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Debreceni Egyetem. Általános Orvostudományi Kar. Aneszteziológiai és Intenzív Terápiás Tanszék / University of Debrecen. Faculty of Medicine. Department of Anestesiology and Intensive Care
Juhász, M.,
Antal, B.,
Herczeg, G.,
Nemes, B. Á.,
Fülesdi, B.,
Végh, T.:
Hemorrhagic Pneumonia in a Kidney Transplant Recipient Caused by Stenotrophomonas Maltophilia Infection: a Case Report.
Transplant. Proc. [Epub ahead of print], 2024.
Szamos, K.,
Balla, B.,
Pálóczi, B.,
Enyedi, A.,
Sessler, D. I.,
Fülesdi, B.,
Végh, T.:
One-lung ventilation with fixed and variable tidal volumes on oxygenation and pulmonary outcomes: a randomized trial.
J. Clin. Anesth. 95, 1-9, (cikkazonosító: 111465), 2024.
Balla, B.,
Szamos, K.,
Pálóczi, B.,
Enyedi, A.,
Sessler, D. I.,
Fülesdi, B.,
Végh, T.:
One-lung ventilation with fixed and variable tidal volumes on oxygenation and pulmonary outcomes: a randomized trial.
J. Cardiothorac. Vasc. Anesth. 38 (12), 37-38, 2024.
Gyöngyösi, Z.,
Belán, I.,
Nagy, E.,
Fülesdi, Z.,
Farkas, O.,
Végh, T.,
Hoksbergen, A. W. J.,
Fülesdi, B.:
Incomplete circle of Willis as a risk factor for intraoperative ischemic events during carotid endarterectomies performed under regional anesthesia: A prospective case-series.
Transl. Neurosci. 14 (1), 1-8, (cikkazonosító: 20220293), 2023.
Gyöngyösi, Z.,
Farkas, O.,
Papp, L.,
Bodnár, F.,
Végh, T.,
Fülesdi, B.:
The value of transcranial Doppler monitoring of cerebral blood flow changes during carotid endarterectomy performed under regional anesthesia: A case series.
Transl. Neurosci. 13 (1), 476-482, 2022.
Juhász, M.,
Páll, D.,
Fülesdi, B.,
Molnár, L.,
Végh, T.,
Molnár, C.:
The effect of propofol-sufentanil intravenous anesthesia on systemic and cerebral circulation, cerebral autoregulation and CO2 reactivity: a case-series.
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology (English Edition). 71 (5), 558-564, 2021.
Şentürk, M.,
Tahan, M. R. E.,
Shelley, B.,
Szegedi, L.,
Piccioni, F.,
Licker, M. J.,
Karzai, W.,
Gil, M. G.,
Neskovic, V.,
Vanpeteghem, C.,
Pelosi, P.,
Cohen, E.,
Sorbello, M.,
Bence, J.,
Stoica, R.,
Mourisse, J.,
Brunelli, A.,
Lopez-Jimenez, M. J.,
Drnvsek-Globoikar, M.,
Yapici, D.,
Morsy, A. S.,
Kawagoe, I.,
Végh, T.,
Navarro-Ripolli, R.,
Marczin, N.,
Pálóczi, B.,
Unzueta, C.,
Gregorio, G. D.,
Wouters, P.,
Rex, S.,
Mukherjee, C.,
Paternoster, G.,
Guarracino, F.:
Thoracic Anesthesia during the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Infection Pandemic: 2021 Updated Recommendations for Airway Management by the EACTAIC Thoracic Subspecialty Committee.
J. Cardiothorac. Vasc. Anesth. 35 (12), 3528-3546, 2021.
Végh, T.:
Anesthesia for esophageal surgery.
In: Anesthesia in Thoracic Surgery : Changes of Paradigms. Ed.: Granell Gil, Manuel, Sentürk, Mert, Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham, 327-342, 2020. ISBN: 9783030285272
Şentürk, M.,
El Tahan, M. R.,
Szegedi, L.,
Marczin, N.,
Karzai, W.,
Shelley, B.,
Piccioni, F.,
Gil, M. G.,
Rex, S.,
Bence, J.,
Cohen, E.,
Di Gregorio, G.,
Drnvsek-Globoikar, M.,
Lopez-Jimenez, M. J.,
Licker, M. J.,
Mourisse, J.,
Mukherjee, C.,
Navarro-Ripolli, R.,
Neskovic, V.,
Pálóczi, B.,
Paternoster, G.,
Pelosi, P.,
Salaheldeen, A.,
Stoica, R.,
Unzueta, C.,
Vanpeteghem, C.,
Végh, T.,
Wouters, P.,
Yapici, D.,
Guarracino, F.:
Thoracic Anesthesia of Patients with Suspected or Confirmed 2019 Novel Coronavirus Infection: preliminary Recommendations for Airway Management by the EACTA Thoracic Subspecialty Committee.
J. Cardiothorac. Vasc. Anesth. 34 (9), 2315-2327, 2020.
Szamos, K.,
Pálóczi, B.,
Fülesdi, B.,
Végh, T.:
A Vivasight kétlumenű endotracheális tubus használatával szerzett tapasztalataink mellkassebészeti műtétek során.
Anaesthesiol. Intenziv Ther. 49, 21-22, 2019.
Pálóczi, B.,
Szamos, K.,
Juhász, M.,
Fülesdi, B.,
Végh, T.:
Az Ambu aScope használatával szerzett tapasztalataink mellkassebészeti műtétek során.
Anaesthesiol. Intenziv Ther. 49 (S1), 50, 2019.
Juhász, M.,
Molnár, L.,
Fülesdi, B.,
Végh, T.,
Páll, D.,
Molnár, C.:
Effect of sevoflurane on systemic and cerebral circulation, cerebral autoregulation and CO2 reactivity.
BMC Anesthesiol. 19 (1), 109-116, 2019.
Kiss, T.,
Wittenstein, J.,
Becker, C.,
Birr, K.,
Cinnella, G.,
Cohen, E.,
El Tahan, M. R.,
Falcão, L. F.,
Gregoretti, C.,
Granell, M.,
Hachenberg, T.,
Hollmann, M. W.,
Jankovic, R.,
Karzai, W.,
Krassler, J.,
Loop, T.,
Licker, M. J.,
Marczin, N.,
Mills, G. H.,
Murrell, M. T.,
Neskovic, V.,
Nisnevitch-Savarese, Z.,
Pelosi, P.,
Rossaint, R.,
Schultz, M. J.,
Serpa Neto, A.,
Severgnini, P.,
Szegedi, L.,
Végh, T.,
Voyagis, G.,
Zhong, J.,
Gama de Abreu, M.,
Şentürk, M.,
PROTHOR investigators and the Research Workgroup PROtective VEntilation Network (PROVEnet) of the European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA):
Protective ventilation with high versus low positive end-expiratory pressure during one-lung ventilation for thoracic surgery (PROTHOR): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Trials. 20 (1), 213, 2019.
Végh, T.:
Anestesia para la cirugía esofágica.
In: Anestesia y Reanimación en Cirúgia Torácica. Ed.: Manuel Granell Gil, Editorial Medica Panamericana, Madrid, 262-272, 2018. ISBN: 97884911014909