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A Tudóstér funkcióinak nagy része bejelentkezés nélkül is elérhető. Bejelentkezésre az alábbi műveletekhez van szükség:
Tircsó, G.,
Molnár, E.,
Csupász, T.,
Garda, Z.,
Botár, R.,
Kálmán, F. K.,
Kovács, Z.,
Brücher, E.,
Tóth, I.:
Gadolinium(III)-Based Contrast Agents for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. A Re-Appraisal.
In: Metal Ions in Bio-Imaging Techniques. Ed.: Astrid Sigel, Eva Freisinger and Roland K.O. Sigel, De Gruyter, Berlin, 39-70, 2021, (Metal Ions in Life Sciences, ISSN 1559-0836 ; 22) ISBN: 9783110685701
Tircsó, G.,
Tircsóné Benyó, E.,
Garda, Z.,
Singh, J.,
Trokowski, R.,
Brücher, E.,
Sherry, A. D.,
Tóth, É.,
Kovács, Z.:
Comparison of the equilibrium, kinetic and water exchange properties of some metal ion-DOTA and DOTA-bis(amide) complexes.
J. Inorg. Biochem. 206, 1-12, 2020.
Guidolin, N.,
Travagin, F.,
Giovenzana, G. B.,
Vágner, A.,
Lotti, S.,
Chianale, F.,
Brücher, E.,
Maisano, F.,
Kirchin, M. A.,
Tedoldi, F.,
Giorgini, A.,
Serra, S. C.,
Baranyai, Z.:
Interaction of macrocyclic gadolinium-based MR contrast agents with Type I collagen. Equilibrium and kinetic studies.
Dalton Trans. 49 (42), 14863-14870, 2020.
Vágner, A.,
Forgács, A.,
Brücher, E.,
Tóth, I.,
Maiocchi, A.,
Wurzer, A.,
Wester, H. J.,
Notni, J.,
Baranyai, Z.:
Equilibrium Thermodynamics, Formation, and Dissociation Kinetics of Trivalent Iron and Gallium Complexes of Triazacyclononane-Triphosphinate (TRAP) Chelators: Unraveling the Foundations of Highly Selective Ga-68 Labeling.
Front. Chem. 6, 1-12, 2018.
Aime, S.,
Baroni, S.,
Castelli, D. D.,
Brücher, E.,
Fábián, I.,
Serra, S. C.,
Fringuello Mingo, A.,
Napolitano, R.,
Lattuada, L.,
Tedoldi, F.,
Baranyai, Z.:
Exploiting the Proton Exchange as an Additional Route to Enhance the Relaxivity of Paramagnetic MRI Contrast Agents.
Inorg. Chem. 57 (9), 5567-5574, 2018.
Póta, K.,
Garda, Z.,
Kálmán, F. K.,
Barriada, J. L.,
Esteban-Gómez, D.,
Platas-Iglesias, C.,
Tóth, I.,
Brücher, E.,
Tircsó, G.:
Taking the next step toward inert Mn2+ complexes of open-chain ligands: the case of the rigid PhDTA ligand.
New J. Chem. 42 (10), 8001-8011, 2018.
Farkas, E.,
Nagel, J.,
Waldron, B. P.,
Parker, D.,
Tóth, I.,
Brücher, E.,
Rösch, F.,
Baranyai, Z.:
Equilibrium, Kinetic and Structural Properties of Gallium(III) and Some Divalent Metal Complexes Formed with the New DATAm and DATA5m Ligands.
Chem.-Eur. J. 23 (43), 10358-10371, 2017.
Do, Q. N.,
Ratnakar, J. S.,
Kovács, Z.,
Tircsó, G.,
Kálmán, F. K.,
Baranyai, Z.,
Brücher, E.,
Tóth, I.:
General Synthetic and Physical Methods.
In: Contrast Agents for MRI: Experimental Methods. Ed.: Valérie C Pierre, Matthew J Allen, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 1-120, 2017. ISBN: 9781782624479
Tircsó, G.,
Brücher, E.,
Baranyai, Z.,
Kálmán, F. K.,
Tóth, I.:
Nyíltláncú és makrociklusos aminokarboxilát ligandumok szintézise és fémkomplexeik vizsgálata: koordinációs kémia az orvosi képalkotás szolgálatában.
MKF. 123 (2), 82-93, 2017.
