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A Tudóstér funkcióinak nagy része bejelentkezés nélkül is elérhető. Bejelentkezésre az alábbi műveletekhez van szükség:
Andréka, L.,
Csenteri, O. K.,
Szőllősi, G. J.,
Andréka, P.,
Jancsó, Z.,
Vajer, P.:
Cardiovascular risk factors among Roma and non-Roma populations in underprivileged settlements.
BMC Prim. Care. 25 (1), 1-8, (cikkazonosító: 289), 2024.
Gyöngyösi, H.,
Szőllősi, G. J.,
Csenteri, O. K.,
Jancsó, Z.,
Móczár, C.,
Torzsa, P.,
Andréka, P.,
Vajer, P.,
Nemcsik, J.:
Differences between SCORE, Framingham Risk Score, and Estimated Pulse Wave Velocity-Based Vascular Age Calculation Methods Based on Data from the Three Generations Health Program in Hungary.
J Clin Med. 13 (1), 1-11, (cikkazonosító: 205), 2024.
Kourpas, E.,
Makrilakis, K.,
Dafoulas, G.,
Iotova, V.,
Tsochev, K.,
Dimova, R.,
Cardon, G.,
González-Gil, E.,
Moreno, L.,
Kivelä, J.,
Lindström, J.,
Rurik, I.,
Antal, E.,
Timpel, P.,
Schwartz, P. J.,
Mavrogianni, C.,
Manios, Y.,
Liatis, S.,
Ungvári, T.,
Jancsó, Z.,
Nánási, A.,
Kolozsvári, L. R.,
Semánová, C.,
Feel4Diabetes-Study Group:
Factors affecting continuous participation in follow-up evaluations during a lifestyle intervention programme for type 2 diabetes prevention: the Feel4Diabetes Study.
Diabetic Med. [Epub ahead of print], (cikkazonosító: 15368), 2024.
Szőllősi, G. J.,
Csenteri, O. K.,
Jancsó, Z.,
Vajer, P.,
Kardos, L.,
Andréka, P.:
Association Between Alcohol Consumption and Cardiovascular Risk Based on Data from the Three Generations for Health Program in Hungary.
Med. Sci. Monitor. 29, e940327-1-e940327-7, 2023.
Siopis, G.,
Moschonis, G.,
Reppas, K.,
Iotova, V.,
Bazdarska, Y.,
Chakurova, N.,
Rurik, I.,
Radó, S. I.,
Cardon, G.,
Craemer, M. D.,
Wikström, K.,
Valve, P.,
Moreno, L. A.,
De Miguel-Etayo, P.,
Makrilakis, K.,
Liatis, S.,
Manios, Y.,
Ungvári, T.,
Feel4Diabetes-Study Group:
The Emerging Prevalence of Obesity within Families in Europe and its Associations with Family Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Lifestyle Factors: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Baseline Data from the Feel4Diabetes Study.
Nutrients. 15 (5), 1-20, (cikkazonosító: 1283), 2023.
Reppas, K.,
Papamichael, M. M.,
Boutsikou, T.,
Cardon, G.,
Iotova, V.,
Stefanova, T.,
Dimova, R.,
Rurik, I.,
Radó, S. I.,
Liatis, S.,
Makrilakis, K.,
Moreno, L.,
Wikström, K.,
Manios, Y.,
Feel4Diabetes-Study Group:
Associations between soft-drink consumption and lifestyle patterns in overweight and obese European adults: Feel4Diabetes Study.
Nutrition. 103-104, 1-9, 2022.
Jancsó, Z.,
Csenteri, O. K.,
Szőllősi, G. J.,
Vajer, P.,
Andréka, P.:
Cardiovascular risk management: the success of target level achievement in high- and very high-risk patients in Hungary.
BMC Prim. Care. 23 (1), 1-9, 2022.
Csenteri, O. K.,
Jancsó, Z.,
Szőllősi, G. J.,
Andréka, P.,
Vajer, P.:
Differences of cardiovascular risk assessment in clinical practice using SCORE and SCORE2.
Open Heart. 9 (2), 1-7, 2022.
Papamichael, M. M.,
Karaglani, E.,
Boutsikou, T.,
Dedousis, V.,
Cardon, G.,
Iotova, V.,
Chakarova, N.,
Usheva, N.,
Wikström, K.,
Rurik, I.,
Siradó, A.,
Liatis, S.,
Makrilakis, K.,
Moreno, L.,
Manios, Y.,
Feel4Diabetes-Study Group:
How Do The Home Food Environment, Parenting Practices, Health Beliefs, And Screen Time Affect The Weight Status Of European Children?: Feel4diabetes-Study.
Nutrition. 103-104, 1-10, 2022.
De Craemer, M.,
Van Stappen, V.,
Brondeel, R.,
Iotova, V.,
Chakarova, N.,
Rurik, I.,
Lindström, J.,
Kivelä, J.,
Moreno, L. A.,
Mavrogianni, C.,
Manios, Y.,
Cardon, G.,
Feel4Diabetes-Study Group:
Self-reported lifestyle behaviours in families with an increased risk for type 2 diabetes across six European countries: a cross-sectional analysis from the Feel4Diabetes-study.
BMC Endocr. Disord. 22 (1), 1-15, 2022.
Kontochristopoulou, A. M.,
Karatzi, K.,
Karaglani, E.,
Cardon, G.,
Kivelä, J.,
Wikström, K.,
Iotova, V.,
Tsochev, K.,
Tankova, T.,
Rurik, I.,
Radó, S. I.,
Liatis, S.,
Makrilakis, K.,
Moreno, L. A.,
Manios, Y.,
Feel4Diabetes-Study Group:
Sociodemographic, anthropometric, and lifestyle correlates of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes in europe: The Feel4Diabetes study.
