Grigorszky István

Teljes publikációs lista

Gyulai, I., Hajredini, A., Varga, K., Jakab, J., Vallejo-Cuzco, G., Somlyai, I., Grigorszky, I., Berta, C.: Comparative analysis of contemporary and subfossil Cladocera assemblages with respect to lake utilisation and environmental factors.
Aquat. Sci. 87 (1), 1-14, (cikkazonosító: 18), 2025.
Q1 Aquatic Science (2023)
Q2 Ecology (2023)
Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (2023)
Q2 Water Science and Technology (2023)
Szabó, L., Bertalan, L., Szabó, G., Grigorszky, I., Somlyai, I., Dévai, G., Nagy, S. A., Holb, I., Szabó, S.: Aquatic vegetation mapping with UAS-cameras considering phenotypes.
Ecol. Inform. -, (cikkazonosító: 102624), 2024.
Q1 Computational Theory and Mathematics (2023)
Q1 Applied Mathematics (2023)
Q1 Computer Science Applications (2023)
Q1 Ecological Modeling (2023)
Q1 Ecology (2023)
Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (2023)
Q1 Modeling and Simulation (2023)
Ács, É., Korponai, J., Kiss, K. T., Bíró, T., Duleba, M., Grigorszky, I., Szekeres, J., Vadkerti, E., Somlyai, I.: Integration of Morphology-Based and MolecularTechniques to Study the Most Significant Diatom Order(Thalassiosirales) of Phytoplankton in the River Danube.
Freshw. Biol. -, 1-15, (cikkazonosító: 14360), 2024.
D1 Aquatic Science (2023)
Szabó, L., Bertalan, L., Szabó, G., Grigorszky, I., Somlyai, I., Dévai, G., Nagy, S. A., Holb, I., Szabó, S.: Vegetációs fenofázisok osztályozhatósága multispektrális UAS felmérés alapján.
In: Az elmélet és a gyakorlat találkozása a térinformatikában XV. = Theory meets practice in GIS. Szerk.: Abriha-Molnár Vanda Éva, Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen, 269-273, 2024. ISBN: 9789634906193
Ács, É., Bíró, T., Boros, E., Dobosy, P., Duleba, M., Földi, A., Kiss, K. T., Levkov, Z., Orgoványi, P., Pálné, S. O., Trábert, Z., Vadkerti, E., Grigorszky, I.: Halamphora taxa in Hungarian soda pans and shallow soda lakes detected via metabarcoding and microscopic analyses.
MBMG. 7, 413-418, 2023.
Pethő, Z., Grigorszky, I., Nagy, S. A., Gomez, I., Bender, T., Domján, A., Szekanecz, Z.: Magas sótartalmú termálvizes balneoterápia psoriasisban az arthritis psoriaticában.
Balneológia, Gyógyfürdőügy, Gyógyidegenforgalom. 41 (1), 13-25, 2023.
Pethő, Z., Grigorszky, I., Nagy, S. A., Gomez, I., Bender, T., Domján, A., Szekanecz, Z.: Magas sótartalmú termálvizes balneoterápia psoriasisban és arthritis psoriaticában.
Magyar Reumatol. 64, 82-90, 2023.
Szanyi, K., Grigorszky, I., Szabó, L. J., Dévai, G.: Past and present: changes in the Odonata fauna of small lowland watercourses.
Biodivers. Data J. 11, 1-24, (cikkazonosító: 107919), 2023.
Q2 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
Q2 Animal Science and Zoology
Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
Q3 Insect Science
Q2 Ecology
Q2 Plant Science
Hajredini, A., Demelezi, F., Somlyai, I., Grigorszky, I., Berta, C.: Possible mediation of Cladocera species by a researcher's chest wader.
Heliyon. 9 (6), 1-10, (cikkazonosító: 16725), 2023.
Q1 Multidisciplinary
Rusanov, A. G., Gololobova, M. A., Kolobov, M. Y., Duleba, M., Georgiev, A. A., Grigorszky, I., Kiss, K. T., Ács, É., Somlyai, I.: Quantitative Morphometric Analysis of Morphologically Similar Species of Fragilaria (Fragilariaceae, Bacillariophyta) Allows Detection of Non-Indigenous Taxa: A Case Study from Lake Ladoga (North of European Russia).
Water. 15 (22), 1-23, (cikkazonosító: 3994), 2023.
Q1 Aquatic Science
Q2 Biochemistry
Q1 Geography, Planning and Development
Q1 Water Science and Technology
Yaqoob, M. M., Somlyai, I., Berta, C., Bácsi, I., Al-Tayawi, A. N., Al-Ahmady, K. K., Mohammed, R. H., Alalami, O., Grigorszky, I.: The Impacts of Land Use and Seasonal Effects on Phytoplankton Taxa and Physical-Chemical Variables in the Tigris River within the City of Mosul.
Water. 15 (6), 1-17, (cikkazonosító: 1062), 2023.
Q1 Aquatic Science
Q2 Biochemistry
Q1 Geography, Planning and Development
Q1 Water Science and Technology
Tumurtogoo, U., Figler, A., Korponai, J., Sajtos, Z., Grigorszky, I., Berta, C., Gyulai, I.: Density and Diversity Differences of Contemporary and Subfossil Cladocera Assemblages: A Case Study in an Oxbow Lake.
Water. 14 (14), 1-14, 2022.
Q1 Aquatic Science
Q2 Biochemistry
Q1 Geography, Planning and Development
Q2 Water Science and Technology
Rusanov, A. G., Bíró, T., Kiss, K. T., Buczkó, K., Grigorszky, I., Hidas, A., Duleba, M., Trábert, Z., Földi, A., Ács, É.: Relative importance of climate and spatial processes in shaping species composition, functional structure and beta diversity of phytoplankton in a large river.
Sci. Total Environ. 807, 1-15, (cikkazonosító: 150891), 2022.
Q1 Environmental Chemistry
D1 Environmental Engineering
D1 Pollution
Q1 Waste Management and Disposal
Yaqoob, M. M., Berta, C., Szabó, L. J., Dévai, G., Szabó, S., Nagy, S. A., Bácsi, I., Simon, A., Nagy, J., Somlyai, I., Ács, É., Grigorszky, I.: Changes in algal plankton composition and physico-chemical variables in a shallow oxbow lake.
Water. 13 (17), 1-20, 2021.
Q1 Aquatic Science
Q2 Biochemistry
Q1 Geography, Planning and Development
Q1 Water Science and Technology
Dévai, G., Gyöngy, M., Berta, C., Bogár, F., Bogár, I., Varga, G., Zoltán, L., Szabó, L. J., Somlyai, I., Nagy, S. A., Grigorszky, I.: Long-term analysis of River Tisza water level data with regard to the ecological water demand of floodplain water bodies.
Acta geogr. Debr., Landsc. environ. ser. 15 (1), 16-32, 2021.
Ács, É., Bíró, T., Berta, C., Duleba, M., Földi, A., Grigorszky, I., Hidas, A., Knisz, J., Korponai, J., Trábert, Z., Vadkerti, E., Buczkó, K.: Long-Term Changes of Species Composition and Functional Traits of Epiphytic Diatoms in the Szigetköz Region (Hungary) of the Danube River.
Water. 12 (3), 776-799, 2020.
Q2 Aquatic Science
Q3 Biochemistry
Q1 Geography, Planning and Development
Q2 Water Science and Technology
Berta, C., Tóthmérész, B., Wojewódka, M., Augustyniuk, O., Korponai, J., Balázs, B., Nagy, S. A., Grigorszky, I., Gyulai, I.: Community Response of Cladocera to Trophic Stress by Biomanipulation in a Shallow Oxbow Lake.
Water. 11 (5), 929-942, 2019.
Q2 Aquatic Science
Q3 Biochemistry
Q1 Geography, Planning and Development
Q2 Water Science and Technology
Grigorszky, I., Kiss, K. T., Szabó, L. J., Dévai, G., Nagy, S. A., Somlyai, I., Berta, C., Gligora-Udovič, M., Borics, G., Pór, G., Yaqoob, M. M., Hajredini, A., Tumurtogoo, U., Ács, É.: Drivers of the Ceratium hirundinella and Microcystis aeruginosa coexistence in a drinking water reservoir.
Limnetica. 38 (1), 41-53, 2019.
Q3 Aquatic Science
Q3 Ecology
Q3 Water Science and Technology
Somlyai, I., Berta, C., Nagy, S. A., Dévai, G., Ács, É., Szabó, L. J., Nagy, J., Grigorszky, I.: Heterogeneity and Anthropogenic Impacts on a Small Lowland Stream.
Water. 11 (10), 1-14, 2019.
Q2 Aquatic Science
Q3 Biochemistry
Q1 Geography, Planning and Development
Q2 Water Science and Technology
Ács, É., Földi, A., Vad, C. F., Trábert, Z., Kiss, K. T., Duleba, M., Borics, G., Grigorszky, I., Botta-Dukát, Z.: Trait-based community assembly of epiphytic diatoms in saline astatic ponds: a test of the stress-dominance hypothesis.
Sci. Rep. 9 (1), 1-11, 2019.
D1 Multidisciplinary
Berta, C., Gyulai, I., Szabó, J. L., Simon, E., Nagy, S. A., Somlyai, I., Grigorszky, I.: Cladocerans as indicators in the importance of passive nature conservation.
Biologia. 73 (9), 875-884, 2018.
Q3 Animal Science and Zoology
Q4 Biochemistry
Q4 Cell Biology
Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
Q4 Genetics
Q4 Molecular Biology
Q3 Plant Science
Berta, C., Korponai, J., Grigorszky, I., Nagy, S. A., Simon, E., Somlyai, I., Gyulai, I.: Examination of heterogeneity by Cladocera community along an oxbow lake in Central Tisza region..
Abonyi, A., Ács, É., Hidas, A., Grigorszky, I., Várbíró, G., Borics, G., Kiss, K. T.: Functional diversity of phytoplankton highlights long-term gradual regime shift in the middle section of the Danube River due to global warming, human impacts and oligotrophication.
Freshw. Biol. 63 (5), 456-472, 2018.
D1 Aquatic Science
Földi, A., Ács, É., Grigorszky, I., Ector, L., Wetzel, C. E., Várbíró, G., Kiss, K. T., Dobó-Tarai, É., Trábert, Z., Borsodi, A., Duleba, M.: Unexpected consequences of bombing. Community level response of epiphytic diatoms to environmental stress in a saline bomb crater pond area.
PLoS One. 13 (10), 1-34, 2018.
Q1 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Trábert, Z., Kiss, K. T., Várbíró, G., Dobosy, P., Grigorszky, I., Ács, É.: Comparison of the utility of a frequently used diatom index (IPS) and the diatom ecological guilds in the ecological status assessment of large rivers.
Fundam. Appl. Limnol. 189 (2), 87-103, 2017.
Q2 Aquatic Science
Q2 Ecology
Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
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