Oroszi Beatrix

Oroszi Beatrix

Publication list

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Publications in DEA:
Date range:
Kovács, N., Pikó, P., Juhász, A., Nagy, C., Oroszi, B., Ungvári, Z., Ádány, R.: Comparative analysis of health status and health service utilization patterns among rural and urban elderly populations in Hungary: a study on the challenges of unhealthy aging.
GeroScience. 46 (2), 2017-2031, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Aging (2023)
Q1 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (2023)
D1 Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2023)
Q1 Geriatrics and Gerontology (2023)
D1 Veterinary (miscellaneous) (2023)
Juhász, A., Nagy, C., Oroszi, B., Ádány, R.: A COVID-19 megbetegedés, halálozás és oltottság alakulása és összefüggése a társadalmi-gazdasági helyzettel a 2-4. járványhullámok idején Magyarországon = Spatial distribution of COVID-19 morbidity, mortality, and vaccination coverage and their association with the socioeconomic status during the 2nd-4th pandemic waves in Hungary.
Népegészségügy. 99 (1), 92-104, 2022.
Horváth, J. K., Komlós, K. E., Krisztalovics, K., Röst, G., Oroszi, B.: A COVID-19 világjárvány első két éve Magyarországon = The first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic in Hungary.
Népegészségügy. 99 (1), 6-19, 2022.
Ligeti, A. S., Bokányi, E., Karsai, M., Koltai, J., Oroszi, B., Röst, G.: A társadalmi dinamika vizsgálatának szerepe a pandémiás védekezésben = The role of examining social dynamics in pandemic response.
Népegészségügy. 99 (1), 64-75, 2022.
Oroszi, B., Ferenczi, A., Juhász, A., Nagy, C., Ferenci, T., Túri, G., Horváth, J. K.: A védőoltások jelentősége a 18 éven felüli népesség COVID-19-cel összefüggő megbetegedési és halálozási kockázatának csökkentésében Magyarországon, 2021. augusztus 16. és 2022. február 6. között = The importance of vaccination in reducing the risk of COVID-19 related morbidity and mortality in Hungary between 16 August 2021 and 6 February 2022.
Népegészségügy. 99 (1), 132-143, 2022.
Oroszi, B., Juhász, A., Nagy, C., Horváth, J. K., Komlós, K. E., Túri, G., McKee, M., Ádány, R.: Characteristics of the Third COVID-19 Pandemic Wave with Special Focus on Socioeconomic Inequalities in Morbidity, Mortality and the Uptake of COVID-19 Vaccination in Hungary.
J. Pers. Med. 12 (3), 1-15, 2022.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Oroszi, B., Horváth, J. K., Túri, G., Krisztalovics, K., Röst, G.: Az epidemiológiai surveillance és járványmatematikai előrejelzések szerepe a pandémiás hullámok megelőzésében, mérséklésében - hol tartunk most, és hová kellene eljutni.
Scient .Sec. 2 (1), 38-53, 2021.
Oroszi, B., Juhász, A., Nagy, C., Horváth, J. K., McKee, M., Ádány, R.: Unequal burden of COVID-19 in Hungary: a geographical and socioeconomic analysis of the second wave of the pandemic.
BMJ Glob Health. 6 (9), 1-9, 2021.
Journal metrics:
D1 Health Policy
D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
Juhász, A., Nagy, C., Lomen, M., Nagy, A. C., Papp, Z., Gál, V., Oroszi, B.: A Népegészségügyi Elemzési Központ Információs Rendszere (NEKIR), 2020..
Egészségtudomány. 64 (3), 51-83, 2020.
Röst, G., Bartha, F., Bogya, N., Boldog, P., Dénes, A., Ferenci, T., Horváth, K., Juhász, A., Nagy, C., Tekeli, T., Vizi, Z., Oroszi, B.: Early Phase of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Hungary and Post-Lockdown Scenarios.
Viruses-Basel. 12 (7), 1-30, 2020.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Infectious Diseases
Q1 Virology
Csanádi, M., Gini, A., Koning, H. d., Széles, G., Pitter, J. G., Oroszi, B., Pataki, P., Fadgyas-Freyler, P., Korponai, G., Vokó, Z., Lansdorp-Vogelaar, I.: Modeling costs and benefits of the organized colorectal cancer screening programme and its potential future improvements in Hungary.
J. Med. Screen. 28 (3), 268-276, 2020.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Health Policy
Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
Merkely, B., Szabó, A., Kosztin, A., Berényi, E., Sebestyén, A., Lengyel, C., Merkely, G., Karády, J., Várkonyi, I., Papp, C., Miseta, A., Betlehem, J., Burián, K., Csóka, I., Vásárhelyi, B., Ludwig, E., Prinz, G., Sinkó, J., Hankó, B., Varga, P., Fülöp, G. Á., Mag, K., Vokó, Z., HUNgarian COronaVirus-19 Epidemiological Research (H-UNCOVER) investigators: Novel coronavirus epidemic in the Hungarian population, a cross-sectional nationwide survey to support the exit policy in Hungary.
