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Debreceni Egyetem. Fogorvostudományi Kar. Gyermekfogászati és Fogszabályozási nem önálló Tanszék / University of Debrecen. Faculty of Dentistry. Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
Alberth, M.,
Nemes, J.:
Fog- és szájbetegségek gyermekkorban.
In: A korszerű gyermekellátás és ápolás kézikönyve / Újhelyi Enikő, Medicína Kiadó, Budapest, 1206-1224, 2019. ISBN: 9789632267463
Papp, Z.,
Alberth, M.,
Rácz, N.,
Máth, J.,
Nemes, J.:
Alitosi e sua correlazione con le abitudini di salute orale in Ungheria (Halitosis and its association with oral health behaviour in Hungary).
Il Den. Mod. 34, 160-167, 2016.
Alberth, M.,
Lampé, K.,
Kovalecz, G.,
Nemes, J.:
Peso estremamente basso alla nascita e salute orale nella regione nord-orientale dell'Ungheria = Extremely low birth weight and oral health in north-east part of Hungary.
Il Den. Mod. 33 (9), 76-88, 2015.
Kovalecz, G.,
Alberth, M.,
Nemes, J.:
Trattamento e profilassi del "dens in dente": report di quattro casi clinici = Management and profilactic treatment of dens invaginatus: report of four cases.
Il Den. Mod. 33 (9), 130-140, 2015.
Nemes, J.,
Nagy, B.,
Alberth, M.:
Effetti delle terapie per l'asma sulla salute dentale dei bambini ungheresi = The effects of asthma-related treatment on dental health among Hungarian children.
Il Den. Mod. 32 (9), 114-124, 2014.
Galamb, D.,
Lenkey, Á.,
Oláh, A.,
Máth, J.,
Márton, I.,
Alberth, M.:
Misure oggettive e soggettive per la valutazion della paura del dentista negli adolescenti: studio pilota = Objective and subjective measurements for assessing dental fear in adolescents: A pilot study.
Dent. Moderno. 9, 88-98, 2014.
Papp, Z.,
Alberth, M.,
Nemes, J.,
Czeglédy, M.,
Szántó, I.,
Szőke, J.:
Kindergarden-based Oral Health Preventive Program in Hungary..
J. Dent. Res. 92 (Spec.), 61, 2013.
Rózsa, N.,
Nagy, K.,
Vajó, Z.,
Gábris, K.,
Soós, A.,
Tarján, I.,
Alberth, M.:
Prevalence and distribution of permanent canine agenesis in dental paediatric and orthodontic patients in Hungary.
Eur. J. Orthod. 31 (4), 374-379, 2009.
Nemes, J.,
Alberth, M.,
Kovalecz, G.,
Máth, J.:
The Reliability and Clinical Usefulness of Sudorometry in Measuring Dental Fear of Children.
Int. J. Paediatric Dent. 15 (S2), 50-51, 2005.
Alberth, M.,
Nemes, J.:
The effect of dental fear and anxiety on the dental status of children aged 12-14 years.
Int. J. Paediatric Dent. 13 (S1), 45, 2003.