Kracskó Bertalan

Teljes publikációs lista

Rácz, Á., Szabó, G. T., Papp, T., Csippa, B., Gyurki, D., Kracskó, B., Kőszegi, Z., Kolozsvári, R.: Potential Clinical Usefulness of Post-Valvular Contrast Densities to Determine the Severity of Aortic Valve Stenosis Using Computed Tomography.
J. Cardiovasc. Dev. Dis. 10 (10), 1-14, (cikkazonosító: 412), 2023.
Q2 Pharmacology (medical)
Q1 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous)
Magyari, F., Kracskó, B., Bedekovics, J., Bereczky, Z., Illés, Á., Schlammadinger, Á.: Differential diagnostic and treatment difficulties in a patient with acquired von Willebrand syndrome.
Hematology. 26 (1), 301-304, 2021.
Q3 Hematology
Fagyas, M., Kertész, A. B., Mányiné Siket, I., Bánhegyi, V., Kracskó, B., Szegedi, A., Szokol, M., Vajda, G., Rácz, I., Gulyás, H., Szkibák, N., Rácz, V., Csanádi, Z., Papp, Z., Tóth, A., Sipka, S. i.: Level of the SARS-CoV-2 receptor ACE2 activity is highly elevated in old-aged patients with aortic stenosis: implications for ACE2 as a biomarker for the severity of COVID-19.
GeroScience. 43 (1), 19-29, 2021.
D1 Aging
Q1 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
D1 Complementary and Alternative Medicine
D1 Geriatrics and Gerontology
D1 Veterinary (miscellaneous)
Kurczina, A., Kracskó, B., Balogh, L., Rácz, Á., Vágó, H., Clemens, M., Csanádi, Z., Borbély, A.: Non-compact cardiomyopathia, avagy a baljós trabekuláltság.
Cardiol. Hung. 49 (2), 65-70, 2019.
Kracskó, B., Barna, S., Sántha, O., Kiss, A., Varga, J., Forgács, A., Garai, I.: Effect of patient positioning on the evaluation of myocardial perfusion SPECT.
J. Nucl. Cardiol. 25 (5), 1645-1654, 2018.
Q2 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging
Kracskó, B., Kertész, A. B., Vajda, G., Vajda, C., Jenei, C., Rácz, I., Szerafin, T., Szokol, M., Balogh, Á., Csanádi, Z., Bódi, A.: Nehéz helyzetben a HEART Team: valve-in-valve implantáció?.
Cardiol. Hung. 48 (1), 31-35, 2018.
Kracskó, B., Szabó, G. T., Kolozsvári, R., Rácz, I., Jenei, C., Tar, B., Garai, I., Barna, S., Varga, J., Kőszegi, Z.: Relationship between reversibility score on corresponding left ventricular segments and fractional flow reserve in coronary artery disease.
Anadolu Kardiyol. Derg. 15 (6), 469-474, 2015.
Kracskó, B.: The impact of cytochrome P450 2C19 polymorphism on the occurrence of one-year in-stent restenosis in patients who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention: a case-match study.
Anat. J. Cardiol. 15 (5), 2015.
Szabó, G. T., Nagy-Baló, E., Kracskó, B., Rácz, I., Vajda, G., Rácz, K., Gergely, P., Herczeg, L., Édes, I., Kőszegi, Z.: Pathological validation of a new angiographic area at risk prediction.
Exp. Clin. Cardiol. 20 (1), 422-427, 2014.
Q3 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
Q4 Physiology
Q3 Physiology (medical)
Kracskó, B., Barna, S., Varga, J., Kiss, A., Garai, I.: Effect of patient position during cardiac processing on evaluation (030).
Nucl. Med. Rev. Cent. E. Eur. 16 (Suppl.), A14, 2013.
Kőszegi, Z., Kracskó, B., Szabó, G. T., Rácz, I., Vajda, G., Szabados, L., Garai, I., Nagy, Z. S., Varga, J., Édes, I.: New ischemic index based on combined parameters of coronary angiography and intracoronary pressure measurement predicts the severity of the ischemia on the myocardial perfusion scintigraphy.
Eur. Heart J. 32 (Supplement), 47, 2011.
Kracskó, B., Garai, I., Lugosi, P., Tar, B., Nagy, Z., Vajda, G., Kőszegi, Z.: Relationship between reversibility score on corresponding left ventricular segments and fractional flow reserve in coronary artery disease.
Nucl. Med. Rev. Cent. East. Eur. 14 (Suppl.), A12, 2011.
Kracskó, B., Garai, I., Varga, J., Kőszegi, Z.: Relationship between reversibility score on corresponding left ventricular segments and fractional flow reserv in coronary artery desease (OP068).
Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging. 38 (Suppl.), S104, 2011.
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