Nutr. Metab. Carbiovasc. Dis. 32 (8), 1851-1862, 2022.
Rurik, I.,
Nánási, A.,
Jancsó, Z.,
Kalabay, L.,
Lánczi, L.,
Móczár, C.,
Semánová, C.,
Schmidt, P.,
Torzsa, P.,
Ungvári, T.,
Kolozsvári, L. R.:
Evaluation of primary care services in Hungary A comprehensive description of provision, professional competences, cooperation, financing, and infrastructure, based on the findings of the Hungarian-arm of the QUALICOPC Study.
Prim. Health Care Res. Dev. 22, 1-8, 2021.
Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
Papamichael, M. M.,
Moschonis, G.,
Mavrogianni, C.,
Liatis, S.,
Makrilakis, K.,
Cardon, G.,
De Vylder, F.,
Kivelä, J.,
Flores-Barrantes, P.,
Rurik, I.,
Moreno, L.,
Iotova, V.,
Usheva, N.,
Tankova, T.,
Manios, Y.,
Feel4Diabetes-Study Group:
Fathers' daily intake of fruit and vegetables is positively associated with children's fruit and vegetable consumption patterns in Europe: The Feel4Diabetes Study.
J. Hum. Nutr. Diet. 35 (2), 337-349, 2021.
Flores-Barrantes, P.,
Cardon, G.,
Iglesia, I.,
Moreno, L. A.,
Androutsos, O.,
Manios, Y.,
Kivelä, J.,
Lindström, J.,
De Craemer, M.,
Feel4Diabetes-Study Group:
Step Count Associations Between Adults at Risk of Developing Diabetes and Their Children: The Feel4Diabetes Study.
J. Phys. Act. Health. 18 (4), 374-381, 2021.
Jancsó, Z.,
Rurik, I.,
Kolozsvári, L. R.,
Mester, L.,
Nánási, A.,
Oláh, C.,
Ungvári, T.,
Tóth-Vraukó, K.,
Kalabay, L.,
Torzsa, P.:
Care management of patients with high cardiovascular risk in Hungary an international and Hungarian longitudinal comparison of target level achievement.
BMC Fam. Pract. 21 (1), 1-8, 2020.
Anastasiou, C. A.,
Fappa, E.,
Zachari, K.,
Mavrogianni, C.,
Van Stappen, V.,
Kivelä, J.,
Virtanen, E.,
González-Gil, E.,
Flores-Barrantes, P.,
Nánási, A.,
Semánová, C.,
Dimova, R.,
Usheva, N.,
Iotova, V.,
Cardon, G.,
Manios, Y.,
Makrilakis, K.,
Feel4Diabetes-Study Group:
Development and reliability of questionnaires for the assessment of diet and physical activity behaviors in a multi-country sample in Europe the Feel4Diabetes Study.
BMC Endocr Disord. 20 (Suppl.), 1-7, 2020.
Lambrinou, C. P.,
Androutsos, O.,
Karaglani, E.,
Cardon, G.,
Huys, N.,
Wikström, K.,
Kivelä, J.,
Ko, W.,
Karuranga, E.,
Tsochev, K.,
Iotova, V.,
Dimova, R.,
De Miguel-Etayo, P.,
González-Gil, E.,
Tamás, H.,
Jancsó, Z.,
Liatis, S.,
Makrilakis, K.,
Manios, Y.,
Feel4Diabetes-Study Group:
Effective strategies for childhood obesity prevention via school based, family involved interventions: a critical review for the development of the Feel4Diabetes-study school based component.
BMC Endocr. Disord. 20 (Suppl.), 1-20, 2020.
Androutsos, O.,
Anastasiou, C. A.,
Lambrinou, C. P.,
Mavrogianni, C.,
Cardon, G.,
Van Stappen, V.,
Kivelä, J.,
Wikström, K.,
Moreno, L. A.,
Iotova, V.,
Tsochev, K.,
Chakarova, N.,
Ungvári, T.,
Jancsó, Z.,
Makrilakis, K.,
Manios, Y.,
Feel4Diabetes-Study Group:
Intra- and inter- observer reliability of anthropometric measurements and blood pressure in primary schoolchildren and adults: the Feel4Diabetes-study.
BMC Endocr Disord. 20 (Suppl.), 1-6, 2020.
Karatzi, K.,
Moschonis, G.,
Botsi, E.,
Liatis, S.,
Tsochev, K.,
De Miguel-Etayo, P.,
Kivelä, J.,
Wikström, K.,
Dimova, R.,
Lamiquiz-Moneo, I.,
Cardon, G.,
Iotova, V.,
Makrilakis, K.,
Manios, Y.,
Feel4Diabetes-Study Group:
Lipidemic Profile Changes over a Two-Year Intervention Period: who Benefited Most from the Feel4Diabetes Program?.
Nutrients. 12, 1-16, 2020.
Kivelä, J.,
Wikström, K.,
Virtanen, E.,
Georgoulis, M.,
Cardon, G.,
Civeira, F.,
Iotova, V.,
Karuranga, E.,
Ko, W.,
Liatis, S.,
Makrilakis, K.,
Manios, Y.,
Mateo-Gallego, R.,
Nánási, A.,
Rurik, I.,
Tankova, T.,
Tsochev, K.,
Van Stappen, V.,
Lindström, J.,
Feel4Diabetes-Study Group:
Obtaining evidence base for the development of Feel4Diabetes intervention to prevent type 2 diabetes: a narrative literature review.
BMC Endocr Disord. 20 (Suppl.), 1-24, 2020.