Varga Dezső

Varga Dezső

Teljes publikációs lista

Oláh, É., Ádám, P., Béni, N., Hamar, G., Horváth, Á., Horváth, D., Jancsó, G., Jarosievitz, B., Lévai, P., Péntek, C., Sükösd, C., Szillási, Z., Trócsányi, Z., Ujvári, B., Vámi, T., Varga, D.: Particle physics education in Hungary.
Nucl. Part. Phys. Proc. 273-275, 2569-2571, 2016.
Novák, M., Kövér, L., Cserny, I., Tóth, J., Varga, D., Drube, W., Egri, S.: A simple statistical model for quantitative analysis of plasmon structures in XPS and Auger spectra of free-electron-like materials.
J. Electron. Spectros. Relat. Phenomena. 163, 7-14, 2007.
Q2 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
Q2 Condensed Matter Physics
Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Q1 Radiation
Q2 Spectroscopy
Kövér, L., Berényi, Z., Tóth, J., Cserny, I., Varga, D., Egri, S.: Photoinduced KL_23L_23 Auger transitions in Ge thin films.
J. Electron. Spectros. Relat. Phenomena. 159, 8-13, 2007.
Q2 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
Q2 Condensed Matter Physics
Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Q1 Radiation
Q2 Spectroscopy
Kövér, L., Kovács, Z., Weightman, P., Cserny, I., Cserny, I., Varga, D., Margaritondo, G., Pálinkás, J., Pálinkás, J.: Application of analysis of high energy Auger parameters for determining charge transfer in binary copper alloys.
In: 44th National symposium of the American Vacuum Society. San Jose, USA, 20-24 Okt., 1997. (Abstracts), American Vacuum Society, San Jose, 50, 1997.
Kövér, L., Kovács, Z., Weightman, P., Sanjin, S. R., Varga, D., Pálinkás, J., Pálinkás, J.: Charge transfer in binary Cu-noble metal alloys.
In: 7th Joint vacuum conference of Hungary, Austria, Croatia and Slovenia. Debrecen, Hungary, May 26-29, 1997. Extended abstracts of JVC-7, Kiadó, Debrecen, 37, 1997.
Kövér, L., Kovács, Z., Weightman, P., Sanjin, s. R., Varga, D., Pálinkás, J., Pálinkás, J.: Charge transfer in Cu-Pd and Cu-Au alloy systems.
In: Proceedings of the 7th european conference on applications of surface and interface analysis. ECASIA-97, June 16-20,1997, Göteborg, Sweden, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 185, 1997.
Vikor, L., Sarkadi, L., Tőkési, K., Varga, D., Penent, F., Pálinkás, J.: An electrostatic lens for zero-degree electron spectroscopy.
Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B-Beam Interact. Mater. Atoms. 114 (1-2), 164-171, 1996.
Kovács, Z., Kövér, L., Weightman, P., Varga, D., Pálinkás, J., Adachi, H.: Electronic structure of Al b3 sNi and AlNi b3 s alloys.
Phys. Lett. B. 54 (12), 8501-8505, 1996.
Kövér, L., Kovács, Z., Sanjinés, R., Weightman, P., Margaritondo, G., Varga, D., Pálinkás, J.: Electronic structure of Al b3 sNi and AlNi b3 s alloys.
In: ECASIA 95. 6th European conference on application of surface and interface analysis, Montreaux, Switzerland, october 9-13, 1995, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 448, 1996.
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