Brücher Ernő

Teljes publikációs lista

Tircsó, G., Molnár, E., Csupász, T., Garda, Z., Botár, R., Kálmán, F. K., Kovács, Z., Brücher, E., Tóth, I.: Gadolinium(III)-Based Contrast Agents for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. A Re-Appraisal.
In: Metal Ions in Bio-Imaging Techniques. Ed.: Astrid Sigel, Eva Freisinger and Roland K.O. Sigel, De Gruyter, Berlin, 39-70, 2021, (Metal Ions in Life Sciences, ISSN 1559-0836 ; 22) ISBN: 9783110685701
Tircsó, G., Tircsóné Benyó, E., Garda, Z., Singh, J., Trokowski, R., Brücher, E., Sherry, A. D., Tóth, É., Kovács, Z.: Comparison of the equilibrium, kinetic and water exchange properties of some metal ion-DOTA and DOTA-bis(amide) complexes.
J. Inorg. Biochem. 206, 1-12, 2020.
Q3 Biochemistry
Q2 Inorganic Chemistry
Guidolin, N., Travagin, F., Giovenzana, G. B., Vágner, A., Lotti, S., Chianale, F., Brücher, E., Maisano, F., Kirchin, M. A., Tedoldi, F., Giorgini, A., Serra, S. C., Baranyai, Z.: Interaction of macrocyclic gadolinium-based MR contrast agents with Type I collagen. Equilibrium and kinetic studies.
Dalton Trans. 49 (42), 14863-14870, 2020.
Q1 Inorganic Chemistry
Garda, Z., Molnár, E., Kálmán, F. K., Botár, R., Nagy, V., Baranyai, Z., Brücher, E., Kovács, Z., Tóth, I., Tircsó, G.: Effect of the Nature of Donor Atoms on the Thermodynamic, Kinetic and Relaxation Properties of Mn(II) Complexes Formed With Some Trisubstituted 12-Membered Macrocyclic Ligands.
Front. Chem. 6, 1-14, (cikkazonosító: 232), 2018.
Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous)
Vágner, A., Forgács, A., Brücher, E., Tóth, I., Maiocchi, A., Wurzer, A., Wester, H. J., Notni, J., Baranyai, Z.: Equilibrium Thermodynamics, Formation, and Dissociation Kinetics of Trivalent Iron and Gallium Complexes of Triazacyclononane-Triphosphinate (TRAP) Chelators: Unraveling the Foundations of Highly Selective Ga-68 Labeling.
Front. Chem. 6, 1-12, 2018.
Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous)
Aime, S., Baroni, S., Castelli, D. D., Brücher, E., Fábián, I., Serra, S. C., Fringuello Mingo, A., Napolitano, R., Lattuada, L., Tedoldi, F., Baranyai, Z.: Exploiting the Proton Exchange as an Additional Route to Enhance the Relaxivity of Paramagnetic MRI Contrast Agents.
Inorg. Chem. 57 (9), 5567-5574, 2018.
D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous)
Q1 Inorganic Chemistry
Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Molnár, E., Váradi, B., Garda, Z., Botár, R., Kálmán, F. K., Tóth, É., Tóth, I., Brücher, E., Tircsó, G.: Remarkable differences and similarities between the isomeric Mn(II)-cis- and trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetate complexes.
Inorg. Chim. Acta. 472 (1), 254-263, 2018.
Q3 Inorganic Chemistry
Q2 Materials Chemistry
Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Póta, K., Garda, Z., Kálmán, F. K., Barriada, J. L., Esteban-Gómez, D., Platas-Iglesias, C., Tóth, I., Brücher, E., Tircsó, G.: Taking the next step toward inert Mn2+ complexes of open-chain ligands: the case of the rigid PhDTA ligand.
New J. Chem. 42 (10), 8001-8011, 2018.
Q3 Catalysis
Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous)
Q1 Materials Chemistry
Farkas, E., Nagel, J., Waldron, B. P., Parker, D., Tóth, I., Brücher, E., Rösch, F., Baranyai, Z.: Equilibrium, Kinetic and Structural Properties of Gallium(III) and Some Divalent Metal Complexes Formed with the New DATAm and DATA5m Ligands.
Chem.-Eur. J. 23 (43), 10358-10371, 2017.
D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous)
Do, Q. N., Ratnakar, J. S., Kovács, Z., Tircsó, G., Kálmán, F. K., Baranyai, Z., Brücher, E., Tóth, I.: General Synthetic and Physical Methods.
In: Contrast Agents for MRI: Experimental Methods. Ed.: Valérie C Pierre, Matthew J Allen, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 1-120, 2017. ISBN: 9781782624479
Tircsó, G., Brücher, E., Baranyai, Z., Kálmán, F. K., Tóth, I.: Nyíltláncú és makrociklusos aminokarboxilát ligandumok szintézise és fémkomplexeik vizsgálata: koordinációs kémia az orvosi képalkotás szolgálatában.
MKF. 123 (2), 82-93, 2017.
