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A Tudóstér funkcióinak nagy része bejelentkezés nélkül is elérhető. Bejelentkezésre az alábbi műveletekhez van szükség:
Lovics, R.,
Csik, A.,
Takáts, V.,
Hakl, J.,
Vad, K.:
Structural modification of boron-doped ZnO layers caused by hydrogen outgassing.
International Conference on Smart Functional Materials for Shaping our Future. Debrecen, Hungary, 19-20 Sept., 2014 : abstract book 134, 2014.
Lovics, R.,
Csik, A.,
Takáts, V.,
Hakl, J.,
Vad, K.:
Thermal assisted motion of oxygen and hydrogen in zinc oxide layer.
16th International Conference on Thin Films : abstract book 256, 2014.
Lovics, R.,
Csik, A.,
Takáts, V.,
Hakl, J.,
Vad, K.,
Langer, G. A.:
Depth profile analysis of solar cells by Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry using conducting mesh.
Vacuum. 86 (6), 721-723, 2012.
Lovics, R.,
Csik, A.,
Takáts, V.,
Langer, G. A.,
Vad, K.:
Study of Atomic Migration in Zinc Oxide Layers by Depth Profile Analysis.
In: 27th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, EU PVSEC, München, 2530-2531, 2012. ISBN: 3936338280
Lovics, R.,
Takáts, V.,
Csik, A.,
Hakl, J.,
Langer, G. A.,
Baji, Z.,
Lábadi, Z.,
Vad, K.:
Surface roughness and interface study by Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry.
14th Joint Vacuum Conference, 12th Europena Vacuum Conference, 11th Annual Meeting of the German Vacuum Society, 19th Croatian-Slovenian Vacuum Meeting. Dubrovnik, Croatia, 4-8 June, 2012 : abstract book 211, 2012.
Lovics, R.,
Csik, A.,
Takáts, V.,
Vad, K.,
Langer, G. A.:
Átlátszó vezető oxidrétegek tulajdonságainak vizsgálata.
In: "Új fények a fizikában" : Fizikus vándorgyűlés Pécs, 2010. augusztus 24-27.. Szerk.: Ádám Péter Mechler Mátyás Illés, Eötvös Loránd Fizikai Társulat, Budapest, 45, 2010.
Lovics, R.:
Depth profile analysis of amorphous/microcrystalline SiLICIUM solar cells and Aluminum doped ZinC oxide by secondary neutral mass spectroscopy.
Acta Phys. Debr. 44, 69-77, 2010.
Lovics, R.,
Takáts, V.,
Csik, A.,
Langer, G. A.,
Vad, K.:
Depth Profile Analysis of Amorphous/Microcrystalline Si Solar Cells by Secondary Neutral Mass Spectroscopy.
In: 5th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, 6-10 September 2010, Valencia, Spain, WIP-Renewable Energies, Munich, 3152-3153, 2010. ISBN: 3936338264
Lovics, R.,
Takáts, V.,
Csik, A.,
Langer, G. A.,
Vad, K.:
Depth Profile Analysis of Amorphous/Microcrystalline Si Solar Cells by Secondary Neutral Mass Spectroscopy.
25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 5th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Valencia, Spain : annual report 25, 2010.
Lovics, R.,
Csik, A.,
Takáts, V.,
Vad, K.,
Langer, G. A.:
SNMS depth profile analysis of solar cells using conducting mesh.
13th Joint Vacuum Conference June 20-24, 2010, Štrbské Pleso 15, 2010.
SCImago besorolással rendelkező tudományos folyóiratcikkek
SCImago besorolással rendelkező tudományos folyóiratcikkek száma: 2
Q11 (50%)
Q21 (50%)
SCImago kategóriák
Physics and Astronomy
Condensed Matter Physics
Nuclear and High Energy Physics
Materials Science
Surfaces, Coatings and Films
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13th Joint Vacuum Conference June 20-24, 2010, Štrbské Pleso
14th Joint Vacuum Conference, 12th Europena Vacuum Conference, 11th Annual Meeting of the German Vacuum Society, 19th Croatian-Slovenian Vacuum Meeting. Dubrovnik, Croatia, 4-8 June, 2012 : abstract book
16th International Conference on Thin Films : abstract book
25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 5th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Valencia, Spain : annual report
26th International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids. ICACS 26. Debrecen, Hungary, 13-18 July, 2014
Acta physica Debrecina
International Conference on Smart Functional Materials for Shaping our Future. Debrecen, Hungary, 19-20 Sept., 2014 : abstract book
Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms