Katona Gábor

Publication list

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Publications in DEA:
Date range:
Gulyás, S., Katona, G.: Effect of Mo and W underlayers on ordered phase formation in Fe-Au-Pd multilayer thin films at low temperatures.
Heliyon. 10 (12), 1-12, (article identifier: 32865), 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Multidisciplinary (2023)
Fouad, S. S., Baradács, E., Nabil, M., Katona, G., Vecsei, G., Erdélyi, Z.: Investigation of Fe thickness effect on the absorption behavior of ZnO/Fe/ZnO tri-layers thin films.
Opt. Mater. 157, 1-7, (article identifier: 116403), 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (2023)
Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (2023)
Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2023)
Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (2023)
Q1 Inorganic Chemistry (2023)
Q2 Organic Chemistry (2023)
Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (2023)
Q2 Spectroscopy (2023)
Gulyás, S., Katona, G.: Structural and phase transformations in Fe-Pd-Ag layered thin films by grain boundary diffusion.
Phys. Scr. 99 (9), 1-12, (article identifier: 095970), 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q3 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (2023)
Q2 Condensed Matter Physics (2023)
Q3 Mathematical Physics (2023)
Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (2023)
Gulyás, S., Katona, G., Csiszár, G., Tomán, J., Cserháti, C., Erdélyi, Z.: The effect of self-organization during deposition on the segregation behaviour of Au in the Si-Ge-Au nano-multilayer thermoelectric generator system.
Mater. Charact. 209, 1-13, (article identifier: 113699), 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Condensed Matter Physics (2023)
Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (2023)
Q1 Mechanical Engineering (2023)
Q1 Mechanics of Materials (2023)
Makushko, P. V., Shamis, M. N., Schmidt, N. Y., Kotenko, I. E., Gulyás, S., Katona, G., Verbytska, T. I., Beke, D. L., Albrecht, M., Makogon, I. M.: Formation of ordered L10-FePt phase in FePt-Ag thin films.
Appl Nanosci. 10 (12), 4809-4816, 2020.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
Q2 Biotechnology
Q4 Cell Biology
Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous)
Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Katona, G., Gulyás, S.: Grain Boundary Diffusion Dominated Mixing and Solid State Reactions in Magnetic Thin Films.
In: Modern Magnetic and Spintronic Materials. Eds.: Kaidatzis, A., Sidorenko, S., Vladymyrskyi, I., Niarchos, D, Springer, Dordrecht, 145-162, 2020, (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics, ISSN 1874-6535) ISBN: 9789402420340
Kruhlov, I. O., Shamis, O. V., Schmidt, N. Y., Karpets, M. V., Gulyás, S., Hadjixenophontos, E., Burmak, A. P., Sidorenko, S. I., Katona, G., Schmitz, G., Albrecht, M., Vladymyrskyi, I. A.: Structural phase transformations in annealed Pt/Mn/Fe trilayers.
J. Phys.-Condes. Matter. 32 (36), 1-9, (article identifier: 365404), 2020.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Condensed Matter Physics
Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous)
Kruhlov, I. O., Shamis, O. V., Schmidt, N. Y., Gulyás, S., Lawitzki, R., Burmak, A. P., Konorev, S. I., Katona, G., Schmitz, G., Albrecht, M., Vladymyrskyi, I. A.: Thermally-induced phase transitions in Pt/Tb/Fe trilayers.
Thin Solid Films. 709, 1-7, (article identifier: 138134), 2020.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
Q2 Materials Chemistry
Q2 Metals and Alloys
Q2 Surfaces and Interfaces
Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films
Shamis, O. V., Safonova, N. Y., Voron, M. M., Burmak, A. P., Sidorenko, S. I., Katona, G., Gulyás, S., Beke, D. L., Albrecht, M., Vladymyrskyi, I. A.: Phase transformations in Pt/Fe bilayers during post annealing probed by resistometry.
J. Phys.-Condes. Matter. 31 (28), 1-7, (article identifier: 285401), 2019.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Condensed Matter Physics
Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous)
de Cerqueira, L. F. G., Mescheder, U., Katona, G., Leiste, H., Özel, E., Müller, C., Reinecke, H.: Influence of silicon doping type on the adhesion of seedless electrodeposited copper layers.
Surf. Coat. Technol. 349, 208-216, 2018.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous)
Q1 Condensed Matter Physics
Q1 Materials Chemistry
Q1 Surfaces and Interfaces
Q1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films
Beke, D. L., Kaganovskii, Y. S., Katona, G.: Interdiffusion along grain boundaries: Diffusion induced grain boundary migration, low temperature homogenization and reactions in nanostructured thin films.
Prog. Mater. Sci. 98, 625-674, 2018.
Journal metrics:
D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous)
Iguchi, Y., Katona, G., Cserháti, C., Langer, G. A., Erdélyi, Z.: On the miscibility gap of Cu-Ni system.
Acta Mater. 148, 49-54, 2018.
