Barkat Ayoub

Barkat Ayoub

Publication list

Balla, D. Z., Kiss, E., Bodroginé Zichar, M., Barkat, A., Mester, T.: Cloud-based geovisualization of the DRASTIC model for assessing groundwater vulnerability in a Hungarian settlement, Báránd.
In: Az elmélet és a gyakorlat találkozása a térinformatikában = Theory meets practice in GIS : Debreceni Egyetem Térinformatikai Konferencia és Szakkiállítás/ szerk. Abriha-Molnár Vanda Éva, Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen, 65, 2024. ISBN: 9789634906193
Barkat, A., Szabó, G., Benhizia, R., Mester, T., Rahal, Z.: Groundwater Quality Assessment of Oued Souf Valley Using GIS.
In: , Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen, 39-46, 2024.
Hamma, B., Alodah, A., Bouaicha, F., Bekkouche, M. F., Barkat, A., Hussein, E. E.: Hydrochemical assessment of groundwater using multivariate statistical methods and water quality indices (WQIs).
Appl Water Sci. 14 (2), 1-18, (article identifier: 33), 2024.
Rahal, Z., Abderrahmane, K., Chekima, H., Barkat, A., Smolyanichenko, A. S.: Phytotoxicity Assessment of Oat Seeds Using Purified Water Treated with Palm Leaves and Date Pits.
Pollution. 10 (1), 201-209, 2024.
Rahal, Z., Abderrahmane, K., Barkat, A., Smolyanichenko, A. S., Chekima, H.: Adsorption of Sodium in an Aqueous Solution in Activated Date Pits.
Indonesian J. Sci. Technol. 8 (3), 397-412, 2023.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous)
Q1 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous)
Q1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
Q2 Space and Planetary Science
Barkat, A., Bouaicha, F., Rahal, Z., Mester, T., Szabó, G.: Evaluation of climatic conditions from 1978 to 2020 of Oued Souf Valley (Southern East of Algeria).
Acta geogr. Debr., Landsc. environ. ser. 17 (1), 1-10, 2023.
Mester, T., Benkhard, B., Vasvári, M., Csorba, P., Kiss, E., Balla, D. Z., Fazekas, I., Csépes, E., Barkat, A., Szabó, G.: Hydrochemical Assessment of the Kisköre Reservoir (Lake Tisza) and the Impacts of Water Quality on Tourism Development.
Water. 15 (8), 1-17, (article identifier: 1514), 2023.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Aquatic Science
Q2 Biochemistry
Q1 Geography, Planning and Development
Q1 Water Science and Technology
Barkat, A., Bouaicha, F., Ziad, S., Mester, T., Sajtos, Z., Balla, D. Z., Makhloufi, I., Szabó, G.: The Integrated Use of Heavy-Metal Pollution Indices and the Assessment of Metallic Health Risks in the Phreatic Groundwater Aquifer-The Case of the Oued Souf Valley in Algeria.
Hydrology. 10 (10), 1-27, (article identifier: 201), 2023.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Earth-Surface Processes
Q2 Oceanography
Q2 Water Science and Technology
Q2 Waste Management and Disposal
Barkat, A., Bouaicha, F., Mester, T., Debabeche, M., Szabó, G.: Assessment of Spatial Distribution and Temporal Variations of the Phreatic Groundwater Level Using Geostatistical Modelling: The Case of Oued Souf Valley-Southern East of Algeria.
Water. 14, 1-25, 2022.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Aquatic Science
Q2 Biochemistry
Q1 Geography, Planning and Development
Q2 Water Science and Technology
Ata, B., Pakrooh, P., Barkat, A., Benhizia, R., Pénzes, J.: Inequalities in Regional Level Domestic CO2 Emissions and Energy Use: A Case Study of Iran.
Energies. 15 (11), 1-26, 2022.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Control and Optimization
Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology
Q2 Energy (miscellaneous)
Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous)
Q2 Fuel Technology
Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
Debabeche, M., Barkat, A., Boukebous, M. A.: Reuse of wastewater, treated by phytoremediation, for the irrigation of the Botanical Garden "le jardin Landon" (Biskra, Algeria): Sustainable solution for the preservation of a material heritage site.
Agua y Territorio. 20, 89-96, 2022.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous)
Q3 Geography, Planning and Development
Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous)
Q1 History
Barkat, A., Bouaicha, F., Bouteraa, O., Mester, T., Ata, B., Balla, D. Z., Rahal, Z., Szabó, G.: Assessment of Complex Terminal Groundwater Aquifer for Different Use of Oued Souf Valley (Algeria) Using Multivariate Statistical Methods, Geostatistical Modelling and Water Quality Index.
Water. 13 (11), 1-26, 2021.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Aquatic Science
Q2 Biochemistry
Q1 Geography, Planning and Development
Q1 Water Science and Technology
DEENK University of Debrecen
© 2012 University of Debrecen