Baranyai, Z., Brücher, E., Uggeri, F., Maiocchi, A., Tóth, I., Andrási, M., Gáspár, A., Zékány, L., Aime, S.: The Role of Equilibrium and Kinetic Properties in the Dissociation of Gd[DTPA-bis(methylamide)] (Omniscan) at near to Physiological Conditions.
Chem.-Eur. J. 21 (12), 4789-4799, 2015.
D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous)
Takács, A., Napolitano, R., Purgel, M., Bényei, A., Zékány, L., Brücher, E., Tóth, I., Baranyai, Z., Aime, S.: Solution Structures, Stabilities, Kinetics, and Dynamics of DO3A and DO3A-Sulphonamide Complexes.
Inorg. Chem. 53 (6), 2858-2872, 2014.
D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous)
D1 Inorganic Chemistry
Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Baranyai, Z., Uggeri, F., Maiocchi, A., Giovenzana, G. B., Cavallotti, C., Takács, A., Tóth, I., Bányai, I., Bényei, A., Brücher, E., Aime, S.: Equilibrium, Kinetic and Structural Studies of AAZTA Complexes with Ga3+, In3+ and Cu2+.
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2013 (1), 147-162, 2013.
Q1 Inorganic Chemistry
Brücher, E., Tircsó, G., Baranyai, Z., Kovács, Z., Sherry, A. D.: Stability and Toxicity of Contrast Agents.
In: The Chemistry of Contrast Agents in Medical Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Ed.: André Merbach, Lothar Helm, Éva Tóth, 2nd. ed., John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication, Chichester , United Kingdom, 157-208, 2013. ISBN: 9781119991762
Forgács, A., Giovenzana, G. B., Botta, M., Brücher, E., Tóth, I., Baranyai, Z.: Influence of gem-Dimethyl Substitution on the Stability, Kinetics and Relaxometric Properties of PDTA Complexes.
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2012 (12), 2074-2086, 2012.
Q1 Inorganic Chemistry
Tircsó, G., Kálmán, F. K., Pál, R., Bányai, I., Varga, T. R., Király, R., Lázár, I., Québatte, L., Merbach, A. E., Tóth, É., Brücher, E.: Lanthanide Complexes Formed with the Tri- and Tetraacetate Derivatives of Bis(aminomethyl)phosphinic Acid: Equilibrium, Kinetic and NMR Spectroscopic Studies.
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 12, 2062-2073, 2012.
Q1 Inorganic Chemistry
Brücher, E.: Szarvas Pál kémia professzor élete és munkássága.
Gerundium. 3 (1-2), 25-31, 2012.
Brücher, E., Baranyai, Z., Tircsó, G.: The Future of Biomedical Imaging: Synthesis and Chemical Properties of the DTPA and DOTA Derivative Ligands and Their Complexes.
In: Biomedical Imaging: The Chemistry of Labels, Probes and Contrast Agents. Ed.: Martin Braddock, RSC Publishing, Cambirdge, 208-260, 2012. ISBN: 9781849732918
Andrási, M., Gáspár, A., Kovács, O., Baranyai, Z., Klekner, Á., Brücher, E.: Determination of gadolinium-based magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography.
Electrophoresis. 32 (16), 2223-2228, 2011.
Q1 Analytical Chemistry
Q1 Biochemistry
Q1 Clinical Biochemistry
Brücher, E., Tóth, I., Tircsó, G.: Fél évszázad a 4f elemek koordinációs kémiájában: az ioncserés elválasztástól a kontrasztanyagok vizsgálatáig.
Magy. Kém. F. 117 (2-3), 74-82, 2011.
Pálinkás, Z., Baranyai, Z., Brücher, E., Rózsa, B.: Kinetics of the Exchange Reactions between Gd(DTPA), Gd(BOPTA), and Gd(DTPA-BMA) Complexes, Used As MRI Contrast Agents, and the Triethylenetetraamine-Hexaacetate Ligand.
Inorg. Chem. 50 (8), 3471-3478, 2011.
D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous)
Q1 Inorganic Chemistry
Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Tei, L., Baranyai, Z., Brücher, E., Cassino, C., Demicheli, F., Masciocchi, N., Giovenzana, G. B., Botta, M.: Dramatic Increase of Selectivity for Heavy Lanthanide(III) Cations by Tuning the Flexibility of Polydentate Chelators.
Inorg. Chem. 49 (2), 616-625, 2010.
D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous)
Q1 Inorganic Chemistry
Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Baranyai, Z., Pálinkás, Z., Uggeri, F., Brücher, E.: Equilibrium Studies on the Gd3+, Cu2+ and Zn2+ Complexes of BOPTA, DTPA and DTPA-BMA Ligands: Kinetics of Metal-Exchange Reactions of Gd(BOPTA) (2-).
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 13, 1948-1956, 2010.
Q1 Inorganic Chemistry
Baranyai, Z., Uggeri, F., Giovenzana, G. B., Bényei, A., Brücher, E., Aime, S.: Equilibrium and kinetic properties of the lanthanoids(III) and varioous divalent metal complexes of the heptadentate ligand AAZTA.
Chem.-A Eur. J. 15 (7), 1691-1705, 2009.
D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous)
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