diatoms to environmental stress in a saline bomb crater pond area.
PLoS One. 13 (10), 1-34, 2018.
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Trábert, Z.,
Kiss, K. T.,
Várbíró, G.,
Dobosy, P.,
Grigorszky, I.,
Ács, É.:
Comparison of the utility of a frequently used diatom index (IPS) and the diatom ecological guilds in the ecological status assessment of large rivers.
Fundam. Appl. Limnol. 189 (2), 87-103, 2017.