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Debreceni Egyetem. Gazdaságtudományi Kar. Gazdasági Szaknyelvi Kommunikációs Intézet / University of Debrecen. Faculty of Economics and Business. Institute of Business Communication and Professional Language Studies
Hajdu, Z.,
Lázár, T.,
Valnerné Török, E.,
Farkas, J.:
The Impact of Sociodemographic and Socioeconomic Variables on Students' International Mobility Decisions.
In: BICE 2024 : Proceedings of 1st of Budapest International Conferenceon Education 1ST Budapest International Conference On Education. Ed.: Péter Tóth, Dóra Hegyesi, Budapest University Of Technology And Economics, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Department of Technical Education, Budapest, 89-97, 2025. ISBN: 9789634219767
Hajdu, Z.,
Tar, I.,
Lázár, T.,
Farkas, J.,
Czellér, M.:
Parallel teaching and evaluation of employability and foreign language competencies in technical language training.
Hum. innov. szle. 14 (1), 108-119, 2023.
Lázár, T.,
Farkas, J.,
Tar, I.,
Czellér, M.:
The interrelationships between students' perceptions of foreign language skills and intercultural communicative competences.
J. Lang. Spec. Purpos. 10, 31-48, 2023.
Hajdu, Z.,
Farkas, J.,
Lázár, T.:
Bureaucratic Barriers to closer Cooperation among HEIs (Higher Education Institutions).
In: New Modes of Mobility : Lessons Learned 2019-2022, Volume I. Ed.: by Troy B. Wiwczaroski, Dominik Winkler, Würzburg International Business Press, Würzburg, 105-117, 2022. ISBN: 9783949864056
Lázár, T.,
Hajdu, Z.:
How to meet the requirements of organisations for foreign language skills and intercultural communication competencies based on interviews with LSP teachers at the University of Debrecen?.
J. Lang. Spec. Purpos. 9, 97-107, 2022.
Lázár, T.,
Hajdu, Z.,
Farkas, J.:
Student Recruitment Issues for International Courses.
In: New Modes of Mobility : Lessons Learned 2019-2022 : volume II. Szerk.: Troy B. Wiwczaroski, Dominik Winkler, Würzburg International Business Press, Würzburg, 41-57, 2022. ISBN: 9783949864056
Lázár, T.:
Students' Foreign Language and Intercultural Communication Competencies Based on a Survey at the University of Debrecen.
Anal. Univ. Oradea. Ştiinţ. econ. 29 (1), 540-550, 2020.
Tar, I.,
Lázár, T.:
Teaching intercultural competencies at the University of Debrecen.
In: Professional competencies in language learning and teaching. Ed.: Cecilia Goria, Lea Guetta, Neil Hughes, Sandra Reisenleutner, and Oranna Speicher, Research-publishing.net, [s.l.], 77-88, 2019, (Standalone Collection) ISBN: 9782490057399
Tar, I.,
Lázár, T.:
CAT Tools in Teaching Translation at Debrecen University.
In: Teaching English for Specific Purposes at Universities. Ed.: Jana Jašková, Milan Smutný, Dagmar Šťastná, Brno University of Technology, Brno, 108-120, 2018. ISBN: 9788021457416
Lázár, T.,
Bene, Á.:
Need for Multicultural Competencies in the Selection Process of Multinational Companies.
Hum. Innov. Szle. 8-9 (1-2), 85-96, 2018.
Lázár, T.,
Bene, Á.:
(Pro)aktivitás egy nemzetközi nagyvállalat magyar leányvállalatának társadalmi felelősségvállalásában.
Különleges Bánásmód. 3 (4), 77-95, 2017.