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A Tudóstér funkcióinak nagy része bejelentkezés nélkül is elérhető. Bejelentkezésre az alábbi műveletekhez van szükség:
Fitriana, L. D.:
Generated Worthwhile Problem Promoting Algebraic Thinking: From Pattern Exploration to Generalization.
In: ICoMSE 2022 : 6th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education Online Virtual Conference, 9-10 August 2022, [s.n.], "Accepted by publisher" [s.l.], 1-8, 2023.
Fitriana, L. D.:
Exploring Indonesian prospective teachers' teaching belief and teaching practice.
In: Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Eds.: Jeremy Hodgen; Eirini Geraniou; Giorgio Bolondi; Federica Ferretti, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy and ERME, Bozen, 3577-3584, 2022. ISBN: 9791221025378
Fitriana, L. D.:
First experience with problem-posing: What can be done with a multiplication table.
In: Critical Thinking Practices in Mathematics Education and Beyond. Eds.: Bozena Maj-Tatsis; Konstantinos Tatsis, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Rzeszów, 137-146, 2022. ISBN: 9788382770131
Fitriana, L. D.,
Ekawati, R.,
Kovács, Z.:
Perspectives on the problem-posing activity by prospective teachers: a cross-national study.
J. Math. Educ. 13 (1), 149-172, 2022.
Fitriana, L. D.:
Problem solving: how do students with different personality types show their critical thinking when solving a mathematical problem?.
In: Critical thinking in mathematics : perspectives and challenges. Eds.: Bozena Maj-Tatsis; Konstantinos Tatsis, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Rzeszów, 153-163, 2021. ISBN: 9788379969036
Fitriana, L. D.,
Fuad, Y.,
Rosyidi, A. H.:
Dynamism of Open-Ended Problem Solving: Study on Junior High School Students Behavior Based on Keirsey Personality Type.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. 277, 1-5, 2019.
Fuad, Y.,
Ekawati, R.,
Sofro, A.,
Fitriana, L. D.:
Investigating Covariational Reasoning: What Do Students Show when Solving Mathematical Problems?.
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1417 (1), 1-9, 2019.
Fitriana, L. D.,
Fuad, Y.,
Ekawati, R.:
Student's Critical Thinking in Solving Open-Ended Problems Based on Their Personality Type.
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 947, 1-8, 2018.