Gonzalez Flores Karen Miriam

Gonzalez Flores Karen Miriam

Publication list

Gonzalez Flores, K. M.: The Use of Partial Least Squares to Define the Characteristics in the Environment of Higher Education Institutions and their Effects on EntrepreneurialAcademic Education, a Case Study:Torreon, Mexico.
Int. J. Eng. Manag. Sci. 8 (2), 1-14, 2023.
Gonzalez Flores, K. M., Molina Morejón, V. M.: Fundamentals of human capital and education elements of the entrepreneurship ecosystem.
Cross Cult. Manag. J. 24 (2), 149-157, 2022.
Gonzalez Flores, K. M., Molina Morejón, V. M.: The Higher Education Institutions ecosystem factors and its impact on the entrepreneurship education, case study: North-Eastern Mexico.
Journal of Microfinance Planning and Control. 8 (21), 31-43, 2022.
Gonzalez, F. O., Gonzalez Flores, K. M., Canibe, C. F.: Critical success factors on internationalized SMEs. Exploration in Coahuila, Mexico.
In: Ferenc Farkas International Scientific Conference = Farkas Ferenc Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferencia 2018. Szerk.: Dobrai Katalin, László Gyula, Sipos Norbert, Pécsi Tudományegyetem Közgazdaságtudományi Kar Vezetés- és Szervezéstudományi Intézet, Pécs, 175-186, 2018. ISBN: 9789634292388
Gonzalez Flores, K. M., Katonáné Kovács, J.: Defining the entrepreneurship ecosystem.
SEA: Pract. Appl. Sci. 6 (18), 299-306, 2018.
Gonzalez Flores, K. M.: Fintech overview in the Mexican entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Netw. Intell. Stud. 6 (12), 141-148, 2018.
Molina Morejón, V. M., Elizondo, M. M., Armenteros Acosta, M. d. C., Gonzalez Flores, K. M., Martínez Cabrera, H.: Propuesta de valor del modelo de negocios de las pyme: un estudio en diversos sectores económicos de Coahuila = The value proposition of the business model for smes: a study in different economic sectors of Coahuila.
Revista Internacional Administración & Finanzas. 9, 73-85, 2016.
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