Sportgazdasági és -menedzsment Intézet

Sportgazdasági és -menedzsment Intézet
Sportgazdasági és -menedzsment Intézet
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Publications in DEA:
Date range:
Hussain, M. R., Muhammad, K. B.: Advancing Inclusivity in HRM: A Proposition by a Disability Rights Advocate.
South Asian J. Hum. Resour. Manag. 2024, 1-11, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (2023)
Molnár, A., Müller, A. É.: A gamifikáció alkalmazása a toborzás és kiválasztás területén = Utilising gamification in the field of recruitment and selection.
Gradus. 11 (1), 1-9, 2024.
Kővári-Tóth, T., Müller, A. É., Kővári, Z.: Analysis of the turnover of Hungarian spas.
Geoj. Tourism Geosites. 55 (3), 1454-1460, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Cultural Studies (2023)
Q3 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (2023)
Q3 Geography, Planning and Development (2023)
Müller, A. É., Mező, K., Popovicsné Szilágyi, Z., Vargáné Nagy, A., Laoues-Czimbalmos, N.: Autizmus spektrum zavarral korán diagnosztizált óvodás gyermekek mozgásfejlesztésének tapasztalatai szülői szemmel.
Különleges bánásmód. 10 (4), 81-94, 2024.
Müller, A. É., Zidek, P., Lengyel, A.: Az akadálypályás mozgásfejlesztés szerepe és jelentősége az autizmus spektrum zavarral élő gyermekek esetében.
Különleges bánásmód. 10 (1), 63-74, 2024.
Bácsné Bába, É., Szabados, G., Orbán, S. G., Bács, Z., Balogh, R., Kovács, S.: Business strategy of for-profit-oriented sports enterprises in Hungary.
Int. rev. appl. sci. eng. Online first, 1-11, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Architecture (2023)
Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous) (2023)
Q3 Environmental Engineering (2023)
Q3 Information Systems (2023)
Q4 Management Science and Operations Research (2023)
Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (2023)
Dzage, E. J.: Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability in the Context of Sports - a Bibliometric Review.
In: Globalisation, integration, cooperation - what is at stake in the current turbulent times? The 6th Conference in cooperation with the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Szeged, 76, 2024.
Dzage, E. J., Hussain, M. R., Paul, O. D., Yussif, M.: Corporate social responsibility, sustainable environmental practices and green innovation; perspectives from the Ghanaian manufacturing industry.
Int J Corporate Soc Responsibility. 9 (1), 1-11, 2024.
Tóth, E., Czeglédi, I., Popovicsné Szilágyi, Z., Müller, A. É.: Environmental Awareness of Generations and Sustainable Product Development: The Way towards a Green Future.
Táplálkozásmarketing. 11 (2), 45-57, 2024.
Kozma-Tóth, K., Bácsné Bába, É., Fenyves, V.: Experiences of the Dual Training Based on the Opinion of Students Participating in the Training at the University of Debrecen.
Eur. J. Contermp. Educ. 13 (3), 545-557, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q3 Education (2023)
Maklári, G., Bácsné Bába, É., Müller, A. É., Molnár, A.: Exploration of gender patterns and differences in endurance sports event tourism.
Geoj. Tourism Geosites. 56 (4), 1617-1626, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Cultural Studies (2023)
Q3 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (2023)
Q3 Geography, Planning and Development (2023)
Alharasees, O., Kale, U., Rohács, J., Rohács, D., Müller, A. É., Boros, A.: Green building energy: Patents analysis and analytical hierarchy process evaluation.
Heliyon. 10 (8), 1-22, (article identifier: 29442), 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Multidisciplinary (2023)
Müller, A. É., Pálinkás, R., Vajda, I., Molnár, A., Bujdosó, Z., Boros, A., Lovas Kiss, A., Lengyel, A., Ráthonyi, G. G., Bácsné Bába, É.: How dog owners leisure patterns inform destination preferences: insights form Hungary.
Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites 55 (3), 1281-1293, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Cultural Studies (2023)
Q3 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (2023)
Q3 Geography, Planning and Development (2023)
Balogh, R., Bácsné Bába, É.: Motivációs különbségek a magyar futballklubok szurkolói között.
Közgazdasági Szemle. 71 (3), 325-343, 2024.
Szabados, G., Bácsné Bába, É., Fenyves, V., Bács, Z., Helmeczi, A., Kovács, S., Szabados, K., Ráthonyi, G. G., Orbán, S. G., Hussain, M. R.: Nagyok között - a Nintendo játékkonzolok és játékok sikere.
Acta Carolus Robertus. 14 (1), 213-228, 2024.
Müller, A. É., Bácsné Bába, É., Ráthonyi, G. G., Tütünkov-Hrisztov, J., Kulcsár, N., Gortka-Rákó, E., Kovács, S., Lengyel, A.: Segmentation of Young Adult Tourists Visiting Croatian Cities: a Hungarian Case Study.
Geoj. Tourism Geosites. 55 (3), 1076-1089, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Cultural Studies (2023)
Q3 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (2023)
Q3 Geography, Planning and Development (2023)
Lengyel, A., Müller, A. É., Bács, Z., Kovács, S.: Territorial segmentation of key sustainability stakeholders for systemic change: Insights from Hungary.
Reg Sci Policy Pract. [Epub ahead of print] (-), 1-11, (article identifier: 100022), 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Development (2023)
Q2 Geography, Planning and Development (2023)
Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (2023)
Zidek, P., Müller, A. É.: The development of health behavior, physical activity, and sports habits in the disadvantaged roma adult and child population.
Gradus. 11 (1), 1-8, 2024.
Hannoun, O.: The Effect of Transformational Leadership Style on Organizational Performance: Case of Moroccan Judo Associations.
SEA: PRACT APPL SCI. 12, 23-30, 2024.
Müller, A. É., Bácsné Bába, É., Zidek, P., Lengyel, A., Herpainé Lakó, J., Laoues-Czimbalmos, N., Molnár, A., Boda, E.: The Experiences of Motor Skill Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Reflected through Parental Responses.
Children-Basel. 11 (10), 1-21, (article identifier: 1238), 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (2023)
Szenderák, J., Bácsné Bába, É., Kőmíves, P. M., Harangi-Rákos, M., Fenyves, V.: The gender wage gap, working from home and the pandemic: evidence from Hungary.
J. Contemp. Eur. Stud. "Epub ahead of print" (-), 1-18, 2024.
Journal metrics:
D1 Cultural Studies (2023)
Q2 Political Science and International Relations (2023)
Q2 Sociology and Political Science (2023)
Hannoun, O.: The Governance of Sports Organizations in Morocco: the Case of the Royal Moroccan Federation of Judo and Related Martial Arts.
Int. J. Eng. Manag. Sci. 1 (1), 1-13, 2024.
Dzage, E. J., Szabados, G.: The Relationship of Corporate Social Responsibility with Business Performance?A Bibliometric Literature Review.
Sustainability. 16 (7), 1-25, (article identifier: 2637), 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Computer Networks and Communications (2023)
Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (2023)
Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (2023)
Q1 Geography, Planning and Development (2023)
Q2 Hardware and Architecture (2023)
Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (2023)
Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (2023)
Dzage, E. J., Nyamalor, S. A., Szabados, G.: "When Gold Remains in the Ground, it will not Rot": Corporate Social Responsibility Imbalances between Mining Companies and Host Communities in Ghana.
JSR. 6 (4), 1-28, (article identifier: 240075), 2024.
Dzage, E. J.: "When the gold remains in the ground, it will not get rotten." An assessment of corporate social responsibility and host community expectations in Ghanaian gold mining.
In: 12. Vastuullisen liiketoiminnan tutkimuspäivät, 12th Annual responsible business research conference, Responsible Management Research Group, Tampere, , 2024.
DEENK University of Debrecen
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