Szabolcs István Márton

Szabolcs István Márton

Publication list

Mizsei, E., Radovics, D., Rák, G., Budai, M., Bancsik, B., Szabolcs, I. M., Sós, T., Lengyel, S.: Alpine Viper in Changing Climate: Thermal Ecology and Prospects of a Cold-Adapted Reptile in the Warming Mediterranean.
In: 10th World Congress of Herpetology : Book of abstracts. Comp. by: Indraneil Das, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Sarawak, 620-621, 2024.
Kovács, G., Móré, A., Radovics, D., Bancsik, B., Budai, M., Rák, G., Wenner, B., Szabolcs, I. M., Tölgyesi, C., Mizsei, E.: Community Organization in Two Hungarian Meadow Viper Species across Two Previously Afforested Grassland Reconstruction Sites.
In: 10th World Congress of Herpetology : Book of abstracts. Comp. by: Indraneil Das, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Sarawak, 613-614, 2024.
Sós, T., Radovics, D., Mebert, K., Üveges, B., Budai, M., Rák, G., Szabolcs, I. M., Lengyel, S., Horváth, G., Mizsei, E.: Coping Through Diversity: Quantifying Variation in Behavioural Thermal Tolerance of Grassland Vipers (Vipera Spp.) on Individual and Population Level.
In: 10th World Congress of Herpetology : Book of abstracts. Comp. by: Indraneil Das, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Sarawak, 721-722, 2024.
Mizsei, E., Radovics, D., Sós, T., Mebert, K., Üveges, B., Budai, M., Rák, G., Szabolcs, I. M., Lengyel, S.: Restriction Times on the Rise: Mechanistic Modelling of Activity Time of Grassland Vipers (Vipera Spp.) in the Face of Climate Change.
In: 10th World Congress of Herpetology : Book of abstracts. Comp. by: Indraneil Das, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Sarawak, 727-728, 2024.
Rák, G., Budai, M., Wenner, B., Móré, A., Bancsik, B., Kovács, G., Szabolcs, I. M., Radovics, D., Sós, T., Mizsei, E.: The microhabitat choice of the Hungarian Meadow Viper (Vipera ursinii rakosiensis) in Kiskunság: A preference towards microhabitat transitions.
In: 10th World Congress of Herpetology : Book of abstracts. Comp. by: Indraneil Das, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Sarawak, 145-146, 2024.
Lengyel, S., Nagy, G., Tóth, M., Mészáros, G., Nagy, C. P., Mizsei, E., Szabolcs, I. M., Mester, B., Mérő, T. O.: Grassland restoration benefits declining farmland birds: A landscape-scale before-after-control-impact experiment.
Biol. Conserv. 277, 1-11, (article identifier: 109846), 2023.
Journal metrics:
D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
D1 Nature and Landscape Conservation
Radovics, D., Szabolcs, I. M., Lengyel, S., Mizsei, E.: Hide or die when the winds bring wings: predator avoidance by activity shift in a mountain snake.
Front Zool. 20, 1-10, (article identifier: 17), 2023.
Journal metrics:
D1 Animal Science and Zoology
Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
Mizsei, E., Buday, M., Rák, G., Bancsik, B., Radovics, D., Szabolcs, I. M., Móré, A., Vadász, C., Dudás, G., Lengyel, S.: Automated image processing for quantitative characterization of grassland vegetation structure: microhabitat selection in threatened meadow and steppe vipers.
Jablonski, D., Sillero, N., Oskyrko, O., Bellati, A., Čeirāns, A., Cheylan, M., Cogălniceanu, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Crochet, P. A., Crottini, A., Doronin, I., Džukić, G., Géniez, P., Ilgaz, Ç., Iosif, R., Jandzik, D., Jelić, D., Litvinchuk, S. N., Ljubisavljević, K., Lymberakis, P., Mikulíček, P., Mizsei, E., Moravec, J., Najbar, B., Pabijan, M., Pupins, M., Sourrouille, P., Strachinis, I., Szabolcs, I. M., Thanou, E., Tzoras, E., Vergilov, V., Vörös, J., Gvoždík, V.: The distribution and biogeography of slow worms (Anguis, Squamata) across the Western Palearctic, with an emphasis on secondary contact zones.
Amphib. Reptil. 42, 519-530, 2021.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Animal Science and Zoology
Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
Szabolcs, I. M., Mizsei, E., Golemaj, A., Jablonski, D.: The Moorish gecko, Tarentola mauritanica Linnaeus, 1758 (Squamata, Phyllodactylidae), in Albania.
Herpetozoa. 34, 159-162, 2021.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Animal Science and Zoology
Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
Mizsei, E., Szabolcs, I. M., Szabó, L., Boros, Z., Mersini, K., Roussos, S. A., Dimaki, M., Ioannidis, Y., Végvári, Z., Lengyel, S.: Determining priority areas for an Endangered cold-adapted snake on warming mountaintops.
Oryx. 55 (3), 334-343, 2020.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation
Lengyel, S., Mester, B., Szabolcs, I. M., Szepesváry, C., Szabó, G., Polyák, L., Boros, Z., Mizsei, E., Málnás, K., Mérő, T. O., Aradi, C.: Restoration for variability: emergence of the habitat diversity paradigm in terrestrial ecosystem restoration.
