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Debreceni Egyetem. Általános Orvostudományi Kar. Orvosi Képalkotó Intézet. Nukleáris Medicina Nem Önálló Tanszék / University of Debrecen. Faculty of Medicine. Department of Medical Imaging. Division of Nuclear Medicine and Translational Imaging
Jószai, I.,
Vékei, N.,
Bajnai, D.,
Kertész, I.,
Trencsényi, G.:
A generic gas chromatography method for determination of residual solvents in PET radiopharmaceuticals.
J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 207, 1-7, (cikkazonosító: 114425), 2022.
Horváth, G.,
Kertész, I.,
Nagy, T.,
Adlan, L. G.,
Kékesi, G.,
Büki, A.,
Tuboly, G.,
Trencsényi, G.:
Caffeine-Induced Acute and Delayed Responses in Cerebral Metabolism of Control and Schizophrenia-Like Wisket Rats.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23 (15), 1-12, 2022.
Arató, V. Z.,
Gyuricza, B.,
Dénes, N.,
Péli-Szabó, J.,
Fekete, A.,
Trencsényi, G.,
Kertész, I.:
Preclinical evaluation of APN/CD13 and/or Gal-3 selective 68Ga-labelled PET radioligands.
In: Medical Conference for PhD Students and Experts of Clinical Sciences 15th of May 2021 Book of Abstracts. Eds.: Csiszár Beáta, Hankó Csilla, Kajos Luca Fanni, Mező Emerencia, Doctoral Student Association of the University of Pécs, Pécs, 117, 2021. ISBN: 9789634296539
Abbas Abadi, S.,
Alirezapour, B.,
Kertész, I.,
Rasaee, M. J.,
Mohammadnejad, J.,
Paknejad, M.,
Yousefnia, H.,
Zolghadri, S.:
Preparation, quality control, and biodistribution assessment of [111In]In-DOTA-PR81 in BALB/c mice bearing breast tumors.
J. Label. Compd. Radiopharm. 64 (4), 168-180, 2021.