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A Tudóstér funkcióinak nagy része bejelentkezés nélkül is elérhető. Bejelentkezésre az alábbi műveletekhez van szükség:
Varga, T.,
Nagy, D.,
Molnár, M.,
Jull, A. J. T.,
Futó, I.,
Lisztes-Szabó, Z.:
Spring buds of European woody plants have old 14C age.
Heliyon. 10 (12), 1-9, (cikkazonosító: 32777), 2024.
Varga, T.,
Hajdas, I.,
Calcagnile, L.,
Quarta, G.,
Major, I.,
Jull, A. J. T.,
Molnár, A.,
Molnár, M.:
Intercomparison exercise on fuel samples for determination of biocontent ratio by 14c accelerator mass spectrometry.
Radiocarbon. 65 (2), 539-548, 2023.
Varga, T.,
Molnár, M.,
Molnár, A.,
Jull, A. J. T.,
Palcsu, L.,
László, E.:
Radiocarbon dating of microliter sized Hungarian Tokaj wine samples.
J. Food Compos. Anal. 118 (2), 1-8, (cikkazonosító: 105203), 2023.
Varga, T.,
Szejke, D.,
Nemes, Z.,
Jull, A. J. T.,
Molnár, M.:
The potential of biogenic fraction analysis by radiocarbon in food, drug, and cosmetic products.
Radiocarbon. 65 (5), 1176-1192, 2023.
Major, I.,
Molnár, M.,
Futó, I.,
Gergely, V.,
Bán, S.,
Machon, A.,
Salma, I.,
Varga, T.:
Detailed Carbon Isotope Study of PM2.5 Aerosols at Urban Background, Suburban Background and Regional Background Sites in Hungary.
Atmosphere. 13 (5), 1-20, 2022.
Sajtos, Z.,
Varga, T.,
Gajdos, Z.,
Burik, P.,
Csontos, M.,
Lisztes-Szabó, Z.,
Jull, A. J. T.,
Molnár, M.,
Baranyai, E.:
Rape, sunflower and forest honeys for long-term environmental monitoring: Presence of indicator elements and non-photosynthetic carbon in old Hungarian samples.
Sci. Total Environ. 808, 1-9, (cikkazonosító: 152044), 2022.
Panyushkina, I. P.,
Livina, V.,
Molnár, M.,
Varga, T.,
Jull, A. J. T.:
Scaling the 14c-excursion signal in multiple tree-ring series with dynamic time warping.
Radiocarbon. Epub, 1-9, 2022.
Buró, B.,
Négyesi, G.,
Varga, T.,
Sipos, G.,
Filyó, D.,
Jull, A. J. T.,
Molnár, M.:
Soil organic carbon dating of paleosoils of alluvial fans in a blown sand area (Nyírség, Hungary).
Radiocarbon. 64 (1), 1-19, 2022.
Quarta, G.,
Hajdas, I.,
Molnár, M.,
Varga, T.,
Calcagnile, L.,
D'Elia, M.,
Molnár, A.,
Dias, J. F.,
Jull, A. J. T.:
The IAEA forensics program: results of the ams 14 C intercomparison exercise on contemporary wines and coffees.
Radiocarbon. 64 (6), 1513-1524, 2022.
Hajdas, I.,
Calcagnile, L.,
Molnár, M.,
Varga, T.,
Quarta, G.:
The potential of radiocarbon analysis for the detection of art forgeries.
Forensic Sci.Int. 335, 1-6, 2022.
Kudsk, S. G. K.,
Olsen, J.,
Hodgins, G. W. L.,
Molnár, M.,
Lange, T. E.,
Nordby, J. A.,
Jull, A. J. T.,
Varga, T.,
Karoff, C.,
Knudsen, M. F.:
An intercomparison project on 14 c from single-year tree rings.
Radiocarbon. 63 (5), 1445-1452, 2021.
Molnár, M.,
Mészáros, M.,
Janovics, R.,
Major, I.,
Hubay, K.,
Buró, B.,
Varga, T.,
Kertész, T.,
Gergely, V.,
Vas, Á.,
Orsovszki, G.,
Molnár, A.,
Veres, M.,
Seiler, M.,
Wacker, L.,
Jull, A. J. T.:
Gas ion source performance of the environmicadas at hekal laboratory, Debrecen, Hungary.
Radiocarbon. 63 (2), 499-511, 2021.
Varga, T.,
Fisher, R. E.,
France, J. L.,
Haszpra, L.,
Jull, A. J. T.,
Lowry, D.,
Major, I.,
Molnár, M.,
Nisbet, E. G.,
László, E.:
Identification of potential methane source regions in Europe using (delta)13C CH4 measurements and trajectory modeling.
