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A Tudóstér funkcióinak nagy része bejelentkezés nélkül is elérhető. Bejelentkezésre az alábbi műveletekhez van szükség:
Garnier, M.,
Harper, D. M.,
Blaskovicova, L.,
Janauer, G. A.,
Jolánkai, Z.,
Lanz, E.,
Lo Porto, A.,
Mándoki, M.,
Rahuel, J. L.,
Robinson, V. J.,
Stoate, C.,
Tóth, E.,
Jolánkai, G.,
Hancz, G.,
Pataki, B.:
Climate Change and European Water Bodies, a Review of Existing Gaps and Future Research Needs: Findings of the Climate Water Project.
Environmental Manag. 56 (2), 271-285, 2015.
Bodnár, I.,
Földesi, C.,
Jolánkai, G.,
Izbékiné Szabolcsik, A.:
Importance of ion chromatographic analysis in the status assessment of the Kösely main Canal.
In: Proceedings of DENZERO International Conference: Sustainable energy by optimal integration of renewable energy sources = Fenntartható energetika megújuló energiaforrások optimalizált integrálásával : 10-11 october 2013 : Debrecen, Hungary, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, 85-102, 2013. ISBN: 9789634736240
Czédli, H.,
Jolánkai, G.,
Hancz, C.,
Nagy, S. A.:
PIXE Monitored Laboratory Feeding Test for Bioaccumulation of Copper.
J. Env. Sc. Eng. A. 1 (6), 802-807, 2012.
Jolánkai, G.,
Jolánkai, Z.,
Pataki, B.,
Hancz, G.:
Water related impacts of climate change and the adaptation strategies to cope with them: interim results of the project "ClimateWater".
In: 16th Building Services, Mechanical and Building Industry Days. Ed.: Kalmár F., Csomós Gy., Csáki I, Debreceni Egyetem, Debrecen, 633-645, 2010. ISBN: 9789634734239
Jolánkai, G.,
Pataki, B.:
Description of the ?Tisza River Project" and its main results: real-life scale integrated catchment models for supporting water and environmental management decisions.
[s.n.], [s.l.], 78 p., 2005.