GeroScience. 42 (4), 1063-1074, 2020.
Kissling, E., Rondy, M., I-MOVE/I-MOVE+ study team: Early 2016/17 vaccine effectiveness estimates against influenza A(H3N2): I-MOVE multicentre case control studies at primary care and hospital levels in Europe.
J Med Screen. 22 (7), 1-9, 2017.
Kissling, E., Nunes, B., Robertson, C., Valenciano, M., Reuss, A., Larrauri, A., Cohen, J. M., Oroszi, B., Rizzo, C., Machado, A., Pitigoi, D., Domegan, L., Paradowska-Stankiewicz, I., Buchholz, U., Gherasim, A., Daviaud, I., Horváth, J. K., Bella, A., Lupulescu, E., O'Donnell, J., Korczyńska, M., Moren, A., I-MOVE case-control study team: I-MOVE multicentre case-control study 2010/11 to 2014/15: is there within-season waning of influenza type/subtype vaccine effectiveness with increasing time since vaccination?.
Euro Surveill. 21 (16), 1-12, 2016.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Epidemiology
D1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
D1 Virology
Valenciano, M., Kissling, E., Reuss, A., Jiménez-Jorge, S., Horváth, J. K., Donnell, J. M. O., Pitigoi, D., Machado, A., Pozo, F., I-MOVE Multicentre Case Control Study Team: The European I-MOVE Multicentre 2013-2014 Case-Control Study. Homogeneous moderate influenza vaccine effectiveness against A(H1N1)pdm09 and heterogenous results by country against A(H3N2).
Vaccine. 33 (24), 2813-2822, 2015.
Kissling, E., Valenciano, M., Larrauri, A., Oroszi, B., Cohen, J. M., Nunes, B., Pitigoi, D., Rizzo, C., Rebolledo, J., Paradowska-Stankiewicz, I., Jiménez-Jorge, S., Horváth, J. K., Daviaud, I., Guiomar, R., Necula, G., Bella, A., O'Donnell, J., Głuchowska, M., Ciancio, B., Nicoll, A., Moren, A.: Low and decreasing vaccine effectiveness against influenza A(H3) in 2011/12 among vaccination target groups in Europe: results from the I-MOVE multicentre case-control study.
Euro Surveill. 18 (5), 1-10, 2013.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Epidemiology
D1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
Q1 Virology
Valenciano, M., Kissling, E., Cohen, J. M., Oroszi, B., Barret, A. S., Rizzo, C., Nunes, B., Pitigoi, D., Larrauri Cámara, A., Mosnier, A., Horváth, J. K., O'Donnell, J., Bella, A., Guiomar, R., Lupulescu, E., Savulescu, C., Ciancio, B., Kramarz, P., Moren, A.: Estimates of Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness in Europe, 2009-2010: results of Influenza Monitoring Vaccine Effectiveness in Europe (I-MOVE) Multicentre Case-Control Study.
PLoS Med. 8 (1), 1-12, 2011.
Journal metrics:
D1 Biochemistry
D1 Biotechnology
D1 Cell Biology
D1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
D1 Molecular Biology
Kissling, E., Valenciano, M., Cohen, J. M., Oroszi, B., Barret, A. S., Rizzo, C., Stefanoff, P., Nunes, B., Pitigoi, D., Larrauri, A., Daviaud, I., Horváth, J. K., O'Donnell, J., Seyler, T., Paradowska-Stankiewicz, I., Pechirra, P., Ivanciuc, A. E., Jiménez-Jorge, S., Savulescu, C., Ciancio, B., Moren, A.: I-MOVE Multi-Centre Case Control Study 2010-11: overall and Stratified Estimates of Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness in Europe.
PLoS One. 6 (11), 1-11, 2011.
Journal metrics:
D1 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
D1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Kissling, E., Valenciano, M., Falcão, J. M., Larrauri, A., Widgren, K., Pitigoi, D., Oroszi, B., Nunes, B., Savulescu, C., Mazick, A., Lupulescu, E., Ciancio, B., Moren, A.: "I-MOVE" towards monitoring seasonal and pandemic influenza vaccine effectiveness: lessons learnt from a pilot multi-centric case-control study in Europe, 2008-9.
Euro. Surveill. 14 (44), 29-36, 2009.
Journal metrics:
Q3 Epidemiology
Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
Q3 Virology
Valenciano, M., Ciancio, B., Moren, A., The influenza vaccine effectiveness working group: First steps in the design of a system to monitor vaccine effectiveness during seasonal and pandemic influenza in EU/EEA Member States.
PLoS Med. 13 (43), 1-8, 2008.
DEENK University of Debrecen
© 2012 University of Debrecen