Demissie Esayas Degago

Publication list

Demissie, E. D., Koech, D. K., Murtaza, S. A., Molnár, E.: An Expedition Towards Innovation Through Engagement Hawassa Industrial Park, Ethiopia.
Kurd. Stud. 12 (1), 4262-4285, 2024.
Demissie, E. D., Koech, D. K., Molnár, E., Demissie, E. D.: Exploring occupational stress among employees in the financial industry - A perspective from developing economies in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Veztud. 55 (5), 20-32, 2024.
Al, A. M., Hoque, I., Jewel, M. M. H., Amin, M. B., Demissie, E. D., Molnár, E.: Optimization of ride-sharing services: An investigation of the ride-hailing service providers.
J. Infrastruct. Policy Dev. 8 (12), 7920-, (article identifier: 7920), 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q3 Development (2023)
Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (2023)
Q3 Public Administration (2023)
Q2 Urban Studies (2023)
Demissie, E. D., Koech, D. K., Molnár, E.: Work-life balance: Assessing Post COVID-19 Practice of Work-Life Balance and Employee Job Performance: A Literature Review.
Multidiszciplináris kihívások, sokszínű válaszok. 1, 3-26, 2024.
Koech, D. K., Demissie, E. D., Molnár, E., Szabó, A. P., Szakács, A.: Internationalization and Human Resource Diversity Retention Management Strategies: a Literature Review.
Controll. info. 10 (Spec.), 33-40, 2023.
Koech, D. K., Demissie, E. D., Molnár, E., Szabó, A. P., Szakács, A.: Internationalization in Higher Education: a Systematic Methodological Review.
Controll. info. 10 (Spec.), 41-46, 2023.
Sitienei Kipkorir, C. S., Koech, D. K., Demissie, E. D., Murtaza, S. A., Szakács, A., Molnár, E.: Strategic plans, control and human capital practices: Kenyan perspective of organizational performance.
Econ. Work. Capital. 3-4., 18-29, 2022.
Demissie, E. D., Koech, D. K., Murtaza, S. A., Szakács, A., Molnár, E.: Studying the constructs of job satisfaction and its impact on public sector workers In Southwest Shoa Zone of the Oromia Region, Ethiopia.
Econ. Work. Capital. 3-4, 2-11, 2022.
Demissie, E. D., Molnár, E.: Work stressor-performance relationship.
In: XI. Interdiszciplináris Doktorandusz Konferencia 2022. november 25-26 = 11th Interdisciplinary Doctoral Conference 25-26th of November 2022 : absztraktkötet = Book of Abstracts /szerk. Kajos Luca Fanni, Bali Cintia, Puskás Tamás, Horváth-Polgár Petra Ibolya, Glázer-Kniesz Adrienn, Tislér Ádám, Kovács Eszter, Pécsi Tudományegyetem Doktorandusz Önkormányzat, Pécs, 181, 2022. ISBN: 9789636260699
Demissie, E. D.: A Study on Impact of Psychological Empowerment on Employee Performance in Small and Medium Scale Enterprise Sectors.
European Journal of Business and Management. 6 (27), 60-71, 2014.
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