Sperka Tamás

Sperka Tamás

Publication list

Berta, A., Csutak, A., Sperka, T., Tőzsér, J.: Process and kit for measuring the condition of the fibrinolitic system.
Csutak, A., Silver, D. M., Sperka, T., Kádas, J., Vereb, G., Berta, A., Tőzsér, J.: Urokinase down-regulation by aprotinin in rabbit corneal cells after photorefractive keratectomy.
Curr. Eye Res. 35 (9), 806-811, 2010.
Journal metrics:
Q4 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
Q2 Ophthalmology
Q3 Sensory Systems
Berta, A., Csutak, A., Sperka, T., Tőzsér, J.: Process and kit for measuring the condition of the fibrinolitic system.
Kovács, L., Alexa, A., Klement, É., Kókai, E., Tantos, Á., Gógl, G., Sperka, T., Medzihradszky-Fölkl, K., Tőzsér, J., Dombrádi, V., Friedrich, P.: Regulation of calpain B from Drosophila melanogaster by phosphorylation.
FEBS J. 276 (17), 4959-4972, 2009.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Biochemistry
Q2 Cell Biology
Q2 Molecular Biology
Eizert, E. H., Bander, P., Bagossi, P., Sperka, T., Miklóssy, G., Boross, P., Weber, I. T., Tőzsér, J.: Amino acid preferences of retroviral proteases for amino-terminal positions in a type 1 cleavage site.
J. Virol. 82 (20), 10111-10117, 2008.
Journal metrics:
D1 Immunology
D1 Insect Science
D1 Microbiology
D1 Virology
Berta, A., Csutak, A., Sperka, T., Tőzsér, J.: Eljárás és kit a fibrinolitikus rendszer állapotának mérésére = Process and kit for measuring the condition of the fibrinolitic system.
Sperka, T., Miklóssy, G., Tie, Y., Bagossi, P., Zahuczky, G., Boross, P., Matúz, K., Harrison, R. W., Weber, I. T., Tőzsér, J.: Bovine leukemia virus protease: comparison with human T-lymphotropic virus and human immunodeficiency virus protease.
J. Gen. Virol. 88 (7), 2052-2063, 2007.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Virology
Fehér, A., Boross, P., Sperka, T., Miklóssy, G., Kádas, J., Bagossi, P., Oroszlan, S., Weber, I. T., Tőzsér, J.: Characterization of the murine leukemia virus protease and its comparison with the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease.
J. Gen. Virol. 87 (5), 1321-1330, 2006.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Virology
Sperka, T., Boross, P., Eizert, E. H., Tőzsér, J., Bagossi, P.: Effect of mutations on the dimer stability and the pH optimum of the human foamy virus protease.
Protein Eng. Des. Sel. 19 (8), 369-375, 2006.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Biochemistry
Q1 Bioengineering
Q1 Biotechnology
Q2 Molecular Biology
Bagossi, P., Sperka, T., Fehér, A., Kádas, J., Zahuczky, G., Miklóssy, G., Boross, P., Tőzsér, J.: Amino Acid Preferences for a Critical Substrate Binding Subsite of Retroviral Proteases in Type 1 Cleavage Sites.
J. Virol. 79 (7), 4213-4218, 2005.
Journal metrics:
D1 Immunology
D1 Insect Science
D1 Microbiology
D1 Virology
Sperka, T., Pitlik, J., Bagossi, P., Tőzsér, J.: Beta-lactam compounds as apparently uncompetitive inhibitors of HIV-1 protease.
Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 15 (12), 3086-3090, 2005.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Biochemistry
Q2 Clinical Biochemistry
Q1 Drug Discovery
Q3 Molecular Biology
Q3 Molecular Medicine
Q2 Organic Chemistry
Q1 Pharmaceutical Science
Fehér, A., Boross, P., Sperka, T., Oroszlan, S., Tőzsér, J.: Expression of the murine leukemia virus protease in fusion with maltose-binding protein in Escherichia coli.
Protein Expr. Purif. 35 (1), 62-68, 2004.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Biotechnology
Csutak, A., Silver, D. M., Sperka, T., Kádas, J., Vereb, G., Berta, A., Tőzsér, J.: Urokinase down-regulation by aprotinin after photorefractive keratectomy in rabbit corneal epithelial cells.
Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 45, 1415, 2004.
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