Restor. Ecol. 28 (5), 1087-1099, 2020.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Ecology
Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
D1 Nature and Landscape Conservation
Mester, B., Szepesváry, C., Szabolcs, I. M., Mizsei, E., Mérő, T. O., Málnás, K., Lengyel, S.: Salvaging bycatch data for conservation: Unexpected benefits of restored grasslands to amphibians in wetland buffer zones and ecological corridors.
Ecol. Eng. 153, 1-10, (article identifier: 105916), 2020.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Environmental Engineering
Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law
Q1 Nature and Landscape Conservation
Mizsei, E., Jablonski, D., Cogălniceanu, D., Iosif, R., Strachinis, I., Tzoras, E., Sós, T., Speybroeck, J., Ilgaz, Ç., Burić, I., Vörös, J., Lengyel, S., Végvári, Z., Bán, M., Szabolcs, I. M.: A Balkán-félsziget természetvédelmi prioritásai herpetológiai szempontból: a Balkan Herps projekt előzetes eredményei.
In: VI. Herpetológiai Előadóülés : Előadások összefoglalói, Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest, 26, 2019.
Mizsei, E., Boros, Z., Lovas-Kiss, Á., Szepesváry, C., Szabolcs, I. M., Rák, G., Ujszegi, J., Gál, Z., Lengyel, S., Puskás, G.: A trait-based framework for understanding predator-prey relationships: Trait matching between a specialist snake and its insect prey.
Funct. Ecol. 33 (12), 2354-2368, 2019.
Journal metrics:
D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
Mizsei, E., Jablonski, D., Cogălniceanu, D., Ruben, I., Strachinis, I., Tzoras, E., Sós, T., Speybroeck, J., Ilgaz, Ç., Burić, I., Vörös, J., Lengyel, S., Végvári, Z., Bán, M., Szabolcs, I. M.: Balkan herps project: spatial conservation priorities for the amphibians and reptiles in the Balkan Peninsula.
In: XX. European Congress of Herpetology : Programme & Abstracts, University of Milan, Milano, 44, 2019. ISBN: 9791220052849
Dufresnes, C., Strachinis, I., Suriadna, N., Mykytynets, G., Cogălniceanu, D., Székely, P., Vukov, T., Arntzen, J. W., Wielstra, B., Lymberakis, P., Geffen, E., Gafny, S., Kumlutaş, Y., Ilgaz, Ç., Candan, K., Mizsei, E., Szabolcs, I. M., Kolenda, K., Smirnov, N., Géniez, P., Lukanov, S., Crochet, P. A., Dubey, S., Perrin, N., Litvinchuk, S. N., Denoël, M.: Phylogeography of a cryptic speciation continuum in Eurasian spadefoot toads (Pelobates).
Mol. Ecol. 28 (13), 3257-3270, 2019.
Journal metrics:
D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
D1 Genetics
Mizsei, E., Zinenko, O., Sillero, N., Ferri, V., Roussos, S. A., Szabolcs, I. M.: The distribution of meadow and steppe vipers (Vipera graeca, V. renardi and V. ursinii): a revision of the New Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles of Europe.
Basic and Applied Herpetology. 32, 1-7, 2018.
Mizsei, E., Szabolcs, I. M., Dimaki, M., Roussos, S. A., Ioannidis, Y.: Vipera graeca.
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2018, 1-11, 2018.
Mizsei, E., Szabolcs, I. M., Szabó, L., Boros, Z., Végvári, Z., Lengyel, S.: A görög karsztvipera (Vipera graeca) élőhelyeinek természetvédelmi rangsorolása.
In: XI. Magyar Természetvédelmi Biológia Konferencia : Absztrakt kötet / Szerkesztette: Mizsei Edvárd és Szepesváry Csaba, Magyar Biológiai Társaság, Budapest, 111-112, 2017.
Mester, B., Szabolcs, I. M., Szalai, M., Tóth, M., Mérő, T. O., Szepesváry, C., Polyák, L., Puky, M., Lengyel, S.: Az Egyek-pusztakócsi mocsarak (Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park) kétéltűfaunája.
Termvéd. Közl. 23, 50-67, 2017.
Jablonski, D., Szabolcs, I. M., Simović, A., Mizsei, E.: Color and pattern variation of the Balkan whip snake,Hierophis gemonensis (Laurenti, 1768).
Turk. J. Zool. 41, 363-369, 2017.
Journal metrics:
Q3 Animal Science and Zoology
Szabolcs, I. M., Mizsei, E., Szabó, L., Boros, Z., Végvári, Z., Lengyel, S.: Conservation ecology of the Greek meadow viper II: spatial prioritization.
In: 5th Biology of the Vipers, [s.n.], Chefchaouen, Morocco, 37, 2017.
Mizsei, E., Szabolcs, I. M., Szabó, L., Boros, Z., Roussos, S. A., Dimaki, M., Ioannidis, Y., Végvári, Z., Lengyel, S.: Conservation ecology of the Greek meadow viper I: threats.
In: 5th Biology of the Vipers, [s.n.], Chefchaouen, Morocco, 36, 2017.
Carrizo, S. F., Lengyel, S., Kapusi, F., Szabolcs, I. M., Kasperidus, H. D., Scholz, M., Markovic, D., Freyhof, J., Cid, N., Cardoso, A. C., Darwall, W.: Critical catchments for freshwater biodiversity conservation in Europe: identification, prioritisation and gap analysis.
J. Appl. Ecol. 54 (4), 1209-1218, 2017.
Journal metrics:
D1 Ecology
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