Baranyai, Z.,
Brücher, E.,
Uggeri, F.,
Maiocchi, A.,
Tóth, I.,
Andrási, M.,
Gáspár, A.,
Zékány, L.,
Aime, S.:
The Role of Equilibrium and Kinetic Properties in the Dissociation of Gd[DTPA-bis(methylamide)] (Omniscan) at near to Physiological Conditions.
Chem.-Eur. J. 21 (12), 4789-4799, 2015.
Baranyai, Z.,
Uggeri, F.,
Maiocchi, A.,
Giovenzana, G. B.,
Cavallotti, C.,
Takács, A.,
Tóth, I.,
Bányai, I.,
Bényei, A.,
Brücher, E.,
Aime, S.:
Equilibrium, Kinetic and Structural Studies of AAZTA Complexes with Ga3+, In3+ and Cu2+.
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2013 (1), 147-162, 2013.
Brücher, E.,
Tircsó, G.,
Baranyai, Z.,
Kovács, Z.,
Sherry, A. D.:
Stability and Toxicity of Contrast Agents.
In: The Chemistry of Contrast Agents in Medical Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Ed.: André Merbach, Lothar Helm, Éva Tóth, 2nd. ed., John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication, Chichester , United Kingdom, 157-208, 2013. ISBN: 9781119991762
Forgács, A.,
Giovenzana, G. B.,
Botta, M.,
Brücher, E.,
Tóth, I.,
Baranyai, Z.:
Influence of gem-Dimethyl Substitution on the Stability, Kinetics and Relaxometric Properties of PDTA Complexes.
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2012 (12), 2074-2086, 2012.
Tircsó, G.,
Kálmán, F. K.,
Pál, R.,
Bányai, I.,
Varga, T. R.,
Király, R.,
Lázár, I.,
Québatte, L.,
Merbach, A. E.,
Tóth, É.,
Brücher, E.:
Lanthanide Complexes Formed with the Tri- and Tetraacetate Derivatives of Bis(aminomethyl)phosphinic Acid: Equilibrium, Kinetic and NMR Spectroscopic Studies.
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 12, 2062-2073, 2012.
Brücher, E.,
Baranyai, Z.,
Tircsó, G.:
The Future of Biomedical Imaging: Synthesis and Chemical Properties of the DTPA and DOTA Derivative Ligands and Their Complexes.
In: Biomedical Imaging: The Chemistry of Labels, Probes and Contrast Agents. Ed.: Martin Braddock, RSC Publishing, Cambirdge, 208-260, 2012. ISBN: 9781849732918
Brücher, E.,
Tóth, I.,
Tircsó, G.:
Fél évszázad a 4f elemek koordinációs kémiájában: az ioncserés elválasztástól a kontrasztanyagok vizsgálatáig.
Magy. Kém. F. 117 (2-3), 74-82, 2011.
Pálinkás, Z.,
Baranyai, Z.,
Brücher, E.,
Rózsa, B.:
Kinetics of the Exchange Reactions between Gd(DTPA), Gd(BOPTA), and Gd(DTPA-BMA) Complexes, Used As MRI Contrast Agents, and the Triethylenetetraamine-Hexaacetate Ligand.
Inorg. Chem. 50 (8), 3471-3478, 2011.
Tei, L.,
Baranyai, Z.,
Brücher, E.,
Cassino, C.,
Demicheli, F.,
Masciocchi, N.,
Giovenzana, G. B.,
Botta, M.:
Dramatic Increase of Selectivity for Heavy Lanthanide(III) Cations by Tuning the Flexibility of Polydentate Chelators.
Inorg. Chem. 49 (2), 616-625, 2010.
Baranyai, Z.,
Pálinkás, Z.,
Uggeri, F.,
Brücher, E.:
Equilibrium Studies on the Gd3+, Cu2+ and Zn2+ Complexes of BOPTA, DTPA and DTPA-BMA Ligands: Kinetics of Metal-Exchange Reactions of Gd(BOPTA) (2-).
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 13, 1948-1956, 2010.
Baranyai, Z.,
Uggeri, F.,
Giovenzana, G. B.,
Bényei, A.,
Brücher, E.,
Aime, S.:
Equilibrium and kinetic properties of the lanthanoids(III) and varioous divalent metal complexes of the heptadentate ligand AAZTA.
Chem.-A Eur. J. 15 (7), 1691-1705, 2009.