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Debreceni Egyetem. Gazdaságtudományi Kar. Agrár- és Üzleti Digitalizáció Intézet. Agrárinformatika Tanszék / University of Debrecen. Faculty of Economics and Business. Agrár- és Üzleti Digitalizáció Intézet. Department of Agricultural Informatics
Haddad, H.,
Alharasis, E. E.,
Fraij, J. K. I.,
Al-Ramahi, N. M.:
How Do Innovative Improvements in Forensic Accounting and Its Related Technologies Sweeten Fraud Investigation and Prevention?.
WSEAS Transact. Business Econ. 21, 1115-1141, 2024.
Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
Strategy and Management
Fraij, J. K. I.,
Aldabbas, A. K. A. E.,
Várallyai, L.:
Awareness of The Impact and Usage of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resources Practices: A Developing Country Case Study.
International journal of economics and management systems. 7, 579-593, 2022.
Fraij, J. K. I.:
UTAUT2 Model to Investigate the Adoption of E-HRM in the Telecommunication Sector.
WSEAS Transactions on Communications. 21, 72-85, 2022.
Fraij, J. K. I.,
Várallyai, L.:
A literature Review: Artificial Intelligence Impact on the Recruitment Process.
Int. J. Eng. Manag. Sci. 6 (1), 108-119, 2021.
Fraij, J. K. I.,
Aburumman, N. M. A.:
How Does Telework Act As A Solution To The Public Sector In The Time Of Pandemic?.
Netw. Intell. Stud. 9 (17), 13-24, 2021.
Fraij, J. K. I.,
Várallyai, L.:
Proposed Model For Artificial Intelligence Acceptance in Recruitment: Telecom in Jordan.
J. Agric. Inform. 12 (2), 46-57, 2021.
Haddad, H.,
Alkhodari, D.,
Al-Araj, R.,
Aburumman, N. M. A.,
Fraij, J. K. I.:
Review of the Corporate Governance and Its Effects on the Disruptive Technology Environment.
WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development. 17, 1004-1020, 2021.
Fraij, J. K. I.,
Haddad, H.,
Aburumman, N. M. A.:
The Quality of Accounting Information System, Firm Size, Sector Type as a Case Study from Jordan.
Int. Business Manage. 15 (2), 30-38, 2021.