Kovács Elemér

Kovács Elemér

Publication list

Juhász, C., Kovács, E., Tamás, J.: Leonardo pilot project for sustainable water management in Central Europe.
Cereal Res. Commun. 35 (2/1), 565-568, 2007.
Journal metrics:
Q3 Agronomy and Crop Science
Q4 Genetics
Q4 Physiology
Juhász, C., Bíró, T., Tamás, J., Kovács, E.: Evaluation of nitrate pollution sources in pig-farms producing liquid manure (case study)..
In: 12th RAMIRAN International Conference. "Technology for recycling of manure and organic residues in a whole-farm perspective". Ed.: by Søren O. Petersen, DIAS, Tjele, 321-324, 2006, (DIAS report Plant production, ISSN 1397-9884 ; 122) ISBN: 8788976998
Nagy, A., Tamás, J., Kovács, E., Kovács, E.: Heavy metal pollution mapping of abandoned mining site by airborne hyperspectral image analysis.
Cereal Res. Commun. 34 (1), 53-56, 2006.
Journal metrics:
Q3 Agronomy and Crop Science
Q4 Genetics
Q4 Physiology
Kovács, E., Nagy, A., Kovács, N., Pregun, C., Tamás, J.: Pilot study on the trace element content of sediment and fish from contaminated stream in Hungary.
In: Trace elements in food chain / (szerk.) Szilágyi Mihály, Szentmihályi Klára, Insitute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry of HAS, Budapest, 160-165, 2006.
DEENK University of Debrecen
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