Lovas Szabolcs

Lovas Szabolcs
Népegészség-és Járványtani Intézet
Tudományos segédmunkatárs 2020-

Teljes publikációs lista

Lovas, S., Pál, L., Kovács, N., Diószegi, J., McKee, M., Szűcs, S.: Dataset on concentrations of volatile organic compounds in indoor environments of offices, educational and residential buildings in the European Union between 2010 and 2023.
Data in Brief 57, 1-18, (cikkazonosító: 111070), 2024.
Q3 Education (2023)
Q3 Multidisciplinary (2023)
Pál, L., Lovas, S., McKee, M., Diószegi, J., Kovács, N., Szűcs, S.: Exposure to volatile organic compounds in offices and in residential and educational buildings in the European Union between 2010 and 2023: A systematic review and health risk assessment.
Sci. Total Environ. 945, 1-16, (cikkazonosító: 173965), 2024.
Q1 Environmental Chemistry (2023)
D1 Environmental Engineering (2023)
D1 Pollution (2023)
D1 Waste Management and Disposal (2023)
Pál, L., Lovas, S., McKee, M., Diószegi, J., Kovács, N., Szűcs, S.: Indoor air pollution from volatile organic compounds in residential buildings in the European Union between 2010 and 2023.
Toxicol. Lett. 399, S321, 2024.
Lovas, S., Soares, A. C. A., Mahrouseh, N., Chamouni, G., Shahin, B., Wangeshi Njuguna, D., Israel, F. E. A., Awad Mustafa Eltayeb, O., Aisul Muhlis, A. N., Varga, O.: Primary prevention of type 2 diabetes in the EU: a systematic review of interventional studies.
Eur. J. Public Health. 34 (Supplement), 500, 2024.
Lovas, S., Soares, A. C. A., Mahrouseh, N., Chamouni, G., Shahin, B., Wangeshi Njuguna, D., Israel, F. E. A., Awad Mustafa Eltayeb, O., Aisul Muhlis, A. N., Varga, O.: Primary prevention of type 2 diabetes in the EU: a systematic review of interventional studies.
European Journal of Public Health 34 (Suppl.), iii500, 2024.
Lovas, S., Soares, A. C. A., Mahrouseh, N., Chamouni, G., Shahin, B., Wangeshi Njuguna, D., Israel, F. E. A., Awad Mustafa Eltayeb, O., Aisul Muhlis, A. N., Varga, O.: Primary prevention of type 2 diabetes in the EU: a systematic review of interventional studies.
Eur. J. Public Health. 34 (Supplement), iii500, 2024.
Lovas, S., Varga, O., Loney, T., Ádám, B.: Chemical pollutants in closed environments of transportation and storage of non-dangerous goods - Insufficient legislation, low awareness, and poor practice in Hungary.
Int. J. Environ. Health Res. 33 (5), 473-490, 2023.
Q3 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis
Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Q2 Pollution
Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
Lovas, S.: Occupational exposure to chemical pollutants among warehouse workers at logistics companies.
Popul. Med. 5 (Supplement), 538-539, 2023.
Mahrouseh, N., Lovas, S., Njuguna, D. W., Nellamkuzhi, N. J., Soares, A. C. A., Sackey, W. E., Irawan, A. S., Varga, O.: How the European Union legislations are tackling the burden of diabetes mellitus: a legal surveillance study.
Front. Public Health. 10, 1-12, 2022.
Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
Nagy, K., Duca, R. C., Lovas, S., Creta, M., Scheepers, P. T. J., Godderis, L., Ádám, B.: Toxicity of pesticide active ingredients compared to their product formulations.
Saf Health Work. 13, S256-S257, 2022.
Lovas, S., Mahrouseh, N., Bolaji, O. S., Nellamkuzhi, N. J., Soares, A. C. A., Njuguna, D. W., Varga, O.: Impact of Policies in Nutrition and Physical Activity on Diabetes and Its Risk Factors in the 28 Member States of the European Union.
Nutrients. 13 (10), 1-17, 2021.
D1 Food Science
Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics
Lovas, S., Nagy, K., Sándor, J., Ádám, B.: Presumed Exposure to Chemical Pollutants and Experienced Health Impacts among Warehouse Workers at Logistics Companies: a Cross-Sectional Survey.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 18 (13), 1-14, 2021.
Q1 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis
Q2 Pollution
Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
Nagy, K., Duca, R. C., Lovas, S., Creta, M., Scheepers, P. T. J., Godderis, L., Ádám, B.: Systematic review of comparative studies assessing the toxicity of pesticide active ingredients and their product formulations.
Environ. Res. 181, 1-19, 2020.
Q1 Biochemistry
Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
Ádám, B., Lovas, S., Ádány, R.: Use of Genomic Information in Health Impact Assessment is Yet to Come: a Systematic Review.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 17 (24), 1-13, 2020.
Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis
Q2 Pollution
Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
DEENK Debreceni Egyetem
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