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A Tudóstér funkcióinak nagy része bejelentkezés nélkül is elérhető. Bejelentkezésre az alábbi műveletekhez van szükség:
CMS Collaboration:
A Deep Neural Network for Simultaneous Estimation of b Jet Energy and Resolution.
Comput Softw Big Sci. 4 (1), 1-20, (cikkazonosító: 10), 2020.
Arce, P.,
Barcala, J. M.,
Calvo, E.,
Ferrando, A.,
Josa, M. I.,
Molinero, A.,
Navarrete, J.,
Oller, J. C.,
Brochero, J.,
Calderón, A.,
Fernández, M. G.,
Gómez, G.,
González-Sánchez, F. J.,
Martínez-Rivero, C.,
Matorras, F.,
Rodrigo, T.,
Ruiz, Á. P.,
Scodellaro, L.,
Sobrón, M.,
Vila, I.,
Virto, A. L.,
Fernández, J.,
Raics, P.,
Szabó, Z.,
Trócsányi, Z.,
Ujvári, B.,
Zilizi, G.,
Béni, N.,
Christian, G.,
Imrek, J.,
Molnár, J.,
Novák, D.,
Pálinkás, J.,
Székely, G.,
Szillási, Z.,
Bencze, G. L.,
Vesztergombi, G.,
Benettoni, M.,
Gasparini, F.,
Montecassiano, F.,
Rampazzo, M.,
Zago, M.,
Benvenuti, A.,
Reithler, H.,
Jiang, C. S.:
The network of photodetectors and diode lasers of the CMS Link alignment system.
Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. 896, 1-23, 2018.
Arce, P.,
Barcala, J. M.,
Calvo, E.,
Ferrando, A.,
Josa, M. I.,
Molinero, A.,
Navarrete, J.,
Oller, J. C.,
Brochero, J.,
Calderón, A.,
Fernández, M. G.,
Gómez, G.,
González-Sánchez, F. J.,
Martínez-Rivero, C.,
Matorras, F.,
Rodrigo, T.,
Scodellaro, L.,
Sobrón, M.,
Vila, I.,
Virto, A. L.,
Fernández, J.,
Raics, P.,
Szabó, Z.,
Trócsányi, Z.,
Ujvári, B.,
Zilizi, G.,
Béni, N.,
Christian, G.,
Imrek, J.,
Molnár, J.,
Novák, D. I.,
Pálinkás, J.,
Székely, G.,
Szillási, Z.,
Bencze, G. L.,
Vesztergombi, G.,
Benettoni, M.,
Gasparini, F.,
Montecassiano, F.,
Rampazzo, M.,
Zago, M.,
Benvenuti, A.,
Reithler, H.,
Ruiz, Á. P.,
Jiang, C.:
Motion of CMS detector and mechanical structures during Magnet Cycles and Stability Periods from 2008 to 2013 as observed by the Link Alignment System.
Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. 813, 36-55, 2016.
Berruti, G. M.,
Petagna, P.,
Buontempo, S.,
Makovec, A.,
Szillási, Z.,
Béni, N.,
Consales, M.,
Cusano, A.:
One year of FBG-based thermo-hygrometers in operation in the CMS experiment at CERN.
J. Instrum. 11 (3), 1-17, 2016.
Khachatryan, V.,
Béni, N.,
The CMS Collaboration:
Search for new phenomena in monophoton final states in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=8 TeV.
Phys. Lett. B. 755, 102-124, 2016.
Yin, H.,
Béni, N.,
The ATLAS, CDF, CMS, D0, and LHCb collaborations:
Electroweak measurements from W, Z and photon fi nal states.
Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 31, 1-14, 2014.
Margaroli, F.,
The CDF, D0, CMS, ATLAS collaborations:
Measurement of top quark properties at the Tevatron and LHC.
Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 31, 1-11, 2014.
Makovec, A.,
Berruti, G. M.,
Consales, M.,
Giordano, M.,
Petagna, P.,
Buontempo, S.,
Breglio, G.,
Szillási, Z.,
Béni, N.,
Cusano, A.:
Radiation hard polyimide-coated FBG optical sensors for relative humidity monitoring in the CMS experiment at CERN.
J. Instrum. 9 (03), C03040 (1-10), 2014.
Poveda, J.,
Béni, N.,
The ATLAS and CMS Collaborations:
Third generation superpartners: Results from ATLAS and CMS.
Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 31, 1-8, 2014.
Esposito, M.,
Buontempo, S.,
Petriccione, A.,
Zarrelli, M.,
Breglio, G.,
Saccomanno, A.,
Szillási, Z.,
Makovec, A.,
Cusano, A.,
Chiuchiolo, A.,
Bajkó, M.,
Giordano, M.:
Fiber Bragg Grating sensors to measure the coefficient of thermal expansion of polymers at cryogenic temperatures.
Sens. Actuator A-Phys. 189, 195-203, 2013.
Makovec, A.,
Szillási, Z.,
Béni, N.,
Molnár, J.,
Esposito, M.,
Bountempo, S.,
Cusano, A.,
Oetriccione, A.,
Zarrelli, M.,
Breglio, G.,
Saccomanno, A.,
Giordano, M.,
Chiuchiolo, A.:
Cryogenic temperature measurement using epoxy and PMMA coated fiber bragg grating sensors.
Acta phys. Debr. 46, 97-106, 2012.
Li, W.,
The CMS Collaboration:
Correlations and fluctuations measured by the CMS experiment in pp and PbPb.
J. Phys. G-Nucl. Part. Phys. 38 (12), 1-8, 2011.
Padula, S. S.,
Béni, N.,
The CMS Collaboration:
Measurement of Bose-Einstein correlations in pp collisions at the LHC with CMS.
J. Phys. G-Nucl. Part. Phys. 38 (12), 1-4, 2011.
Tonjes, M. B.,
The CMS Collaboration:
Study of jet quenching using dijets in PbPb collisions with CMS.
J. Phys. G-Nucl. Part. Phys. 38 (12), 1-4, 2011.
Flores Castillo, L. R.,
ATLAS Collaboration,
CMS Collaboration:
Analyses of high mass resonances at ATLAS and CMS.
Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Suppl. 200-202, 37-46, 2010.