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A Tudóstér funkcióinak nagy része bejelentkezés nélkül is elérhető. Bejelentkezésre az alábbi műveletekhez van szükség:
Shenouda, S. S.,
Saif, M. M.,
Baradács, E.,
Parditka, B.,
Fodor, T.,
Erdélyi, Z.:
Optimization of the structural and optical properties of ALD grown ZnO thin films for photocatalytic applications: thickness dependence.
Phys. Scr. 98 (1), 1-12, (cikkazonosító: 015826), 2023.
Shenouda, S. S.,
Mohamed, R. A.,
Baradács, E.,
Erdélyi, Z.:
Prediction and tuning of the optical energy gap and refractive index of amorphous titania-alumina thin films prepared by atomic layer deposition using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference-system model.
Eur. Phys. J. Plus. 138 (11), 1-10, (cikkazonosító: 1024), 2023.
Shenouda, S. S.,
Csik, A.,
Takáts, V.,
Beke, D. L.:
Darkening of amorphous SixGe1-x thin films by means of non-affine thermal strain.
J. Non-Cryst. Solids. 545, 1-6, (cikkazonosító: 120242), 2020.
Hussien, M. S. A.,
Shenouda, S. S.,
Parditka, B.,
Csik, A.,
Erdélyi, Z.:
Enhancement of Urbach's energy and non-lattice oxygen content of TiO1.7 ultra-thin films for more photocatalytic activity.
Ceram. Int. 46 (10), 15236-15241, 2020.
Juhász, L.,
Parditka, B.,
Shenouda, S. S.,
Kadoi, M.,
Fukunaga, K. i.,
Erdélyi, Z.,
Cserháti, C.:
Morphological and in situ local refractive index change induced tuning of the optical properties of titania coated porous gold nanoparticles.
J. Appl. Phys. 128 (5), 1-8, 2020.
Shenouda, S. S.,
Hussien, M. S. A.,
Parditka, B.,
Csik, A.,
Takáts, V.,
Erdélyi, Z.:
Novel amorphous Al-rich Al2O3 ultra-thin films as active photocatalysts for water treatment from some textile dyes.
Ceram. Int. 46 (6), 7922-7929, 2020.
Csik, A.,
Shenouda, S. S.,
Erdélyi, Z.,
Beke, D. L.:
Dissolution of thin TaV2 during annealing of Ta/TaV2/V tri-layer below the order-disorder temperature.
Appl. Surf. Sci. 466, 381-384, 2019.
Molnár, G.,
Shenouda, S. S.,
Katona, G.,
Langer, G. A.,
Beke, D. L.:
Determination of the compositions of the DIGM zone in nanocrystalline Ag/Au and Ag/Pd thin films by secondary neutral mass spectrometry.
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 7, 474-483, 2016.
Zaka, H.,
Shenouda, S. S.,
Fouad, S. S.,
Medhat, M.,
Katona, G.,
Csik, A.,
Langer, G. A.,
Beke, D. L.:
Formation of Cu6Sn5 phase by cold homogenization in nanocrystalline Cu-Sn bilayers at room temperature.
Microelectron. Reliab. 56, 85-92, 2016.
Shenouda, S. S.,
Molnár, G.,
Langer, G. A.,
Katona, G.,
Kristály, F.,
Beke, D. L.:
Kinetics of shift of individual interfaces in Ni/Si system during low temperature reactions.
Microelectron. Eng. 134, 14-21, 2015.
Yahia, I. S.,
Fadel, M.,
Sakr, G. B.,
Shenouda, S. S.,
Yakuphanoglu, F.:
Effect of the frequency and temperature on the complex impedance spectroscopy (C-V and G-V) of p-ZnGa2Se4/n-Si nanostructure heterojunction diode.
J. Mater. Sci. 47 (4), 1719-1728, 2012.
Fadel, M.,
Yahia, I. S.,
Sakr, G. B.,
Yakuphanoglu, F.,
Shenouda, S. S.:
Structure, optical spectroscopy and dispersion parameters of ZnGa2Se4 thin films at different annealing temperatures.
Opt. Commun. 285 (13-14), 3154-3161, 2012.
Yahia, I. S.,
Fadel, M.,
Sakr, G. B.,
Yakuphanoglu, F.,
Shenouda, S. S.,
Farooq, W. A.:
Analysis of current-voltage characteristics of Al/p-ZnGa2Se4/n-Si nanocrystalline heterojunction diode.
J. Alloy. Compd. 509 (12), 4414-4419, 2011.
Yahia, I. S.,
Fadel, M.,
Sakr, G. B.,
Shenouda, S. S.,
Yakuphanoglu, F.,
Farooq, W. A.:
Impedance Spectroscopy of Nanostructure p-ZnGa2Se4/n-Si Heterojunction Diode.
Acta Phys. Pol. A. 120 (3), 563-566, 2011.
Yahia, I. S.,
Fadel, M.,
Sakr, G. B.,
Shenouda, S. S.:
Memory switching of ZnGa2Se4 thin films as a new material for phase change memories (PCMs).
J. Alloy. Compd. 507 (2), 551-556, 2010.