Ujpál Ilona

Publication list

Ujpál, I., Safwan, M., Ragán, P., Rátonyi, T., Harsányi, E.: An overview of crop production in Hungary in the last century (1921-2019).
In: International Congress on Sustainable development in the Human Environment - Current & Future Challenges. ICSDEV. : Proceedings book. Eds.: Anna Krakowiak-Bal, Atilgan Atilgan, Roman Rolbiecki, Hakan Aktas, Infrastructure and Ecology of Rural Areas Association, Kraków, 187, 2022. ISBN: 9788396606211
Rátonyi, T., Ujpál, I., Bácskai, I., Harsányi, E., Ragán, P.: Talajszkenner adatok alapján lehatárolt menedzsment zónák NDVI és termés adatainak vizsgálata.
Növénytermelés. 71 (3-4), 183-197, 2022.
Rátonyi, T., Tamás, A., Ujpál, I., Fejér, P., Juhász, C., Ragán, P.: The impact of conventional and precision farming technology and year effect on maize yields..
Rátonyi, T., Tamás, A., Ujpál, I., Juhász, C., Ragán, P.: The impact of conventional and precision farming technology and year effect on maize yields..
In: International Congress on Sustainable development in the Human Environment - Current & Future Challenges. ICSDEV. : Proceedings book. Eds.: Anna Krakowiak-Bal, Atilgan Atilgan, Roman Rolbiecki, Hakan Aktas, Infrastructure and Ecology of Rural Areas Association, Kraków, 41-51, 2022. ISBN: 9788396606211
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