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A Tudóstér funkcióinak nagy része bejelentkezés nélkül is elérhető. Bejelentkezésre az alábbi műveletekhez van szükség:
Zulfiqar, S.,
Sadaf, R.,
Popp, J.,
Vveinhardt, J.,
Máté, D.:
An Examination of Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Behavior: the Case of Pakistan.
Sustainability. 11 (13), 1-15, 2019.
Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
Zulfiqar, S.:
Corporate philanthropy in the pakistani textil sector: evidence on slack resources, advertising instensity and past financial performance.
Taylor. 9 (1), 32-40, 2017.
Zulfiqar, S.:
Do Conflict and Balance Between Work and Family Effect Organizational Citizenship Behavior? Comparative Study of Single and Dual Earner Couples.
Ann. Univ. Oradea. Econ. Scien. 26 (1), 893-900, 2017.
Zulfiqar, S.,
Islam, A.:
Exploring the Role of Emotions and Moods in Decision Making: Study on the Use of Structured Decision Approach and Intuition.
Int. J. Eng. Manag. Sci. 2 (3), 140-149, 2017.
Szabados, G.,
Bácsné Bába, É.,
Kulcsár, G.,
Zulfiqar, S.:
An approach to understanding the specific subsidies received by rural civic organizations: a case of a settlement in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county.
Apstract. 10 (4-5), 117-124, 2016.
Zulfiqar, S.,
Haddad, H.,
Alshehhi, Y. Z. H.,
Máté, D.:
Financial performance of Islamic banks in the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan and Jordan: a case comparative study in a dupont approach.
Anal. Univ. Oradea. Ştiinţ. econ. 25 (2), 403-409, 2016.
Zulfiqar, S.:
Link between Corporate Philanthropy and Corporate Financial Performance: Evidence from Pakistani Textile Sector.
Int. J. Eng. Manag. Sci. 1 (1), 1-12, 2016.
Fatima, A.,
Rabia, I.,
Hina, S.,
Zulfiqar, S.:
Knowledge Sharing Among Pakistani IT Professionals: Examining the Role of Procedural Justice, Pay Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment.
Adv. Sci. Lett. 21 (5), 1189-1192, 2015.
Sial, A. W.,
Tahir, A. Q.,
Zulfiqar, S.,
Iqbal, M.,
Naqvi, S. A. A.:
Demutualization of Stock Exchanges and Stock Market Growth: Broader Economic Investigation of Demutualized Exchanges.
JEFA. 1 (4), 285-294, 2014.
Sial, A. W.,
Zulfiqar, S.,
Kousar, S. W. A.,
Habib, S.:
Impact of Servant Leadership on Knowledge Sharing Intensions Among Employees: (Study Of Higher Education Commission Of Pakistan).
European Journal of Business and Innovation Research. 2 (1), 1-11, 2014.
Sial, A. W.,
Usman, M. K.,
Zulfiqar, S.,
Satti, A. M.,
Khursheed, I.:
Why Do Public Sector Organizations Fail In Implementation Of Strategic Plan In Pakistan?.
Public Policy and Administration Research. 3 (1), 34-41, 2013.
Younis, A.,
Zulfiqar, S.,
Arshad, H.,
Imran, M.:
Struggle to Juggle. Gender and Work Life Balance.
Interdiscipl. J. Contemp. Res. Bus. 3 (4), 514-531, 2011.