Journal metrics:
D1 Ceramics and Composites
D1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
D1 Metals and Alloys
D1 Polymers and Plastics
Hebler, B., Reinhardt, P., Katona, G., Hellwig, O., Albrecht, M.: Double exchange bias in ferrimagnetic heterostructures.
Phys. Rev. B. 95 (10), 104410-1-104410-8, 2017.
Molnár, G., Shenouda, S. S., Katona, G., Langer, G. A., Beke, D. L.: Determination of the compositions of the DIGM zone in nanocrystalline Ag/Au and Ag/Pd thin films by secondary neutral mass spectrometry.
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 7, 474-483, 2016.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous)
Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
Zaka, H., Shenouda, S. S., Fouad, S. S., Medhat, M., Katona, G., Csik, A., Langer, G. A., Beke, D. L.: Formation of Cu6Sn5 phase by cold homogenization in nanocrystalline Cu-Sn bilayers at room temperature.
Microelectron. Reliab. 56, 85-92, 2016.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
Q3 Condensed Matter Physics
Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
Q3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films
Vladymyrskyi, I. A., Gafarov, A. E., Burmak, A. P., Sidorenko, S. I., Katona, G., Safonova, N. Y., Ganss, F., Beddies, G., Albrecht, M., Makogon, Y. N., Beke, D. L.: Low-temperature formation of the FePt phase in the presence of an intermediate Au layer in Pt/Au/Fe thin films.
J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. 49 (3), 035003-1-9, 2016.
Journal metrics:
D1 Acoustics and Ultrasonics
Q1 Condensed Matter Physics
Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
Q1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films
Katona, G., Safonova, N. Y., Ganss, F., Mitin, D., Vladymyrskyi, I. A., Sidorenko, S. I., Makogon, Y. N., Beddies, G., Albrecht, M., Beke, D. L.: Diffusion and solid state reactions in Fe/Ag/Pt and FePt/Ag thin-film systems.
J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. 48 (17), 175001-175009, 2015.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Acoustics and Ultrasonics
Q1 Condensed Matter Physics
Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
Q1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films
Mohareb, N. S., Shenouda, S. S., Fadel, M., Talaat, H., Katona, G., Langer, G. A., Csik, A., Beke, D. L.: Investigation of solid-state reaction in Ag/Sn nanostructured thin films at room temperature.
Philos. Mag. 95 (27), 2990-3001, 2015.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Condensed Matter Physics
Shenouda, S. S., Molnár, G., Langer, G. A., Katona, G., Kristály, F., Beke, D. L.: Kinetics of shift of individual interfaces in Ni/Si system during low temperature reactions.
Microelectron. Eng. 134, 14-21, 2015.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
Q2 Condensed Matter Physics
Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films
Molnár, G., Katona, G., Langer, G. A., Csik, A., Chen, Y. C., Beke, D. L.: Low temperature homogenization in nanocrystalline PdCu thin film system.
Mater. Res. Express. 2 (10), 105012-105020, 2015.
Journal metrics:
Q3 Biomaterials
Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
Q2 Metals and Alloys
Q2 Polymers and Plastics
Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films
Tynkova, A., Katona, G., Erdélyi, G., Daróczi, L., Oleshkevych, A. I., Vladymyrskyi, I. A., Sidorenko, S. I., Voloshko, S. M., Beke, D. L.: Nanoscale diffusion in Pt/56Fe/57Fe thin-film system.
Thin Solid Films. 589, 173-181, 2015.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
Q1 Materials Chemistry
Q1 Metals and Alloys
Q2 Surfaces and Interfaces
Q1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films
Shenouda, S. S., Katona, G., Langer, G. A., Daróczi, L., Beke, D. L.: Nanoscale Kirkendall porosity formation during grain boundary intermixing in Au/Ag thin film system.
Mater. Lett. 145, 67-69, 2015.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Condensed Matter Physics
Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous)
Q1 Mechanical Engineering
Q2 Mechanics of Materials
Lindorf, M., Rohrmann, H., Katona, G., Beke, D. L., Pernau, H. F., Albrecht, M.: Nanostructured SiGe thin Films Obtained Through MIC Processing.
Mater. Today. Proc. 2 (2), 557-565, 2015.
Daniel, M. V., Johnson, D. C., Katona, G., Beke, D. L., Albrecht, M.: Structural properties of thermoelectric skutterudite FexCo1-xSb3 gradient films fabricated by modulated elemental reactant method.
J. Alloy. Compd. 636, 405-410, 2015.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Materials Chemistry
Q1 Mechanical Engineering
Q1 Mechanics of Materials
Q1 Metals and Alloys
Beke, D. L., Erdélyi, Z., Katona, G.: Anomalous Kinetics and Regimes of Growth of Intermetallic Phases during Solid State Reactions in Nanosystems.
Diffusion Found. 2, 107-139, 2014.
DEENK University of Debrecen
© 2012 University of Debrecen