Mihalik Bendegúz

Mihalik Bendegúz

Publication list

Ashrafzadeh, M. R., Khosravi, R., Fernandes, C., Aguayo, C., Bagi, Z., Lavadinović, V. Z., Szendrei, L., Beukovic, D., Mihalik, B., Kusza, S.: Assessing the origin, genetic structure and demographic history of the common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) in the introduced European range.
Sci. Rep. 11 (1), 1-14, 2021.
Journal metrics:
D1 Multidisciplinary
Szemethy, D., Mihalik, B., Frank, K., Nagy, T., Újváry, D., Kusza, S., Szemethy, L., Barta, E., Stéger, V.: Development of Wild Boar Species-Specific DNA Markers for a Potential Quality Control and Traceability Method in Meat Products.
Food Anal. Methods. 2020, 1-10, 2020.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Analytical Chemistry
Q2 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
Q2 Food Science
Q1 Safety Research
Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
Mihalik, B., Kusza, S., Stéger, V., Wanjala, G., Németh, Z.: Effects of natural and artificial barriers on the genetic diversity of game species: a review.
Balk. J. Wildl. Res. 5 (1), 1-18, 2020.
Mihalik, B., Frank, K., Astuti, P. K., Szemethy, D., Szendrei, L., Szemethy, L., Kusza, S., Stéger, V.: Population Genetic Structure of the Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) in the Carpathian Basin.
Genes. 11 (10), 1-9, 2020.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Genetics
Q2 Genetics (clinical)
Mihalik, B., Frank, K., Szemethy, D., Stéger, V., Kusza, S.: Development of an InDel marker set to establish hybridization between wild boar and domestic pig (Sus scrofa) breeds.
Agrártud. Közl. 2019 (1), 21-25, 2019.
Frank, K., Fehér, P., Mihalik, B., Stéger, V.: Genetikai vizsgálatok a vadgazdálkodás szolgálatában.
Vadászévkönyv. 2019, 150-157, 2019.
Mihalik, B., Stéger, V., Frank, K., Szendrei, L., Kusza, S.: Barrier effect of the M3 highway in Hungary on the genetic diversity of wild boar (Sus scrofa) population.
Res. J. Biotechnol. 13 (12), 32-38, 2018.
Journal metrics:
Q4 Bioengineering
Q4 Biotechnology
Q4 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
Fehér, P., Szepesi, K., Frank, K., Heltai, B., Mihalik, B., Újváry, D., Szilágyi, I., Gombkötő, P., Szemethy, L., Stéger, V.: Development of genetic monitoring methods for hungarian large carnivores: Canidae.
In: Fiatal Biotechnológusok Országos Konferenciája. Szerk.: Tamás László, Zelenyánszki Helga, JATEPress, Szeged, 67, 2018. ISBN: 9789633153703
Heltai, B., Szepesi, K., Frank, K., Fehér, P., Tokár, A., Mihalik, B., Bognár, G., Kolics-Horváth, É., Barta, E., Bodó, S., Kolics, B., Stéger, V.: Development of microsatellite markers related to the hygienic behaviour of honey bees.
In: Fiatal Biotechnológusok Országos Konferenciája. Szerk.: Tamás László, Zelenyánszki Helga, JATEPress, Szeged, 68, 2018.
Mihalik, B., Frank, K., Szemethy, D., Stéger, V., Barta, E., Kusza, S.: Genetic structure of the Hungarian wild boars (Sus scrofa) - initial results.
In: 12th International Symposium on Wild Boar and Other Suids : Book of Abstracts, Mendel University in Brno, Brno, 52, 2018. ISBN: 9788075095640
Mihalik, B., Frank, K., Barta, E., Stéger, V., Kusza, S.: M3 highway as a potential barrier of wild boar (Sus scrofa) in Hungary.
In: Modern Aspects of Sustainable Management of Game Populations : Book of Abstracts, [University of Forestry], [Sofia], 55, 2018.
Fehér, P., Frank, K., Heltai, B., Szepesi, K., Mihalik, B., Barta, E., Újváry, D., Gombkötő, P., Szemethy, L., Stéger, V.: Genetic monitoring of Hungarian carnivores: Felidae.
In: Hungarian Molecular Life Sciences : Book of Abstracts. Ed.: Zsuzsanna, Heiszler, Róbert Hohol, Nóra Éles-Etele, Diamond Congress Kft, Budapest, 249-250, 2017. ISBN: 9786155270345
Wanjala, G., Mihalik, B., Stéger, V., Kusza, S.: Lake Balaton as a geographical barrier for gene flow between wild boar (Sus scrofa) populations in Hungary.
Acta Agronom. Óváriens. 58 (2), 36-55, 2017.
Mihalik, B., Szemethy, D., Frank, K., Szepesi, K., Heltai, B., Fehér, P., Újváry, D., Szemethy, L., Barta, E., Stéger, V., Kusza, S.: Preliminary report on genetic structure of the Hungarian wild boars (Sus scrofa).
In: International Scientific Symposium "Bioengineering of Animal Resources 2017": Book of Abstracts. Ed.: M. Dragomirescu, N. Pacala, I. Pet, L. Stef, Banat's University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Temesvár, 1, 2017.
Szemethy, D., Frank, K., Szepesi, K., Mihalik, B., Újváry, D., Szemethy, L., Barta, E., Stéger, V.: Development of wild boar species-specific DNA markers.
In: 11th International Symposium on Wild Boar & Other Suids : Abstract booklet, [s. n.], Luxembourg, 51, 2016 .
Mihalik, B.: Maximal sustainable harvesting, as a method of raising the wildlife management's incomes.
Rev. Agric. Rural Dev. 5 (1-2), 38-43, 2016.
Rung, Á., Mihalik, B., Beke, J., Heltai, M.: A dolmányos varjú tavaszi és kora nyári táplálkozásának vizsgálata a Kiskunságban.
Vadbiológia. 17, 68-77, 2015.
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