Geophys Res Atmos. 126 (17), 1-16, 2021.
Varga, T.,
Major, I.,
Gergely, V.,
Lencsés, A.,
Bujtás, T.,
Jull, A. J. T.,
Veres, M.,
Molnár, M.:
Radiocarbon in the atmospheric gases and PM10 aerosol around the Paks Nuclear Power Plant, Hungary.
J. Environ. Radioact. 237, 1-8, 2021.
Jull, A. J. T.,
Panyushkina, I. P.,
Molnár, M.,
Varga, T.,
Wacker, L.,
Brehm, N.,
László, E.,
Baisan, C.,
Salzer, M. W.,
Tegel, W.:
Rapid14C excursion at 3372-3371 BCE notobserved at two different locations.
Nat Comms. 12, 1-3, 2021.
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
Chemistry (miscellaneous)
Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
Major, I.,
Furu, E.,
Varga, T.,
Horváth, A.,
Futó, I.,
Gyökös, B.,
Somodi, G.,
Lisztes-Szabó, Z.,
Jull, A. J. T.,
Kertész, Z.,
Molnár, M.:
Source identification of PM2.5 carbonaceous aerosol using combined carbon fraction, radiocarbon and stable carbon isotope analyses in Debrecen, Hungary.
Sci. Total Environ. 782, 1-12, 2021.
Varga, T.,
Orsovszki, G.,
Major, I.,
Veres, M.,
Bujtás, T.,
Végh, G.,
Manga, L.,
Jull, A. J. T.,
Palcsu, L.,
Molnár, M.:
Advanced atmospheric 14C monitoring around the Paks Nuclear Power Plant, Hungary.
J. Environ. Radioact. 213, 1-11, 2020.
Terrasi, F.,
Marzaioli, F.,
Buompane, R.,
Passariello, I.,
Porzio, G.,
Capano, M.,
Helama, S.,
Oinonen, M.,
Nöjd, P.,
Uusitalo, J.,
Jull, A. J. T.,
Panyushkina, I. P.,
Baisan, C.,
Molnar, M.,
Varga, T.,
Kovaltsov, G.,
Poluianov, S.,
Usoskin, I.:
Can the 14C production in 1055 CE be affected by SN1054?.
Radiocarbon. 62 (5), 1403-1418, 2020.
Salma, I.,
Vasanits-Zsigrai, A.,
Machon, A.,
Varga, T.,
Major, I.,
Gergely, V.,
Molnár, M.:
Fossil fuel combustion, biomass burning and biogenic sources of fine carbonaceous aerosol in the Carpathian Basin.
Atmos. Chem. Phys. 20 (7), 4295-4312, 2020.
Varga, T.,
Sajtos, Z.,
Gajdos, Z.,
Jull, A. J. T.,
Molnár, M.,
Baranyai, E.:
Honey as an indicator of long-term environmental changes: MP-AES analysis coupled with 14C-based age determination of Hungarian honey samples.
Sci. Total Environ. 736, 1-9, 2020.
Varga, T.,
Barnucz, P.,
Major, I.,
Lisztes-Szabó, Z.,
Jull, A. J. T.,
László, E.,
Pénzes, J.,
Molnár, M.:
Fossil Carbon Load in Urban Vegetation for Debrecen, Hungary.
Radiocarbon. 61 (5), 1199-1210, 2019.
Varga, T.,
Jull, A. J. T.,
Lisztes-Szabó, Z.,
Molnár, M.:
Spatial Distribution of 14C in Tree Leaves from Bali, Indonesia.
Radiocarbon. 62 (1), 235-242, 2019.
Varga, T.,
Palcsu, L.,
Ohta, T.,
Mahara, Y.,
Jull, A. J. T.,
Molnár, M.:
Variation of 14C in Japanese Tree Rings Related to the Fukushima Nuclear Accident.
Radiocarbon. 61 (4), 1029-1040, 2019.
Varga, T.,
Major, I.,
Janovics, R.,
Kurucz, J.,
Veres, M.,
Jull, A. J. T.,
Péter, M.,
Molnár, M.:
High-Precision Biogenic Fraction Analyses of Liquid Fuels by 14C AMS at HEKAL.
Radiocarbon. 60 (5), 1317-1325, 2018.
Jull, A. J. T.,
Panyushkina, I. P.,
Miyake, F.,
Masuda, K.,
Nakamura, T.,
Mitsutani, T.,
Lange, T. E.,
Cruz, R. J.,
Baisan, C.,
Janovics, R.,
Varga, T.,
Molnár, M.:
More Rapid 14C Excursions in the Tree-Ring Record: A Record of Different Kind of Solar Activity at About 800 BC?.
Radiocarbon. 60 (4), 1237-1248, 2018.